MovieChat Forums > The Lone Ranger (2013) Discussion > Why we HATE this movie so much

Why we HATE this movie so much

Is because we don't want to be reminded Americans massacred the natives.


Lol, did you even watch it though?

"It's better to run and live than to stay and die." Cesar -TMWC


Because they write stupid stuff like this:

Why we HATE this movie so much
by myheartislikeawheel
IMDb member since March 2014

Is because we don't want to be reminded Americans massacred the natives.

Imagine, some doofus joined IMDb just so he could post some insipid inanity like this. I'd call that the very definition of troll.


wow i really hate myheartislikeawheel lmao.

hes like a douchebag that runs a middle of a group of people playing hacky sack and grabs the sack, runs off, then tells the story about how some people were chasing him because he saved some nerdy kid from them (they were bullies!)

yup, its just like that because both of them are douchebags that are trying to get attention for no other reason beyond getting attention.


Because they turned the massacre of the Indians into a fvcking dumb pathetic throwaway joke that no one laughed at even if it wasn't so awkward (delivery and tone wise) this movie is a train wreck, that scene where he says something wrong with that horse is honestly the worst scene in any movie I have ever seen. If you can think of a worse scene then please tell me so I can avoid that movie too. They should burn every single copy of this fvcking POS movie

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.


Admittedly, I only saw the movie once some time ago and that was on a plane, but I don't remember there being a joke about any massacre. So, I would have been a little disturbed at people laughing at that.

I don't know that the "something is wrong with that horse" line is the worst I have seen in a movie, but I didn't think it too funny. But, your complete hyperbole "They should burn every single copy of this fvcking POS movie" pretty much proves to me you aren't being completely honest in your line "honestly the worst scene in any movie I have ever seen."

Or perhaps you should see more movies.


That's why I asked has anyone seen a worse scene because it is honestly the worst I can think of and that was the joke a bunch of NA got massacred and this idiot makes a dumb horse joke why?

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.


You are the perfect example of the kind of movie viewers that need to be killed with fire before they reproduce.
(See? I can use ridiculous hyperboles too.)
You are clearly not a careful viewer and you clearly value your opinion way more than it is actually worth.

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Do the following in order:

Watch Star Wars. Watch any scene that's supposed to be romantic and listen very carefully to the dialogue between Anakin and Padme.

Now go to the doctor. Find out you have ear cancer.


"Watch Star Wars. Watch any scene that's supposed to be romantic and listen very carefully to the dialogue between Anakin and Padme."

That's how they should educate people on what NOT to do when writing romance.


A worse scene than this was when the giant rats in a cheesy horror film whose name I have forgotten were shown in an angle that revealed they were German Shepards with skinny tails attached to them. Although the massacre of Native Americans was shown, the line about something being wrong with the horse was not in any way related to the event except it was in the same film.


Jeff Goldblum's daughter doing a *beep* gymnastics routine to kill a *beep* goddamn velociraptor. 100 times worse than the horse scene. *beep* stupidest piece of *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* in the history of cinema. *beep*.


Oh yeah, I forgot you can't swear. Jizzum.


It doesn't say much for your language skills that you can't seem to make a point without using curse words.


I was just using them for comedic effect, showing how enraged I was at how stupid the scene was. I can function perfectly capable without curse words. Also, with a post like this, do I really need to even try to make my point? That is one of the most universally hated scenes on the internet. It's stupid and cheesy.

Now stop being a little annoying pansy, and *beep* off.


I was just using them for comedic effect, showing how enraged I was at how stupid the scene was. I can function perfectly capable without curse words. Also, with a post like this, do I really need to even try to make my point? That is one of the most universally hated scenes on the internet. It's stupid and cheesy.

Honestly, this kind of reply is easier to read and makes you look much more intelligent than the other. I am not trying to pick a fight - I am just making comment based on my personal perception.

But if you are talking about the scene with Jeff Goldblum's daughter doing some kind of gymnast's routine to take out a raptor, yes it is horrible and no you don't need to make your point. Well taken!


It is trolling, though, because you know there is ZERO chance that people that think a career as a hired killer for the empire is "the service", and have no problem with the POTUS replacing poor intel imprisoning people, with summary execution, will listen to, let alone get the point.

The point is well taken. What kind of person wears a mask? Oh, striking a bit close to home there...? The anonymous coward gets righteous with the natives and the sheeple bleat their approval.

If people cared, even a tiny little bit, Leonard Peltier would not be in jail. You know they don't. And you know that the few that might DON'T EVER watch Hollyweird or Disney films.

lol Currently reading Austin Fisher's "Radical Frontiers in the Spaghetti Western: Politics, Violence and Popular Italian Cinema". It demonstrates how American films aren't just incapable of a meaningful political semiotic narrative, they actively reject it. This is the country where "American exceptionalism" means bone deep anti-intellectualism. "I don't know crap about this, but I know what I like..." and then they spew their wisdumb. "Entertaining" means, "a whole two hours and I never had to think. Everything I liked I knew by age 5 when I last had an original thought".

So, either you know that and really wouldn't give a damn what these idiots think, or you're hear just to irritate them. Feel sorry for them. They have to wake up with themselves every damn morning.


Ah, the arrogance. If you'd like to debate a specific topic have it, however I for one hate when Hollywood, or any one else, inserts politics or any of that other bull into entertainment. I don't even care if it's something I agree with. I do not go watch a movie to be preached to.

I'd say strictly political films - documentaries or what not - are fine, people know going in what they're in for and all the biases can be critiqued by the other side, but I get enough political nonsense everywhere else, I don't need more of it when I sit down to watch a Western, or a Slasher, or a comedy, etc.


Then don't watch westerns at all, Junior. I love this movie.


Wasn't the best movie I have ever seen, but it was good. Definitely think it deserves better than a 6.6 rating. It had comedy, drama and action, it was not meant to be a historical documentary, it was for entertainment.


I'm surprised I missed this when it was first posted. While I'm sure there MUST be some intelligent people who liked this movie, why is it so far everyone who has posted sounds absolutely retarded? Seriously, if you want to end the debate on abortion have pro lifers look at these threads of any movie that bombs.

What type of dumbass has the insane idea that "This movie bombed because people know it was so awesome, and I'm awesome for liking it".

I have come to agree with partial birth abortions. Can any tell me that the OP dying as a screaming newborn isn't far better then him being a total idiot online? Sure it's a mild annoyance but someone so stupid can't be making any positive contributions to anyone else's life. He lives in the house all the neighbors warn the kids away from on Halloween because he has such a loser vibe.

Dances With Wolves came out a long time ago, and the whole point was Native Americans are magical elves and far better then the evil white man, yet people loved it. Plus, unless they saw the movie how would they know the movie would involve Native American's being slaughtered? Not ever Western has that, Unforgiven didn't.


Lol, always been pro-life myself, but people like you make a good case.


In DWW, all of the white people were evil, ignorant, insane, or weak except for two, the self-cast hero/director (surprise!) and his captive white gf with her anachronistically feathered and highlighted 1980s hairdo. Although DWW went out of its way to portray the Sioux in a sympathetic light on one hand, it ironically showed them as being too stupid or inept to find a massive herd of buffalo on their own without the help of the aforementioned hero white man. How they survived for thousands of years without him is a mystery. DWW had a bigotry all its own in other ways, too. For example, just the Sioux and two white people were portrayed as good. All other white people and indians (such as the Pawnee) were portrayed as one dimensional and mindlessly evil. In the real world, however, the Pawnee and other tribes had a slightly different opinion of the Sioux (example, Massacre Canyon in 1873).


Were you dropped on your head as a child?

And how dare you use a Paul McCartney line for your username, doofus.

"We had part of a Slinky, but I straightened it."


They didn't cast a real Native American as Tonto, and the movie was too long. It was bland at times, and some of the jokes were stale.


They didn't cast a real Native American as Tonto, and the movie was too long. It was bland at times, and some of the jokes were stale.



this movie is definitely underrated! I enjoyed it. The leads were appealing and there was humour.
The finale train chase was really good and was surprised to learn that they actually used real trains and on location shooting rather than the studio blue screen.


They didn't cast a real Native American as Tonto

Right, and Native Americans should never never play anybody but Native Americans, blacks should never play roles traditionally played by Caucasians, whites should never play Othello, etc etc

Get a life. Actors are actors. We stifle their creativity and hang chains on art forms if we condemn people to only play their own ethnicity. It is absurd and offensive to do this to people in the name of political correctness.


agreed aldiboronti.

Didn't Lawrence Fishburne play Perry White in Man of steel-a role written for a caucasian actor? Isn't the Human torch going to be played by Michael B Jordan-a black actor?
Every actor brings something different to the role. I don't mind either way who they cast in these roles as long as the actor sells it.


Not exactly Pish!

Laurence Fishburne played Perry White, who happens to be African American
Fishburne didn't play Perry as a White man. He didn't play Perry as Chines, Latino, Pacific Islander. etc. Perry White, in this movie, happen to be non-Caucasian.

Imagine if Laurence Fishburne as a white man; he talks a certain way that he says is how White people talk. He walks, or shuffles, a certain way, that he says is how White people walk. When he talk, he makes gestures, pointing his fingers a certain way, in a way that he says White people talk.

Or put it this way:

Laurence Fishburne is a Black man. He played a Black character.
... is different from...
Johnny Depp is a White man. He played an Indian.


So, according to your ingenious logic, no heterosexual person should try to play a homosexual person and no homosexual person should ever play a heterosexual person. I mean, let's throw out acting rule books while we're at it. We don't want to hurt anyone's delicate feelings with a PERFORMANCE.


the difference is about visibility.
you cannot see on the outside whether someone is gay, married, an orphan, etc.
you can immediately see whether someone is black, in a wheelchair, a woman, etc.

since the first category is invisible this is something that would be irrelevant to casting-choices: a good actor can play both a gay and a straight character regardless of his own sexuality. a bachelor can play a happily married character. it's called acting.

the second category is where most problems arise. from the white actor putting on make-up and playing a 'colored' character to the able-bodied actor portraying a wheelchair-bound character to the pretty actress uglying herself up for a role: some of the people who actually have this drawback/disability are bound to feel insulted by being portrayed by someone 'who just does not get it'.
and also about being passed over: one more actor playing pretend means one less job for actors who are actually black/disabled/ugly because there is no reciprocal action: in the first category there are married actors playing bachelor roles and bachelor actors playing married roles, but there aren't many jobs for 'ugly actress aiming to portray a pretty girl'


So, according to you, James Cameron and Janette Goldstein are evil racists for creating the iconic Mexican character of Vasquez and Spencer Tracy was evil for his iconic Puerto Rican character, Manuel and the white, Greek actor, Anthony Quinn was evil for his Arab character in Lawrence of Arabia?? They made movie history with some of the most classic characters.



Laurence Fishburne is a black man playing a caucasian character.

Johnny Depp is a white man playing an indian.


Totally. NO ONE could have played Tuco like Eli Wallach did (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Johnny Depp has stated, on several occasions, that he has or likely has Native American ancestry (of varying tribes, most often Cherokee). It has not been verified but I'm sure that he's AT LEAST as much Indian as Rachel Dolezal is black.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


No, it's because it's one of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life, and I collect movies. I think that I had more fun watching Skeleton Man. Johnny Depp is so terrible I feel ashamed for him. I really do. It's cloying, way too long for its quality, not funny at all, forced humor, just terrible.
It's an insult to mankind, an aggression to reason, a damn waste of time for viewers, a hideous waste of money, and Johnny Depp is at his worst, it looks as though Jack Sparrow is playing the character. An even dumber Jack Sparrow. Wow, really a feat, here.
I gave it 1/10, but it's more than it deserves.


Wow. You went into this film with way too high of expectations and zero tolerance... just like all of these other morons. I mean, Jesus Christ. Get Jack Sparrow out of your fcking heads, because this was not the character.


Talk about overacting...

Click here:


I didn't feel insulted when I watched it. Sure it wasn't the best movie ever or anything, but I think you're really exaggerating.


No, it's because it's one of the worst movies I've seen in my entire life, and I collect movies.

Oooooooh! Thus sayeth a credible "movie collector". I collect idiotic IMDB quotes (and I hit the mother-lode with you), so that makes me an authority lol!!

It's an insult to mankind, an aggression to reason, a damn waste of time for viewers,

Who do you think you are, dictating what is or isn't a waste of my(or anyone Else's) time?

While it wasn't even close to my favorite movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You hated it and I respect your right to hate it but your self absorbed, ignorant arrogance is "an aggression to reason".

Grow up.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
