MovieChat Forums > Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013) Discussion > Anchorman 2 as left liberal propaganda m...

Anchorman 2 as left liberal propaganda movie

Search for 'Red Ice Insight - Anchorman 2 Review & The Politics of Will Ferrell' on Youtube, or go to: to see how much left liberal propaganda and ridicule of traditional America there is in this movie.

They portray straight, white American males as backward imbeciles, and everyone else as innocent, yet wise saints. This is in order to regulate behaviour and attitudes, and show us what to venerate, and what to curse. They take us for fools, and is consistent with the leftist leanings of the makers of this movie, and many others.

There will be more exposing of this to come.


" to see how much left liberal propaganda and ridicule of traditional America there is in this movie"

Whereas this is just a movie, REAL ridicule of American values can be readily seen and heard via the Republican party and their hatred of the poor, women, minorities and children...

Yeah, 'boo movie', right?

At least the film was INTENTIONALLY funny.

Karstens Creations


Lighten up, Francis.


They're just making fun of Fox "news." and yeah, lighten up.


I found this film pretty funny and they took shots at the 24 h news channels generally (as well as the over emphaisis of patriotism), bit like Jon Stewart in The Daily Show. I appriciated the critical approach of this film, which undoubtedly is "left liberal propaganda" to some.


Wow. The OP must be slow. Granted, all right wingers are slow. But to worry about an absurdist comedy portraying white men in a bad light ??? What an absolute moron.


Much truth here.


Completely agree with your assessment. It was like they looked at the first one and then tried to modify it so that women would like it and therefore went full retard and turned to leftist liberalism to achieve that goal.

Thats why this movie as a result missed the mark completely and wasn't as funny as the first as it had been dumbed down. In the fight between Ron and the black lady you just knew it was going to be some dirty underhanded way she would win. You knew based on the way the rest of the film had been pandering to women that she couldn't lose and when films get to that state of predictability they are completely worthless.

With all the sexist crap they pulled by having the other characters spouting offensive stuff against men while the fight was going on was yet another example of hatred being directed towards men.

Its about time we stopped looking to appease these retarded leftists who keep running to the government instead of growing a pair of balls and doing things themselves. What am I saying that will never happen.


Honest-fu*king-ly what does anyone in America have against the concept of liberalism? You don't want free speech or elections? or property? or due justice? Conservatives fail to realize how opposing their idea of a supposed ideal of freedom is with constantly hating the term liberal. We know what you want, go ahead and be Putin's serfs.


OR, this is what it looks like when a white, male-dominated society makes a comedy. The leads are all white males, and they act like clowns. Everybody else is the boring straight-man, there only in an assist role to help the white male stars be funny.

But no, you're probably right. There's a conspiracy against you.

Edited to add: Speaking more broadly, do you guys understand how comedy works? Humor comes from undermining the boss. Partly because he's big enough to take it, partly because at heart we're egalitarians who like to see the elite be deflated, and partly because our sympathies lie with the underdog. The reason it's funny to make fun of white men is because everywhere outside of comic fantasy we have an overwhelming share of the power. I don't remember who said it, but the one rule of comedy is never make fun of someone with less power than you. If a white comedian is going to make fun of something it'll have to be either himself or another white man, or he'll just come off as a bully, and only bullies would find it funny. (That's not always a matter of race and gender, though -- it's no fun to see a rich woman make fun of a poor man, either.)

This is life at the top, fellas.


^So safe, PC comedy is the only respectable way to go then huh? Personally I'm for comedy poking fun at people and races from ALL segments of our society. No group of people should be completely off limits when it comes to exposing all the absurdity of humankind and it's many incomprehensible ways. To solely go after the safest and most convenient of targets in our society in comedy films(i.e. the rich, white, male and straight) is quite disingenuous and condescending on the part of those filmakers in all honesty. And it ultimately becomes boring, stale and painfully predictable after awhile. And I don't really know anyone who actually enjoys having that in any of the comedies they view.

But I suppose that I'm probably just being racist and misogynist again for preferring to see all segments of society parodied in one form or another rather than just one singular group of people. Oh well.

"Life IS pain highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something".


I think you're doing a better job of convincing me that White Men are idiots than this movie did.

reply HAVE to be kidding...

'When you hang a man, you better look at him.'
