I really feel this is how the movie should have ended, unfortunately this is not the formula for hollywood flicks.
Audrey was interesting and full of energy, violet seemed very boring. The only reason Tom got back with Violet is because his parents told him, she is perfect for him but they didn't know the kind of bi+ch she has been.
In real life he would have kept banging her for the next year or so. Men just love younger women and have this amazing ability to tune them out. Tom didn't seem like the most mature anyway so it was a good fit until she grew past him in maturity.
I agree with first part but disagree with second. It is true that any man would like to bang a 20something but I do not think Tom was immature, he made lot of compromises in the relationship. It is not something an immature person would do.
Audrey did have one very good quality and no, I don't mean youth, I mean that she was really into Tom whereas Violet seemed like she'd detached herself emotionally from him. Seriously, it doesn't really matter how attractive a girl is, having a girl that's really into you is a definite plus. Of course she wasn't a good match for him, but there was a little hint of character development there. When she started cussing him out she stopped herself and said "you should leave, I'm going to say mean things." I thought that was interesting in that it showed she had at least a small bit of self awareness pointing toward future maturity.
It would have been a more interesting plot point if they'd written Audrey as a slightly more mature fleshed out character though still young and energetic. Kind of like Meghan on Mad Men. Now that would have made for some more interesting situations. At least the parents wouldn't have gotten all in Tom's face about his relationship.
My biggest gripe is actually the odds of them even hooking up to begin with. Yes, they were flirting a hour before when they first met, but if you think about it, that was actually (in the movie) four years earlier. So she knew he was leaving and she waited four years in hopes he might come back? Or are we to believe she's still working at the restaurant and was still available? From what I've heard those kinds of jobs have pretty high turnover. It's one of those things you might not notice in a two hour movie but if you think about it don't quite make sense.