MovieChat Forums > The Fourth Kind (2009) Discussion > Looking for similar movie

Looking for similar movie


I saw a trailer within the last couple of years (maybe 3?) which was a movie also about aliens or something. It was very mysterious. It was about two guys staying in some cabin and then weird stuff started happening. I really want to find it and watch it, but it's almost impossible to Google this (or not?).

I guess its a psychological thriller/horror movie. Very discrete about the aliens (maybe its not even aliens)...

Help! :)


Have you found it yet?


the first thing that popped in my head was Resolution, great movie


The Very best Found Footage movies.

Here is my recent list of the best FF movies IMO

Let us share our lists and suggestions, so we may all perhaps find something new to watch, one worthy!

I promise you this list is what you seek.

Check it out, The Best movies ever made. (I think)


Watch "Communion".


Not sure if you've found what you were looking for, I'd also suggest "Resolution" (which was excellent, imo), or possibly Pod? Haven't seen it, but it involves two brothers (and a sister), a cabin and aliens.
