Obligatory recap
Of the first movie, and Furiosa's fate:
>Be me, Mad Max
>Escape with King's breeding-concubines (kept safe to try and breed unmutated humans) and his most trusted warrior, Furiosa Road
>She reveals she stole a tanker filled with the most valuable resource, water. Sick
>First thing she does is dump a bunch of it because the concubines are bitching about being dirty. wtf
>Travel to promised land, where a functioning society will take us in
>Turns out the society's women took over
>The women murdered their husbands, brothers, and sons
>Now they just wait around for men they can rape and murder
>These crazy old women act like that's a good thing
>Turn around, head back to King's land
>"He's, like, really mean. He doesn't let us have enough water, and he kills lots of people. Help me kill him."
>I say my first line of dialogue: "k"
>Help Furiosa fight him
>We kill like 50 of his men, who were basically slaves like her. She doesn't really care, though.
>She installs herself as queen and appoints concubines into positions of power
>Their first act is to dump the reserves of their life-giving water onto the dirty soil
>They giggle and watch the peasants wallow around in mud
>They act like this is some triumphant, declarative statement about their suitability as leaders
>I shake my head and turn around, knowing they'll be dead within a year
>Realize that all those deaths are on my hands, because I didn't kill Furiosa, enslave the witless concubines, and make the hard decisions that would've led to their people having some hope at life
>"Oh cool, a scorpion. That's totally badass."
>Eat it.