Please don't make suggestions that reveal how stupid you are. The plan is not to let them back into society but they can't kill them because all of these people have information that someone needs, thus why they are being kept there and tortured constantly. This is stated like 3 times in the movie.
I am sorry I wasn't too elaborate on my answer. I understood people will still be kept for information.
Another thought though: The prison is illegal, therefore not held under any supervision. The warden can pretty much do as he likes. So, why would all these very dangerous guys be held together for what seems to be a good deal of the day. Or even if it is an hour recreation time, there is no reason what so ever to let them out of their cells, giving them the opportunity to plot an escape.
I do agree on that. I think there are a lot of weaknesses in the final script (not to mention the prison itself). Like, why would all the cameras be connected? And they can be manipulated at the flick of a switch? Really? Or have tracking sensors that you can just pull out to disable them? It's a lot of silliness, but a lot of the movie is like that. I wish it was better, but you can either sit back and nit pick, or just try and let yourself enjoy a fun throwback.
Well, I don't consider myself to be a nitpicky guy. I usually look up the goofs section after I watched a movie and always skip on continuity issues. I just don't care what time a clock said it was.
But when the issues become so large as to design an illegal prison without government supervision and allow prisoners to be in contact with one another (along with what you mentioned) that is just taking it too far.
One could make a plee for the sentimental touch (with Stallone and Schwarzenegger) but I think the most crappy films of either hasn't such blatant mistakes.
So, why would all these very dangerous guys be held together for what seems to be a good deal of the day. Or even if it is an hour recreation time, there is no reason what so ever to let them out of their cells, giving them the opportunity to plot an escape.
One reason I can think of is to use one prisoner to get the info they seek from another prisoner.
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Thought about that too. And it might be a valid argument. But in fact besides the point.
They wanted to create an escape-proof prison. I think, if you want it ecap-proof and don't have to follow any rules, you make glass cages, suspended with bridge acces and keep them there 24 hours a day. Also you make interaction between prisoners and guards impossible. And last but not least, you make sure that if they get to the outside, they cannot go anywhere. The artic was named for a suitable region to that extent. The Siberian camps speak for themselves I guess.
Yeah the movie was fun to watch but the plot is crazy. A secret prison hidden from everyone, and they still have regular prison regulations of recreation in an open space. Crazy..
On the other hand, maybe the gov. wanted to make sure they can get these criminals to show up alive in case people accused gov to kill inmates. Don't know. Its not that logical since the inmate would them tell people about the weird prison. Seems like they were there for good, no matter what. Only way they leave these prisons are when they die and become fish food.
I understand your question. Whats the purpose of the prison on our society? I can think of 2 reasons, one is authority condemn killing and they believe people change. But this prison just ignore those 2 purpose.
Prisons exist to keep dangerous criminals away from normal people, the only reason Australia is even a country is because its specific isolated location made it a convenient prison.
Prisons exist to keep dangerous criminals away from normal people, the only reason Australia is even a country is because its specific isolated location made it a convenient prison.
This movie does not make any sense at all. At such modern era, really can there be a ship that big sailing here and there without anyone question it ? The ship does not have any vibration at all when moving at sea ?
Who would want to fund all these "prisoners" + ship expenses (fuel, employee, maintenance) etc for the whole of it's time ?? I believe if those funders paid once to let unwanted person go the the prison for big sum. But I don't believe if they would want to fund it until the person die. Better assasinate. Get done with it.
Maybe this movie will be much better if Arnie & syl tried to hack a real normal maximum security instead
That's kind of a dumb thing to say. 1) The whole fun of the movie is that they ARE on a boat, so it makes you really question how they will ever be able to get out (versus just trying to escape a "normal" as you say maximum security prison...what fun that will be to watch). 2) Have you even done any research about a boat that size? Actual research? Probably not, you probably have no idea what you're talking about, and I'm not saying I do either, but that's kind of the point. Just to assume because you know what the ocean is like, that every single boat will rock, regardless of the size, is naive. And even if it's not true, 3) this is a giant high concept (do you know what that means?) B movie. You shouldn't be watching in the first place if you expect everything to make sense...haven't you watched Arnold and Stallone's 90s films....
they were paid to keep them inside, not to kill them. if it was about killing then the organizations could do it themselves free of charge. they probably paid the prison every month to make them suffer.
I agree the only reason to have a prison is when someone is found guilty in the justice system so they can pay for their crimes and try to be rehabilitated back into society if they don't plan on ever releasing the person and there is no possibility of appeal or release why not just kill them? even death row and life prisoners are there because society will not let us just kill them beause of our morals... if you hold them without trial or chance of facing the justice system then your already condemning them to death but over a long time which cost lots of money and threat of rioting and prisoner revolts because they have nothing to lose... another Hollywood concept that fails.
That is not an idea that occurs to everyone. George W. Bush illegally kidnapped and held prisoners indefinitely. Obama is more clever, so instead of illegally taking people prisoner, he just illegally kills them, including US citizens.
So that aspect of the movie is completely true to life.
Did anyone else here find it interesting that they were referred to as assets and not inmates or prisoners? Also, when they knife that geezer on the way to the tomb, they (Vinny Jones specifically) loses a months pay....They don't want the prisoners dead, just never to be seen or heard from again unless needed. But also thinking about Arnie's structure in the movie, it would be a great way to bleed info out of someone. Kinda like a floating Gitmo---not that that kind of stuff doesn't cross some moral boundaries or anything. They're assets, becuase the jailer gets paid well to house these nutters, keep them alive (the only control the inmates have is the ability to breathe) until needed at a later date.