MovieChat Forums > The Inbetweeners (2010) Discussion > Does this show really deserve the praise...

Does this show really deserve the praise?

I know i'm probably the cynical prick in the room but I don't see the show being so good it needed a film. Series 2 was pretty dreadful. I actually started off with s2 when first watching it a year ago by accident and when I realized and watched s1 I was like 'this is so much better'. I dont think the show was overall that great. A lot of the 'humour' is forced. The comedy seems to revolve around Simon getting stressed and snapping at others in a sarcastic manner which is pretty low comedy imo. I don't like the tall stupid one either. His character bores me.

I'm not saying it's bad.It beats Pete v life by a mile. I'm just saying it is very highly praised for being a slightly above average comedy. Would of liked to of seen Garth Marenghi's Dark Place get a film.


They have a schtick and they do it hilariously well. I can never get sick of the show... I can watch every episode over and over. This is why I am SO glad there is a movie - I've been dying for more!


yes it deserves the praise it funny series 2 was great, the humour cant be forced alot of it is based on real life experiances and most of the stories are things we all did as a teen i.e field trips, a teacher rumoured to be a peado, trying to get served, fancying a girl at school you cant get, one of your mates having a car, being bullied, being new to a school, holidays with your mates, road trips, going clubbing, going to parties, taking the piss out of your mates parents, fancying your mates mum or sister, you and a mate fancying the same girl, exam stress, the list is endless,.

the simon stuff i.e snapping is only really in series 3 there were a coupleof times it did seem a little crazy and over acted like in s301 but s1 and 2 definately deserve praise.

and yes it does deserve a movie as you couldnt realy do a lads holiday in 6 half hour segments


Well, I agree with you anyway. Sadly, when it comes to The Inbetweeners (and Lady Gaga, for some reason), fellow people who think "Hang on a second ... what's all the fuss about?" are hard to come by.

I'm 20 years old now, would have been around 17 when it first started, so I'm well within their target demographic, but it's never done anything for me. It's like Skins but with even more juvenile attempts at comedy (as well as some uncomfortable lifting from far better shows such as Peep Show and The Office/Extras).

Agreed wholeheartedly on Darkplace, too. A film version would be completely justified (considering it's meant to be "real" anyway), whereas The Inbetweeners movie serves no purpose but to cash in on the success of the series.

These bastards!


I have to agree w NoodleLizard. Seen it praised and commented on other notice boards here and so thought Id have a go at it. Now after 5 eps of series 1 I quit watching - feel what's the fuss about. Too slapsticky for my taste. So there are other's out here who just think, naaah. I guess one of the issues for me is the absence of female main characters.


I think there are a lot of weaknesses in the show. Namely some of the editing and filming aesthetics; however, I think there's a perfect depiction of male teenage frustration, evinced by 4 foul-mouthed jerks who bond with each other by joking about banging their friend's or mocking their friend's dad. To me it's a classic portrayal with a lot of funny one-liners that remind me of a lot of the stupid stuff I would say in that age.

It's not great art, but I think it has its place and deserves praise as an adolescent comedy.


why is it a case of it needed a film,it doens need one its good enough on its own but the writers have an idea for a film, that probably wont work as a tv series


I think it's pretty good comedy and especially if you can related to it. However maybe I'm just too old (not for age but mentally, and not in totally good way) but this series doesn't get me that well.



I am 47 and i think it is a great show. Plenty of laugh out loud moments and the characters are excellent. More depth to the show than at first is realised.



I recently watched (for the first time) all three seasons on Netflix and I laughed out loud throughout.

I never laugh out loud normally. It certainly hit the spot with me and I'm in my 40's.

Yes it's crude and filthy, but it's written so well i think and the characters work so good together.

I think it IS worth the praise.


I like it. My only problem is that Will and Simon can act a bit too stupid at times. Especially Will seems like he is borderline retarded or suffering from Aspergers syndrom with some of his actions.

