MovieChat Forums > Escape Plan (2013) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Escape Plan

100 things I learned from Escape Plan

1) If you're in a maximum security prison planning an escape, feel free to openly discuss your plans within earshot of guards and dozens of fellow inmates because nobody will hear you.

2) Alternatively, if you're discussing your plans and a guard approaches, immediately stop talking, watch him suspiciously until he leaves, then continue your conversation. He won't suspect a thing.

3) Similarly, if you're trying to take secretive readings using a homemade sextant while you're supposed to be praying, stare at the guard who is making his rounds to make sure he's out of sight before continuing your activities. He'll completely fail to notice your suspicious behavior and walk right on by.

4) 50 Cent must have one hell of an agent, because it's certain he didn't land this part based on his acting skills. He makes Schwarzenegger and Stallone look like consummate thespians.

5) James Caviezel can make even a bad film watchable.

6) A light source that is hot enough to pop steel rivets apparently isn't hot enough to burn a human being to a crisp.

7) A security guard in a prison won't think anything is amiss when one day, a thin, plastic film suddenly appears on a keypad.

8) When trying to guess a four-digit code when you know the numbers but not their order, you're sure to get it on your first try.

9) When a security camera unexpectedly goes dark, don't bother checking on the troublesome prisoner the camera is watching, just reboot the system instead and hope that fixes it.

10) You can ignite barrels helpfully labeled "FUEL" by shooting them with a lead bullet.

11) If you're trying to break a prisoner by torturing him, and your methods are proving to be super effective, that's the exact moment when you should stop and allow him to regain his confidence and sense of purpose.

12) The "Badass Schwarzenegger Squinty Eyed Close-Up" never gets old.


I had to laugh at you and your post. Most people go to see a film to be entertained, sit back and enjoy the ride and the feel a movie brings even if people fly through the air in a cape or turn into monsters. Most people realize hey this is a movie. But no not you. You go so you can nitpick every little detail down to a small morsel you remind me of a scrooge.

Lighten up Darren dont' take things to seriously, how can you enjoy any movie if all your going to do is wait and watch for things that shouldn't be in a film or things that arn't realistic. Its a Movie for pete sake.

Most people grasp that the actors are doing this for the camera and for the audience to hear and understand but that we dont' take everything we see litterly. Thats where a person common sense would come in. Which obvious you are lacking in.

Still laughing, just imagine the time you must have taken to put this silly point system in place. sighs


I suggest you lighten up. "100 things I learned from..." threads are an IMDB tradition and are generally light-hearted discussions for people to point out plot holes, logical inconsistencies, and other absurdities in a movie, even if they happened to enjoy it. I say "generally" because it's not uncommon for a prig like you to come along and question the intent of the thread and those who participate in it.

Stop taking yourself so damn seriously and learn to laugh. :)


He he okay I like your last line below learn to laugh. I promise you im doing that right now. oh and sorry I didn't know that imdb tradition is to point out plot holes , logical inconsistencies etc.. I just came across your 100 points and was shocked someone would go to all that trouble. But since its a tradition here. I guess I missed the memo.

Thanks for informing me :-)


You are one pathetic loser. I can just picture you now sitting in the theater with a little notepad writing this stuff while the rest of the audience is enjoying the movie and life in general. I bet making this thread was on your mind throughout the entire movie, because that's how much of a pathetic waste of life you are.



Some of you people need to lighten up. You're wound up way too tight and far too easily offended.

Darren --- Nicely done. Although I'm a lifelong Arnie and Stallone fan as well as a die-hard movie fan I found your post to be very amusing and entertaining. Keep up the good work.

I may even take a crack at a "100 things I learned..." post myself one day, if the right movie comes along.

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! THIS IS THE WAR ROOM!


Agreed - the irony of people getting very irate at someone who's written a lighthearted (and accurate) dissection of this movie's MANY plot failures.


I like "100 Things I learned from x" threads but re "generally light-hearted discussions for people to point out plot holes, logical inconsistencies, and other absurdities in a movie", I don't see them that way. I see them more like a comedy routine in the vein of "Imagine if we were to assume that everything in films is meant to be more or less a documentary, and not just that, but educational via showing exemplar situations, where we read everything as ideally representative of types/natural kinds". In other words, I read them as people more or less "playing dumb" and acting like they don't get the idea of fiction . . . which I agree is fun, but it is not pointing out anything that's a flaw with the film.


Actually the film was entertaining and I (and I assumed the OP as well) was entertain. So what ? We cannot be even more entertained by a really funny thread ?!

I think YOU should stop to take things to seriously and you should enjoy it as much as we do or just ignore this thread.



I love these 100 things I learned threads

I have never seen one which didn't make me laugh.

The best one I ever saw was the remake of Conan The Barbarian.

Zombie films are a common movie genre to get these threads.

Personally I think this movie was deliberately cliched though, almost a parody of the Arnie and Sly movies in the 1980's. There were too many obvious cliches and nods to their films in quick succession for this idea to be dismissed.

You can actually name all the Arnie and Sly movies you have seen the same things.

It should be super easy to reach 100 learned things with this movie. :D


13) Housing a maximum security prison on an oil tanker is actually a really good idea. It's like Alcatraz on steroids.

14) Fat guys routinely check their watch when it's close to lunchtime.

15) You can instantly and completely shutdown a ship with only a few strokes on a computer keyboard.

16) Professional women are terrible cooks.

17) Did I mention that 50 Cent is a terrible actor?

18) Schwarzenegger is much more convincing as an actor when he speaks his native Austrian.


Austrian? Come on. There is no such thing.

19) There is no warden Marsh.

20) Don't say Alahu Akbar if Jesus points a gun at you.


21) Not even Stallone can design an escape proof prison.


there IS Austrian German

(icheckmovies: IMDb vote history-compatible movielist host)


There are "dutch" and "german", no austrian lol


18) Schwarzenegger is much more convincing as an actor when he speaks his native Austrian.

Hell Yes! That was probably some of the best acting of Arnold's career!

I will not die sober! -Jordan Belfort


Love 14!

15b) A lawyer-turned-professional prison breaker - clearly shocked to find himself incarcerated on a prison ship - intuitively knows exactly how to disable a ship with the aforementioned keyboard.


For one I just finished the film, f'ing loved, by far the most entertaining action film I've seen in months(that's a few hundred films). BUT, the OP is definitely on point with starting a thread as titled.

As sh!t went by I kept thinking, damn I should have had a notepad for all of the comical inaccuracies that just kept popping up, I was just having too much fun to give a crap about em, thus the film's rating still being high at 7.4 currently.

Unfortunately my short term memory is pathetic in films, so I'll have to watch the net copy again to iron more of em out, but off the top of my head & experience:

#21: My prison milk carton was never packaged in that manner, but that could be argued regarding supplier.

#22: Having spent months in a maximum security hole, all the dickhead CO's there make it a point to slam the the living f'k out of the tray door after the tray is delivered then lock it with a key(the door itself is electric). Regardless as the OP said guessing the correct digit order is near impossible on the first try, BUT say he did get them, the prison "hole" or SHU: Secured Housing Unit, is like a prison within a prison and the block's exit is through an electronic gate/door controlled by a "bubble" or block office control center and needs to be opened from the outside or by radio. After that you would run into the same kind of secured gates, some of which are double doors where one opens: you walk a few steps, it closes behind you, then Central control opens the gate in front of you.

#23: This one, and I can't believe they used this in the script, using the counter clockwise toilet flush doesn't mean jack squat except which way the slants were directed at the manufacturer, Yes egg heads, toilets do not flush backwards in Australia, or anyway due to their geographical location!

#23B:^Prison cell toilets don't flush anyway but down, they are tankless and designed to flush anything that dumbass's could possibly try to fit down it in order to flood their cell, which they do a lot.


#24: A "black ops" floating prison barge doctor is fine with seeing endless atrocities to accused terrorists while working, but listens to Joe nobody's ridiculous yarn all because of his.....HIPPOCRATIC OATH! The hell with empathy, respect or humanity that's all f'kin good to abandon, but don't cross that holy oath!


#25: A helicopter is bulletproof from 1,000+ rounds fired at it close range from assault rifles held by trained mercenaries.


#25.5 And yet, one pistol bullet from the main villain damages it enough to send the internal alarms off, and black smoke to come pouring out.


26. A prison with hundreds of prisoners and guards only need one doctor on duty 24/7.

27. If you kill a prisoner and throw him out a plane, you lose a months pay.

28. It's ok to kill dozens of prison guards because it's Arnold and Sly and we need a body count.


#29: Apparently not one of the "hot box" detainees appeared to have the need for eye protection from a billion watt light setup.

#30: It's OK to make friends with and bond with a terrorist if it suits your needs, planning to break him out with you no less.


In the movie it's said that he's a drug lord, not a terrorist.


wowww... way to racially profile. He's a drug lord you *beep*


wowww... way to racially profile.

I'm sure the character will be most displeased at this turn of events.

He's a drug lord you *beep*

Is that more preferable?


Technically all they said is that his opium dealing BUDDIES sold him out- he may still be an insurgent leader or something- since they tend to run those things anyway. But yeah, regardless, an opiates lord does far more damage than some religitard who cuts of some poor sods head on TV every now and again.


Seems to me like some of you didn't even see the movie. I mean come on

8) When trying to guess a four-digit code when you know the numbers but not their order, you're sure to get it on your first try.

Thats ridiculous since he didn't guess it on the first try he tried many combinations before he guessed the right one. Not that its that much of a problem since there is only 24 combinations.


Thats ridiculous since he didn't guess it on the first try he tried many combinations before he guessed the right one. Not that its that much of a problem since there is only 24 combinations.

Yea ONLY 24 combinations, easily done in seconds, what was I thinking?


So you're suggesting they should've shown him attempting all the combinations?


I kind of like those 100 things ... threads.

Still, regarding this "1st try". Who said it was first try. He could have spent several occasions in that room, trying out different code combinations (as I doubt it was changed daily and I understood he did spend some time in that little cell).

I mean, they don´t have to show us every second and every try ... we can (should be able to) figure it out by ourselves. I think it was said he spent something like 50+ days in that prison...


I admit, I didn't even pick up on the whole combination variation issue during the film or even after it when I was trying to think of goofy things, again I loved this film, it was a blast and in order for the maker's to include the immense amount of material they literally didn't have seconds to spare, especially with minor sh!t that will fly over 99%+ of audience while watching it(the combo scene)

There have been "100 things.." threads I've despised over the years, sometimes people take these things and use it as pure hatred towards films(albeit some films are deserving of it like Scary Movie 5 for example). Also I've had a lot of fun with some where the list ran up to around 150, Prometheus had a good "100" thread that was hilarious and I liked that film too

The one thing that bothered me while watching(the only big thing)was the ease of him getting through multiple locked double doors that are present in every maximum security prison and RSU aka "the hole" is usually in the belly of the prison. I was a high level trustee in a prison and to get out of RHU after your cell door cracks, you're facing a minimum of 7 solid steel electronic gates, two of them managed by the block officers(it's doable), but after that it's up to the central control office to acknowledge you by camera, that goes for trustees as well as CO's, to get out, there are three separate corridors where you wait until one door closes behind you before the next opens, the last set of doors is monitored HEAVILY as it's out into the lobby after that. There are many protocols in place for any situation, some vehicle exploding outside would immediately put the entire prison on full lockdown until the issue is resolved. There are tons of issues that cause a prison to go into lockdown.

So, was the first breakout a little lazy, yea. Was it good enough and entertaining enough for a film to come outta the gate with that much intensity, hell yea. Did I just write a novel to achieve a moot point, it certainly looks like it,lol


It's called "cut", you cut movie and not show everything. You don't see prisoners go to the toilet either.


That would be so hot, though, for scat fetishists.


actually, they showed him using his peripheral vision to watch the guard punch in the combination. after he'd seen the approximate location order, he was able to use the plastic to determine which buttons to hit.


I completely disagree, Middle_Eye. It seems like some of you are taking this thread and concept much too seriously.

These discussions exist for us to point out humorous facts about the movie, maybe even goofs and oversights. It's just good fun that people can join in on if they wish by listing some of their own facts.

I'm actually very surprised by the negative reception here, as usually everyone really enjoys threads like this and has a blast. As stated by the original poster, this is sort of an IMDB tradition. If it really irritates you so much, avoid such threads in the future. This one's title couldn't possibly be more self-explanatory, so unless you suffered from a bout of temporary blindness, there's no excuse for you to have clicked it. No one forced you to, that's for sure.

Carry on, folks!



Woah, dude (dudette?)! Are you beatin' on a fun 80's throwback flick? You heartless (motherless) "See You En Tee!" I'll assume you can work that one out for yourself! As for Killer Movies' insults, they were actually not bad and far from infantile yawn remark-worthy. So you pick on my boy, ya pick on Arnie and Sly, and ya come on here, all foreigner-like, and trample all over our delicate sensibilities?

What's wrong with you? I'm all upset now! Boo Hoo!

Intro - Jellyman, Offspring, Offspring, Jellyman. Gimme some fin, noggin, dude!


Ok, lets discuss the movie and have some deep intellectual conversations about this serious action film. What exactly was your intent when you came to this board genius? If you can't laugh at some of a film's silly content then try taking the flagpole outta your ass. Personally I enjoyed the film so much I came here to bullsh!t about anything at all regardless of the topic.

If you're gonna watch crazy ridiculously action films you may want to find a sense of humor, maybe get out more, find some friends, maybe lose your virginity ect.
Nobody has even trashed the film here, just had fun with it, double up your antidepressant and come back and 3-4 weeks, sound good bozo?

Btw, the unprovoked name calling shows alotta class you obviously lack.



Yea you know what you're absolutely right, even pediphiles are allowed to express their opinions so you're free as anyone else to splatter ignorance anywhere you like, especially considering this board is likely the only safe place you can do it, without getting your head kicked in of course. If you're gonna throw the word cun✞ around so freely, do it justice and apply it to the sow that birthed you.

I've said my peace and have much much better things to do than talk to some skinny geek behind a pc so continue on if you like you'll be talkin trash to yourself. It's not like there's a damn thing an anonymous newb(that hides his profile no less) could possibly say at this point that I could care about. I've been dealing with dicks on the internet for nearly 20 years, I don't start pointless arguments, I finish them and whether you know it or not, this one's over.

Congrats, you're #23 on the ignore list, give yourself a firm pat on the back, you earned it girl, sucked the harmless fun out of the thread faster than a crackwhore to a dude holdin a fat rock.

(I've heard that feeling you have right now can be cured by smashing your head against a brick wall)


If you're gonna watch crazy ridiculously action films you may want to find a sense of humor, maybe get out more, find some friends, maybe lose your virginity ect.
Nobody has even trashed the film here, just had fun with it, double up your antidepressant and come back and 3-4 weeks, sound good bozo?

Ouch!!  That's pretty harsh but the guy was sort of asking for it.


31. Arnold and Sly have great chemistry together

32. Escape Plan was AWESOME

33. It's a disgrace we live in a time that a Arnold/Sly movie can't open to a $20+ million opening weekend.


31. Arnold and Sly have great chemistry together

32. Escape Plan was AWESOME

33. It's a disgrace we live in a time that a Arnold/Sly movie can't open to a $20+ million opening weekend.



34. Double-Crossing partners are germaphobes.

35. There is always a camel transport in the desert.

36. Dual directional gun glazing always makes you look like a bad ass.

37. Military grade mounted rifles are easily detached and give very little recoil.

38. Sly is an avid collector of spit balls.

39. Prison guards like fruitcake.

40. Never wear glasses near Arnold.
