MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > Only 6.6 for this great movie, hate for ...

Only 6.6 for this great movie, hate for Gibson is absurd! Shame on you!

Last I saw:
The Next Three Days 8.5/10
Real Steel 8.5/10


I liked the film very uch,, and really don't get all the hate it got,, i'm happy with it and that's all that matter's too me .
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite



You shouldn't criticize an actor based on their "real" life in movies they make. Personally whatever the actors or actresses do with their life is none of my concern. As long they do their job on the screen I'm a happy clam.


I like Mel Gibson, I don't care about his infamous hate speech... But this is just a 5.5/10 movie cause it was nothing special

Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...


Yup, he certainly doesn't deserve the hate because of some drunk'n comments he made 15 years ago. He, along with Tom Cruise, are two of the hardest working actors in the business, and yet they constantly get blasted in the msm. It's beyond absurd.


Mel, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, these guys are still working and still a draw for audiences for good reason, because they care enough about the audience to consistently produce good stuff. Even when Mel releases a straight to video movie like Get the Gringo, he can knock the stuffing out of his competition.

The irony is unlike people like George Clooney or Brad Pitt or even Tom Cruise, when the movie actually does suck, he can actually make it seem good. Look at Bird On A Wire for instance. Then, there's George Clooney, the actor who was actually recognized by the Academy for his acting. The American was awful and Clooney came off as awful in it.



Brilliant! :)


The film was boring. Only just finished watching and I've already forgotten most of it.
