Terrence Howard Rhodey Better Than Don Cheadle Rhodey
Terrence Howard Rhodey Better Than Don Cheadle Rhodey
shareTerrence Howard Rhodey Better Than Don Cheadle Rhodey
Definitely! People don't like mayor cast changes in sequels that aren't properly justified. Howard not only portrayed a better Rhodey; but acted much better, IMHO. Cheadle is just boring and overrated, all around. The switch was, for me, one of the main reasons it could never be on par with the first one. So it was obv for the worst...
shareI much preferred Cheadle's Rhodey. He demanded more respect and had a better chemistry with Downey Jr.
I'm glad that headcase Howard is gone. Cheadle is far more of Downey's speed and actually got the humor in the series. I cannot respect Howard due to his misogyny and the fact he beats up women. What an arse. I love Don Cheadle because he's so much more human and respectful and doesn't bite the hand that feeds him.
http://defamer.gawker.com/the-six-times-terrence-howard-has-been-accus ed-of-beati-1121955457
"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon
don cheadle felt like he was given the script to iron man 2 while sitting on the hair and makeup chair prepping filming the day of.
but Don Cheadle was really great in Iron Man 3. him and tony have a pretty cool buddy cop chemistry going, and he actually has some good lines and an important role to play. he's a nice support system to tony through the movie.
I really like them both, but I also feel that Cheadle had better timing for the humor and tounge in cheek moments. I seriously can't imagine Terrence Howard in the "oh... you breath fire? o-okay" sequence. Cheadle's reaction there is both hilarious and spot-on.
You, sir, said it perfectly.
shareCheadle is a far better actor. He's perfect as Janes Rhodes. I don't even remember Howard.
shareI don't really agree. Howard does have a more charismatic personality, he has a much stronger presence on the screen, but from Iron Man 2 you can tell that the studio decided Rhodey will be sort of a sidekick to Iron Man, and for that I think Cheadle is the perfect choice. He accepts (probably even enjoys) being the second guy after RDJ, Howard is definitely not fit for such a role.
shareEven though I can't stand Howard, I thought he was better.