100 things I learned from Escape Plan
1) If you're in a maximum security prison planning an escape, feel free to openly discuss your plans within earshot of guards and dozens of fellow inmates because nobody will hear you.
2) Alternatively, if you're discussing your plans and a guard approaches, immediately stop talking, watch him suspiciously until he leaves, then continue your conversation. He won't suspect a thing.
3) Similarly, if you're trying to take secretive readings using a homemade sextant while you're supposed to be praying, stare at the guard who is making his rounds to make sure he's out of sight before continuing your activities. He'll completely fail to notice your suspicious behavior and walk right on by.
4) 50 Cent must have one hell of an agent, because it's certain he didn't land this part based on his acting skills. He makes Schwarzenegger and Stallone look like consummate thespians.
5) James Caviezel can make even a bad film watchable.
6) A light source that is hot enough to pop steel rivets apparently isn't hot enough to burn a human being to a crisp.
7) A security guard in a prison won't think anything is amiss when one day, a thin, plastic film suddenly appears on a keypad.
8) When trying to guess a four-digit code when you know the numbers but not their order, you're sure to get it on your first try.
9) When a security camera unexpectedly goes dark, don't bother checking on the troublesome prisoner the camera is watching, just reboot the system instead and hope that fixes it.
10) You can ignite barrels helpfully labeled "FUEL" by shooting them with a lead bullet.
11) If you're trying to break a prisoner by torturing him, and your methods are proving to be super effective, that's the exact moment when you should stop and allow him to regain his confidence and sense of purpose.
12) The "Badass Schwarzenegger Squinty Eyed Close-Up" never gets old.