MovieChat Forums > Escape Plan (2013) Discussion > Why didn't they just kill them?

Why didn't they just kill them?

So why spend an insane amount of money to keep prisoners for ever in a private prison (an illegal one nonetheless) ?

Assassination would have a been a more cost effective approach, it would have also ensured that no one would ever escape...

I get that there would have been no movie otherwise but that didn't make much sense to me.



They give the prisionera rec time because holding someone in a small spacee, with no social contact, no freedom to move, can cause insanity. Theirs a reason when someone gets thrown in the box itw for a certain amount of time.


I was thinking that also, but Guantanamo Bay is basically the same thing. I'd say either they had information somebody wanted out of them, or they were too well connected to kill and there would be less blowback if they were instead locked away for life.


The prisoners are often referred to as 'assets' in the film. My guess is that they were kept alive partly to get information from them and partly to be used as bargaining chips by governments in their shady deals with political groups. A government could persuade a terrorist group to ease off by making promises (real or false) to release one of their leaders, for example. If they just kill the leader they have no bargaining chips.


Yeah, that sounds right to me.


Do you understand what you are writing? You are the worst kind of monster.


From what I understood, the prisoners were being incarcerated by private funding. I assume these prisoners have information that someone wants. Thats why they're not just killed.

I do believe in you... I just know you are going to fail.


To know what flaws are there in the prison system. If he could break it, then it has some cracks needed to patch up so it would be impossible for anyone to escape.

Can't say the same thing about the others. If a prisoner has some valuable information like Manheim (Arnold) then it is ok to let him live.

But a guy like Javed? Drug dealers? I say they shouldn't be even kidnapped in the first place to be kept alive in a prison. They should be killed in the streets.

"Friends are dangerous things" ~ John Cavil


they should take cues from Magnetos prisons


Because he was getting paid for keeping them alive.

Love is the one thing that transcends the barriers of time and space.


Why don't the US Government kill all the inmates in Guantanimo?
