I don't really care if it's whitewashing or not. It's an adaptation of a Japanese story by a country that's mostly white. Americans don't HAVE to cast a Asian actor if they don't want to, it's not their responsibility. The Japanese certainly don't bother casting white actors to play white characters. But there are two things I find stupid about casting non-Asians:
One, if you're going for a non-Japanese cast, then also change the names and location. Just make it a completely American story.
Two, considering all the blackwashing and whiny PC crap coming from Hollywood and specifically Scarlett Johansson, they're a bunch of hypocrites for making this film and defending it. Here's their opportunity to finally give some Asian actors a chance. It's just more proof they're full of shit.
But what's even the use of an American adaptation? If I was a fan of the manga, I'd prefer to watch the Japanese adaptation anyway.