Is Abby a pedophile? (Spoiler warning)
I just watched this film again, but with the knowledge that Abby is not a 12 year old girl. I started seeing things that I hadn't noticed before.
Even though Abby looks like a preteen girl, she would have the emotional maturity of an adult. With that in mind, I saw Abby's interactions with Owen in a very different light. She was grooming him, just as an expert pedophile would.
At their first meeting Abby tells Owen they can't be friends. She is dirty and she smells bad.
Only after her caretaker fails to bring her enough blood to sustain her do we see her become friendly with Owen. She is cleaned up with her hair brushed and no longer smelly. It is clear that she has decided to replace her caretaker.
Her "Father" was in Owen's place 50 years before, and it is likely Owen will be in his place 50 years from now.
I'm not sure it was deliberate on the film maker's part, but Abby is incredibly insidious.
They never say how old Abby actually is, but when she was looking at the Romeo and Juliet book, I almost expected her to say, "I remember old "Willy". And she could have been quite old even then. How many times has she taken a new caretaker in? And Owen is exactly the find of kid Abby needed. Someone with no friends, the target of bullies, and weak.
She uses her appearance to lead these boys into a life they would not have gone into by choice.