Am I the only one who found the character of Walt absolutely disgusting?
He had very few redeeming qualities. He was an old hate-filled bigot. There is a difference between a "tough old man" and a disgusting bigot who knows nothing but virulent hatred. Not to mention he was a drunk and was drinking beer and doing shots at that bar and I doubt he was walking home. He had likely driven home drunk from that bar thousands of times.
He was a relic from a different time. When people could grab hand out jobs at the Ford factory right out of high school and start pulling in enough to raise a family and by a house than same year. Back when those types of industries where in the U.S. I can also guarantee it is totally beyond his comprehension to realize those types of jobs no longer exists and he would likely accuse someone of being a lazy pussy for not being able to find one.
And his whole hang up about the Korean war only worked against him. How many years ago had then been? Time to get over it. My granddad served in WWII and was a prisoner of war in a Japanese POW camp and he NEVER so much as mentioned the war or any kind of bigotry against the Japanese even though he had literally been tortured. So this whole virulent, incessant hatred of Asians after so many years after the war had ended just did not feel realistic.
All in all I found Walt's character loathsome and pitiful. The guy of angry old man you want to feel sorry for, but who is just such a sickening turd of a human being that you just can't bring yourself to feel bad for him.
And Clint Eastwood's portrayal...Talk about cardboard. He literally had the same facial expression and vocal inflection through the entire movie. To the point where MY face started to hurt from watching his twisted, skeletal expression.
All in all, a very poorly-acted and over-thought and it took itself way too seriously.