MovieChat Forums > Escape Plan (2013) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Escape Plan

100 things I learned from Escape Plan

1) If you're in a maximum security prison planning an escape, feel free to openly discuss your plans within earshot of guards and dozens of fellow inmates because nobody will hear you.

2) Alternatively, if you're discussing your plans and a guard approaches, immediately stop talking, watch him suspiciously until he leaves, then continue your conversation. He won't suspect a thing.

3) Similarly, if you're trying to take secretive readings using a homemade sextant while you're supposed to be praying, stare at the guard who is making his rounds to make sure he's out of sight before continuing your activities. He'll completely fail to notice your suspicious behavior and walk right on by.

4) 50 Cent must have one hell of an agent, because it's certain he didn't land this part based on his acting skills. He makes Schwarzenegger and Stallone look like consummate thespians.

5) James Caviezel can make even a bad film watchable.

6) A light source that is hot enough to pop steel rivets apparently isn't hot enough to burn a human being to a crisp.

7) A security guard in a prison won't think anything is amiss when one day, a thin, plastic film suddenly appears on a keypad.

8) When trying to guess a four-digit code when you know the numbers but not their order, you're sure to get it on your first try.

9) When a security camera unexpectedly goes dark, don't bother checking on the troublesome prisoner the camera is watching, just reboot the system instead and hope that fixes it.

10) You can ignite barrels helpfully labeled "FUEL" by shooting them with a lead bullet.

11) If you're trying to break a prisoner by torturing him, and your methods are proving to be super effective, that's the exact moment when you should stop and allow him to regain his confidence and sense of purpose.

12) The "Badass Schwarzenegger Squinty Eyed Close-Up" never gets old.


These "100 Things I Learned" are the most lame, unfunny, try hard, pointless, irritating, non-nonsensical threads on IMDb.

In that case, feel free to exercise your right to not read or participate in these threads.



You're free to do whatever you want, of course, but I certainly have to question the intelligence and judgement of someone who takes the time to participate in a thread that he claims offends his sensibilities. Like I said earlier, these "100 Things I Learned From..." threads are an IMDB tradition, but I suppose part of that tradition includes some self-righteous dumbass coming along to tell us how much he hates "100 Things I Learned From..." threads, so thanks for doing your part.



I already have reason to question your intelligence and judgement. The fact that the mere existence of this thread causes you "pent-up frustration" compels me to question your maturity as well. The funniest part is that your little tantrum is all for naught. You can cry and stamp your feet all you want, but this thread is still here, and similar threads will inevitably pop-up on other IMDB forums in the future. You're going to give yourself an ulcer if you get your panties in a wad every time you see one.



Might be a good idea for you to avoid them, then.


34) Schwarzenegger looks pretty awesome with a goatee.

35) You can spend an extended period of time next to a bank of high intensity lights, and the worse that'll happen is you'll get a little dehydrated.

36) Prison guards never bother frisking an inmate even when he's obviously concealing something under his shirt.

37) A doctor in a high security prison facility leaves his supplies out in the open where a patient can easily grab them while being treated.

38) This same doctor will place himself at great risk and turn on his unscrupulous warden just because an inmate happens to know some specific details about a certain book in the warden's office.


39) The most 'escape-proof' prison will have a security camera system where ripping one camera out will disable ALL the other cameras, however many there may be.

40) A man shot in the stomach and who can't continue to escape will, however, be able to stand up and fire two handguns - in opposite directions simultaneously - at the encroaching guards.

41) Vinnie Jones does not ever get type cast... not ever... no.


34) Schwarzenegger looks pretty awesome with a goatee.

Hell yeah!


You better hope you're not the guy Arnold calls a favor against.


Just like WHITE HOUSE DOWN, this movie is absolute garbage. Your not nittpicking. Your telling the truth in my opinion. Too many idiotic things in this movie to even like it. Felt like a Straight-To-DVD movie.


Why come to a site and diss the movie. Okay so you didn't like it. Move along there must be something else you could put your energy to use. Why don't you work on a math question.


Hey Secretgarden, how many times have you seen the movie already? Ive already seen some of your posts saying you saw it again and again, so whats the count at now?

Did you really see this 3+ times? Something tells me your a guy that jerks off to watching Arnold and Sly films. Do you have a camouflage suit and helmet you put on during the watching/and or jerking off? Or maybe you work for an advertising firm that tries to sell tickets for lame movies. I know a guy who actually does this. Studio who made a movie paid an advertising firm to spam positive things about their film. He was one of the crew that had to randomly spam crap like yours over and over. Easiest job in the world!!!

I cant believe this movie even made it to theaters. And, yes expendables 2 sucked as well. You probably jizzed all over that movie too.


Shucks you caught me. You must have been the guy in front of me. I told you I was sorry when I shot my load into your box of popcorn. But like I said mixed in with the butter you can't even tell. And the back of your hair now has a much nicer shine to it. So I don't know what your complaining about.

Perhaps next time you can sit beside me and hold the blanket while I exercise my right to enjoy touching myself, as well as it cleans out my prostate and relieve some of the stress.

See you at the movies big boy , says with a wink and a pat on the bum. while licking lips. :-)

Ps. Let me know where you'll be sitting in the theatre when Expendables 3 comes out. I'll make sure I save a nice big load for you. YOu'll think its snowing in the theatre winks. See you lover boy. wink!


The bad guys will remove any tracking device injected in your body but will forget to inject one to know where you are inside/outside the prision...


76. A ship this big isn't visible by satellites or even other ships that might sail on the ocean.

Yes I know the ocean is huge but at some point in time surely a ship or a plane must be within eyesight of that ship and they'd wonder what it is wouldn't they?


Love these threads, keep 'em coming, we haven't reached 100 yet.
And yes, this movie was pretty lame, no reason why we can't poke fun at a movie like this. I am surprised that the goofs page is so small, I could add 100's of goofs from this movie.
And Joseph, you really need to lighten up mate, it's not asif we are poking fun at Shindler's List, gosh.


A lawyer can also be a scientist/engineer/genius and a badass fighter, bad enough to voluntarlly be sent to prisions were other inmates could rape him.


42. both the CIA background checks as well as Warden Hobbs' background checks are pretty lame (we've got 24 hours before Hobbs finds out the Romania location is fake". You can get a cushy, CIA government job as the daughter does, even though her father (Arnold's character) is a drug-lord. That could never happen as they would search for these kind of red-flag/skeltons, thus disqualifying her.

43. 50 cent still uses chloroform in 2013? "Sleepy-time MF"

44. email communications (the Dr. @ the end) are not monitored

45. Hobbs' gets amazing cell service for being on a freaking tanker in the middle of the ocean while he can still talk to Clark about their plans when Clark reveals who Ray is.

46. If you have a government agreement to break out of prisons for a living to test their effectiveness don't turn it into a tell-all book lest it fall into the wrong hands ala Hobbs who uses your own secrets to improve on them via "the tomb"

46b. you could never write such a book due to 'classified information' and all that government secrecy mumbo-jumbo but if you do, DON'T use a pseudonym

47. you can place Clark in a semi on a tanker in his car and not only will he still continue to sleep thru it all but customs agents won't hear, see, or suspect anything and won't bother to actually open up the bed and check its contents for inventory, etc. (someone got paid off?) That was very "Raiders of the Lost Ark" esque.

48. if you want to plan a riot, the best time to it is during the lunch time when all the prisoners are together that way those pesky clear glass cells are just a nice idea but irrelevant.

49. One of the most, if not the most high-tech prison in the word will fail to do basic fingerprinting upon the booking of each of the new prisoners for the purposes of background checks for Ray and Rottmeier, just to make sure there are no undercover cops etc. Even Walker Texas Ranger and other shows have done this much.

50. There were no women @ the prison serving as either guards or inmates, not to mention a disproportionately inaccurately large percentage of white inmates based on incarceration statistics.

51. When you are being taken away, your kidnappers will always do it in a black van.

52. those kidnappers will know to scan your body for a tracking chip embedded under your skin (must have been mentioned in Ray's book?)


While the kidnappers will scan and find your tracking ship embedded under the skin, they will not embed one of they own to track your wereabouts inside the prison


@50. black people are disproportionately incarcerated but it seems to always be for more petty crimes :drug possession, drug selling, robbery etc. but this jail is for the baddest of the bad :drug LORDS, terrorists, serial killers etc.


Had a good laugh, just a nitpick, Arnold was a financial terrorist not a drug lord- We wouldn't want you to miss the films socialist themes now would we.


#53 Prison Riots are totally immune to tear gas without any visible eye stinging effect.

#54 Guards don't need to wear gas masks when shooting tear gas since it has no effect anyway (see #53)

#55 IMBD posters claim that a four digit code consists of 24 combinations while there are at a minimum 9999 combinations for single digit sequences and gazillions for double or triple digit sequences.

#56 Prisoner (Sly) gets noticed by guards his first time out, yet control room is not notified of break-out. Warden thinks bolts just popped out at Sly's cell after consulting deputy.

#57 Warden takes his time chatting to a freaked out prisoner while at another cell the camera is out and all cells are flooding high value prisoners

#58 Reading Hippocratic Oath removes immediately medically unrelated remorse

#59 Motion detectors are so much better than micro-chipping inmates


tassos3, thank you man. You made my day when you said

"#55 IMBD posters claim that a four digit code consists of 24 combinations while there are at a minimum 9999 combinations for single digit sequences and gazillions for double or triple digit sequences. "

All these moronic trolls like secretgarden are complete idiots when it comes to math. I posted your same argument about the movie and they said the same thing. I didnt even bother to post anything back because I truly knew I was dealing with a bunch of morons and/or paid off studio trolls trying to sell tickets.


I don't think one needs a degree in math to figure out that sales of 24 combinations locks would be too low in maximum security prisons.

I guess most people confuse combinations with permutations. All locks digital or manual, even the ones on high school lockers, work on permutations (i.e. the order of numbers matters). The term combination is used too loosely in every day life so I am just being humorous, don't mean to offend no one. It was a fun movie with too may goofs, especially the "expired" tear gas.


PS: thing is I still can't figure out how some dudes came up with 24 "combinations". Any ideas?[/spoiler]


Wasn't the point that he knows which 4 numbers the code consists of. He only needs to guess the order, 4*3*2*1=24.


Wasn't the point that he knows which 4 numbers the code consists of. He only needs to guess the order, 4*3*2*1=24.

Yes. 24 is correct.


he knows the 4 numbers already so 24 is correct, watch the scene before you come on imdb trying to sound smart


Wow are you full of it. Your name is mathematicalharmony but you either suck at math or didn't watch the movie.

Stallone knows the code is 4 digits (he hears/sees the guard punch them in every time he's locked back up). Stallone sees 4 finger prints. That means it's 4 separate numbers.

That's 24 combinations. Period.

Now granted, that's a little over a 4% chance of nailing it and since he blew up a car we know he only had one shot at this thing. So we need to accept that he got pretty lucky and that the pad didn't have a lock after 3 or 5 incorrect guesses.

Not saying the movie's the most realistic, but get out of my face with 9999 combinations. You prob moan about the writers getting lazy on the script. Well again, you either suck at math or were too lazy to pick up on pretty clear points. Take your pick and shut up next time.


there ARE 24 combinations what are you talking about?
