MovieChat Forums > Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) Discussion > Anchorman 2 as left liberal propaganda m...

Anchorman 2 as left liberal propaganda movie

Search for 'Red Ice Insight - Anchorman 2 Review & The Politics of Will Ferrell' on Youtube, or go to: to see how much left liberal propaganda and ridicule of traditional America there is in this movie.

They portray straight, white American males as backward imbeciles, and everyone else as innocent, yet wise saints. This is in order to regulate behaviour and attitudes, and show us what to venerate, and what to curse. They take us for fools, and is consistent with the leftist leanings of the makers of this movie, and many others.

There will be more exposing of this to come.


Carkvdl ... sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

This is my opinion. You're welcome to yours, but you will be wrong.


Grrr_yeah 😂 I'm so stealing that!

frosties are just cornflakes for people that can't face reality



If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - George W. Bush


Shut up.


>>>There will be more exposing of this to come.

Why wait, I'll expose your BS right now.

>>>They portray straight, white American males as backward imbeciles,

Gary was not portrayed as a backwards imbecile. He had the ability to read minds. Jack "Lame" was fairly innocent.

>>>and everyone else as innocent, yet wise saints.

Linda Jackson was not innocent. Neither were any of the diverse characters on any of the other news teams. The corrupt station owner was clearly Australian. Drake's character was "cat-calling" Veronica.

The only main characters portrayed as "innocent, yet wise saints" were Veronica, Gary, and the son. Unless you want to count the extras, most of which were white, American, and male.

Also, were there any conversations between named female characters that were not about men who either of them were interested in? Neither Chani's boss, the seaworld trainers, nor the members of the "E" news team have names listed on the credits.
