as if north koria would attack the second most powerfull nation on earth
stupid film
shareStupid biggjaay, who cannot spell North Korea.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Man, the hillbillies are out in force... Yes, North Korea or any other country or extremist group who hates the US could and might well attack the US. Probably just not this way. Remember 9-11? And no doubt your retort would be "And now Bin Ladin's dead. U-S-A! U-S-A!" which would prove nothing since you said that it would be unrealistic for North Korea to attack the US simply because of the sheer size and strength of the country. No sir, the real question is how a redneck monkey like yourself came upon a computer and not only managed to power it up, but sign into IMDb and string together what could pass as a sentence.
shareI'm more surprised that you could type some words.
shareYou don't even have a clue do you? Typical extremist liberal with nothing to show but ad hominem attacks upon another's person.
Yes, North Korea or any other country or extremist group who hates the US could and might well attack the US.
Easy Sailor!
I don't think Neighbour was attacking YOU.
As far as keeping his opinions on 9-11 to himself: THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD. It's sole purpose is for the expression of opinions.
Also, it was stated that the invasion was a coalition of forces. The North Koreans just handled the Pacific North West.
Easy Sailor!
I don't think Neighbour was attacking YOU.
I think he just doesn't know how the "reply" function works and wrote his reply to the main poster as a reply to you on accident... it wouldn't make any sense for him to call you a redneck for correcting someone's spelling.
"nobody leaves the world wrestling federation" - MST3K
it wouldn't make any sense for him to call you a redneck for correcting someone's spelling.
You are perhaps the stupidest person on this board.
First, it looks like neighbourinblack was trying to reply to OP but made a mistake. You in your dense head couldn't figure that out on your own so you attacked him and call him a liberal extremist for saying NOTHING that is even liberal. How is thinking that N.Korea wouldn't be able to attack the US in the manner they did in the film but more like a 9/11 be a liberal (extremist) opinion? That actually sounds a bit more nationalistic, that the US is nearly untouchable, thus making his comment more conservative.
Also, you actually take youtube comments seriously? That's were retards, racist, and far right wingers post unless it's a music video. Even then, the retards and racist sometimes come out for those videos.
And your first post was to call the OP stupid for spelling North Korea wrong. It most likely was a typo or was done for trolling purposes but even if it wasn't, your stupid ass made some spelling and grammar mistakes too.
Now stop watching Sean Limbaugh O'Reilly on Fox News
p.s. My ASVAB AFQT score was 97.
Liberals, trolls, and dumbasses (the three are not mutually exclusive)
Actually, he is a Tea Partier, one of your kindred. All the dumbasses are on the GOP clown bus.
shareI do think you have mistaken the comment as being one applying to you and then really have rather jumped in with both feet rather than perhaps saying, yes I see, it was addressed to the original poster who could not spell etc. It often happens on the internet (in effect a version of "you talking to me?") and then turning it into a general scattergun against liberals in general is kind of demonstrating that basically you don't like liberals anyway - regardless of whether they are insulting someone else or you (even though that post was not)
shareCareful there now. Your prejudice, narrow mindedness, and hypocrisy is showing.
And, if you were even half as smart as you think you are, it would have been extremely obvious to you that neighbourinblack's reply was intended for OP, not you.
And if you were half as smart as you thought you were, you'd realize you are replying to a years old thread.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Poor America! Everybody even everything attacks America. Aliens, Russian, Korean, Arabs. Everybody everything. So it is their right to throw everybody everything to fire. They have right to pollute atmosphere. They are against Kyoto. But they are in a big danger. This is what we learn from American movies!
Imdb actually started in the UK, but is now owned by Amazon, an American company, that's why there's so many euros venting there hate for America here.
hey ironclad, neighbour is right, you idiots are out in force.....first of all, no one is jealous of the usa
second of all, its a british made message board, look it up
with that in mind it makes your pathetic and depraved comment even more hilarious, so much so that i consider it worth resurrecting a dead thread
clearly you do care because a, you were the one who brought it up in the first place without doing your research and b, you are here replying to my comments
You don't even have a clue do you? Typical extremist liberal with nothing to show but ad hominem attacks upon another's person.
Re: as if north koria would attack the second most powerfull nation on earth
by CGSailor 4 days ago (Tue Mar 26 2013 15:29:38)
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Stupid biggjaay, who cannot spell North Korea.
And your point is?
FACT: He couldn't spell North Korea.
FACT: he got other information wrong as well (USA the SECOND most powerful in the world?)
Pointing out facts is not an ad hominem.
Whereas the attack upon me was made up falsehoods with no basis in reality. thus it was an ad hominem.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Wow Sailor. You have some serious psychological issues. Did you forget your meds?
Neighbour was responding to the OP, biggyjay, not you. There was no "ad hominim" attack directed at you, Mr. 88%. But, you calling Neighbour a "liberal piece of trash" WAS an "ad hominim" attack. So now, I'm going to attack you "ad hominim." You are a typical extremist conservative who thinks everything is about him. Also, if you heard MY opinions on 9-11, your little pea-brain would implode. Now, go read your latest issue of American Spectator or Guns & Ammo and plot the demise of the greatest threat facing America marriage.
Neighbour was responding to the OP, biggyjay, not you.
This is an automatic notification from the Internet Movie Database message
The user 'neighbourinblack' just replied to your post:
'Re: as if north koria would attack the second most powerfull nation on earth'
in the 'Red Dawn (2012)' board using a subject of:
'Re: as if north koria would attack the second most powerfull nation on earth'
You may read their reply here: 558213#212558213
Most people click the respond button on the last message in the thread. Yes, they are using the message board incorrectly. Bottom line though, if you look at the body of Neighbour's message, it's referring to the statement made by the OP. Nowhere in his post does he mention you or the fact that you called out the OP for his misspelling of Korea. It's all in response to biggyjay's comment about the film being stupid because North Korea wouldn't attack us. Perhaps this was all lost on you because Limbaugh wasn't here to tell you how to interpret it.
Not to everyone Not-so-great Moghul.
Only to the moron posters and trolls such as yourself "Lamb basting"? Still? even though you've been corrected how many times? proof of your troll status.
And Koria again? even though you KNOW it's Korea.
Fraking troll
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Although he replied to your post, the comment itself was obviously directed at the OP, biggyjaay-273-600149.
shareMoghul is a known troll that has taken a fascination with me and follows my posts to post utter *beep* about being Military. the Kid has never served a day in his life. He is a kid. a rotten spoiled one at that. He is non-American yet claims to be in US military service. He is a stolen valor troll.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
I was referring to the original post you replied to, dude.
And your point is?
FACT: He couldn't spell North Korea.
Pointing out facts is not an ad hominem.
Whereas the attack upon me was made up falsehoods with no basis in reality. thus it was an ad hominem.
Hipocrite? Maybe, but then so are you.
Or is not "Whining Manchild", "Temper Tantrums", "Discipline of a toddler", and "Disgrace to the uniform" not also ad hominems?
And it was not a typo, those are pretty easy to spot in a typed setting. Where an additional, incorrect, or out of order letter is NEXT TO the correct key. Being that "i" and "e" are separate parts of the keyboard, the i was not "accidental" and thus a typo.
In typing that last I made a typo... typing "thusd" which I then corrected. Note that the additional "d" is beside the correct letter "s" and my finger hit both by accident. THAT is a typo, not a misspelling. Koria is a misspelling.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
It's hypocrite. And the y isn't next to the i, so it's not a typo.
shareFACT: he got other information wrong as well (USA the SECOND most powerful in the world?)
Simply having the largest numerical population does not qualify a nation to be the world's most powerful.
Sorry, but China is not the the #1 most powerful Nation in the world.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
"I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the Navy is 2/3 semen! -Certified Gay Sailor"
I think we can all agree that you're a complete moron, weather you take that as a personal attack is beside the point. The 2nd most powerful is a dig at the fact the USA is China's bitch.
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
Wow... what a complete trolling *beep* retard you are. Without a damned thing worth saying, much less listening to.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
Here he is again, the king of the trolls, try posting about the movie whose board your on, you never say anything about the actual movie, instead you just recycle military jargon you probably rip from wiki, insult people for not doing the same and spout your idiotic anti liberal jibberish .
stop infesting IMDB with your smug arrogant and boring post's, oh and if that's your real picture, my god dude lie, I mean that is a face that is just asking to be punched.
and yes this is just a personal attack because you sicken me and just about every other person with the misfortune to engage with you.
oh and as a none American I really hope and pray Hillary gets in, and yes it is my business, its the whole worlds business and will be as long as the US makes the whole world its business.
share88 is low, I got a 99. The test could be taken by a second grader.
share88 is NOT low. 99 is a perfect score which I SERIOUSLY DOUBT you got.
and no.. a second grader could NOT take the test.
You're just being an ass.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
I got a 99 too. It was a breeze. I can't believe you got answers wrong, CGSailor. You're an idiot.
"Well if it isn't fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison!"
@ CGSailor - you, sir, are a disgrace to the US Navy and that uniform you supposedly wear in that pic.
shareThanks for sharing, not that you opinion counts for anything. Based in ignorance as it is.
The post to which you responded was accurate.
88 is NOT a low score.
Based upon the other poster's claim of 88 being low, I have legitimate doubts the other person has ever even took the ASVAB much less scored a 99.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
North Korea does have the ability to attack the USA, that is a fact.
It could attack US forces in South Korea. It could attack US forces in Japan. It could attack the US Pacific Fleet. Or it could attack mainland USA.
There are many ways that North Korea could attack mainland USA:
1. Ballistic missiles. It is just a matter of time before it has ICBM's capable of reaching the USA direct, if not already. Current missiles could be fired from islands or ships closer to the USA.
2. Troops smuggled into the USA on ships or aircraft.
3. Ship-bombs in US ports.I would not be surprised if North Korea hasn't already placed nuclear bombs in US ports.
4. Submarines sinking US merchant ships.
5. Cyber attacks. Already done.
There are many other ways that Korea could inflict pain on the USA.
Your IQ does not mean that you know anything about North Korea's military capabilities, or America's inability to counter them.
Thanks for playing just how stupid can you be.
North Korea does have the ability to attack the USA, that is a fact.
It could attack US forces in South Korea.
It could attack US forces in Japan.
It could attack the US Pacific Fleet.
Or it could attack mainland USA.
1. Ballistic missiles. It is just a matter of time before it has ICBM's capable of reaching the USA direct, if not already. Current missiles could be fired from islands or ships closer to the USA.North Korea does not have the ability to launch ICBMs from ships. Nor do they own or have access to "Islands closer to the US" The North Pacific is pretty sparse Island-wise and most all of them are owned by the Good 'Ol USA.
2. Troops smuggled into the USA on ships or aircraft.
3. Ship-bombs in US ports.I would not be surprised if North Korea hasn't already placed nuclear bombs in US ports.
4. Submarines sinking US merchant ships.
5. Cyber attacks. Already done.
Your IQ does not mean that you know anything about North Korea's military capabilities, or America's inability to counter them.
9-11 is a phone number. 9/11 is a date, just saying.
share9-11 is also a date.
911 is a phone number.
I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!
I realize that it's two years after the fact, but I was actually intending to reply to biggyjaay and not you, CGSailor. Now that I think about it, I recall seeing that I had replied to you but felt that the body of my message made it obvious enough that I was responding to biggyjaay and not you; I guess I was wrong. I popped on here to see what's been posted since because to be honest, I haven't checked this really since posting that. I forgot I even wrote that and chuckled at it and then saw my name. I see that you were offended which was unfortunate and I apologize. I see you went on a bit of a war with some other posters on here. Sorry that my error set you on that destructive path.
Also, RE: FlipcrackaE, I didn't say anything about an invasion and neither did the OP, even. He said attack. I don't see how being British or Canadian would affect the validity of my opinion on whether or not one country would attack another country. They can be compelled to do so out of fear or hatred with little regard to self-preservation.
Have a nice day.
by the way you spell "neighbour" i'm gonna assume you're a brit.. and a twit.. try again.. yes attacks can be attempted.. but a full on invasion of the united states? it will never happen.
I doubt it very seriously.Use some common sense.We would most likely see a civil insurrection before an invasion.
shareMaybe he's thinking about Argentinian Paleontologist Rodolfo Koria? Perhaps he thinks dinosaurs will attack the continental US?
shareThat's "Biggyjaay"
Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
as if reality and the movie industry have anything in common
shareActually, the United States is the #1 most powerful nation on Earth by statistics and rankings. It's us, then Russia, then China. And China does have more manpower than we do, but we still have an immense amount of manpower - over 1.4 million - and we have the technological advancements, plus the equipment to round it all out. More than 8,300 tanks, over 15,000 aircraft and a Navy so powerful that our 11+ aircraft carriers alone - by far, the most in the world - make us the undisputed king of the sea...
sharegeopolitical analysts have said that the US is the only superpower in the world. like what was said before, we have the most powerful navy and one of the strongest, most advanced armies in the world. yes china has more soldiers, but those soldiers are pointless in battle if you have no navy to deploy and support them overseas.
also, the current US military expenditure is larger than the combined expenditure of China, Russia, UK, and France.
the US also has hundreds of nuclear missiles in its arsenal. the only other nation with that many nuclear weapons is Russia.
I agree. And Russia is actually #2 in military strength overall. There's no denying, no matter how much our detractors try to, that the United States military is still the single most awesome fighting force on the face of the Earth. And despite the way I put that, I wasn't being arrogant: It's a statistical fact...
shareThe US undisputedly has the most advanced and most funded army. However in theory it is partly owned by the Chinese through public debts.
shareYea they wouldn't. This is just a stupid propaganda film that was "coincidently" released just months before this recent talk of war against North Korea.
shareI have no idea how that is relevant, but thanks for the laugh. Seriously, that's properly funny!
for your horror & fantasy illustration needs -
Hmm.... sounds pretty familiar right about now