
Shouldn't Rambo have taken Gabrielle to a doctor or hospital the second he rescued her? There was the lady who rescued Rambo, and she could have helped get Gabrielle to a doctor, at least the one who helped fix up Rambo.

I think they didn't do that just so they could have the hyper-revenge aspect locked in.


The cartel owns everything and knows everything, the second he came in a Mexican hospital with a drugged up hooker with a mark on her face, they would be there in minutes.


Her OD'ing didn't make any sense, only a plot device. She was essentially a commodity, a commodity it made sense to keep alive to keep on bringing in $$$. Giving her enough to OD was just dumb.


You can't really depend on those people having knowledge on amount to give someone. Even in the Taken first movie the daughters friend was found dead fom over doping.


They didn't really look new to the sex slave game, meeting with higher ups etc. They should know what they're doing by now.


Granted it is a different mouse each time. But I put out mouse traps in the barn in the same places. I really don't think that bunch learns from mistakes.


I suppose the tea boy could have taken over doping up duties that day.


they dont need to know what they are doing. they just grab a few more girls than they intend to sell knowing a few wont hold out. They arent going to take a 4 year study in anaesthesiology for this.


The people doing these things dont know the proper dosages, which depends on a lot of factors including conditions the woment are kept in. Accidental overdose happens constantly in such places. This is why they usually grab more girls than they sell.


I thought his recon was super sloppy to begin with which precipitated the girl being treated worse. Of course he was meant to get caught so the girl gets treated worse then he has carte blanche to go crazy.

Then again for a Special Forces guy he has always been more about the head on attack.


It’s pretty bad that Rambo is essentially responsible for Gabrielle being maimed and killed, because he bungles his rescue mission by making his presence obvious and carrying her picture around.

Two problems here. These are dumb things that Rambo wouldn’t do, and secondly, the film never acknowledged that Rambo seriously exacerbated her situation with his foolish actions. Rambo would have been guilt ridden about this and yet the film totally leapfrogs over any such reflection.

I really enjoy the film as a brutal revenge flick featuring Rambo in a Taken plot, Stallone’s performance is fantastic (I’m not bothered by the slightly domesticated Rambo, it makes sense he’d be hanging out with normal people on the family ranch) but it makes some silly mistakes.

It looks like they cut out a ton of stuff, perhaps that’s why, but then again I enjoy how lean and mean the film is. At the end of the day I’m here to watch Rambo shred fools.


He hadn’t made it across the border yet. Taking her to a Mexican hospital would have been too risky . I have a ton of problems with this movie but that’s not one of them


or gave her a glass of water atleast, that girl looked parched
