Unfortunately, I don't have one to add, but I feel that I have to bump this. It's hilarious :-D
EDIT: Okay, I came up with one. "Hello. Do you know why you are here? You constantly eat a ton of junk food. Do you know what crap is in that stuff? Here's the deal. Inject yourself with all these chemicals in sixty seconds. It should be no problem, with all the chemicals you eat every day. If you fail to complete your task, these spikes you see around your stomach will pierce your stomach, along with the arties and aorta near it, and you will bleed out instantly. Will you fill your body with even more of the crap you ingest so often, or let your stomach be filled instead with the metal that causes your instant death? Live or die, make your choice.... Though you'll probably die young anyway, with all that sh!t you eat."
Forgive me for not leaping for joy, bad back, you know.