MovieChat Forums > Rango (2011) Discussion > Come on this is overrated

Come on this is overrated

I think its ok but nothing special. I cant believe this has gotten critical acclaim. It hardly comes close to films like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. I hardly laughed at this and found the jokes typical and boring. Even my aunt didnt like it and she goes nuts for movies like this

Its okay this film but is seriously overrated, I hope there is someone out there with the guts to admit it

Golf Clap? C908F9F6C7EA56


There are people who agree with you and people who disagree with you, as is the case with every film ever made.

I'm not a snob. Ask anybody. Well, anybody who matters.


I agree - got a new blu-ray player first play was this movie... Love all sorts of animated films (sometime I prefer them to live action)... but this one kind of left me flat... some humorous parts... loved the references to Depp's work with Fear and Loathing... Hunter S. Thompson etc... But when it ended it was like huh? Disappointed...


Admittedly this film is a bit more of a slow burn and a think-piece than most animated features these days, with a dark sense of humour and only really having one or two major action set-pieces (the hawk and the canyon chase) so I can see why some people are put off by it or find it dull. Overall I do prefer the more sentimental and normally well-plotted films from the likes of Pixar but I still find Rango quite appealing as it aims a little higher than most non-Pixar CG films in terms of quality and homages so many different works of cinema in it's short runtime, especially Leone's spaghetti westerns and of course Chinatown. Most of the film seems to be more of a character study than anything else, the arc of Rango himself plays out extremely well throughout this film, from a literal 'man with no name' to actually living up to the western legend of 'the man with no name.' The transition of the character from start to finish is almost seamless, there is no way the clueless guy he starts out as would face up to the rattlesnake at the end but when you get to the finale it easily believable that this character would not only be capable of confronting the fearsome villain now but also solve the mystery around the town water supply. Perhaps Rango's main fault is that it is a western, and by their very nature westerns have often tended to be a little long, a little drawn-out and a little slow, which might be why they've fallen out of favour with modern audiences who have become accustomed to their rapid-cut editing, wandering camera takes and in the case of animated features a quip and pun every second sentence.


I think its a very good film. I find it to be a fun story with funny enjoyable characters who I enjoyed watching. Is it the greatest film of all time? No, but it is a good film, one of the better films I've seen this year, and still the best animated film this year.

So, it is a good movie, and is not overrated at all, and I hope there is someone out there with the guts to admit it.


I agree.

for me it was a bit boring, because have not plot surprises.

Hablo mejor español :)


I disagree. I think most of the "newer" animated movies (like Nemo, Ice Age or Wall-E ...) are quite boring with very simple jokes and boring stories - so most of the time I don't watch them and regret it when I watch them.

Rango was - for me - tons of fun and made me laugh a thousand times. A still laugh when I watch for example the owls saying bloodthirsty stuff like "But when is he going to die? - Soon compadre..." or (in it's context) "When the birds plug his eyes off..." (yes I know I have a weird sense of humour from time to time...) and then there's scenes like "And now - we ride." or the whole thing with "'I killed the Jenkins brothers ... with one bullet' - 'All seven of them?'". They keep making fun of typical western (and action movie in general) stuff like that (and the fact that people expect that kind of stories) all the time.
That water is something essential and precious that can make people start violence and wars is an important message too.

And I simply adore the characters, the CGI and the music. I kept saying to myself "This is so beautiful...".

Different sense of humour, different taste of movies....


Yes surely there are different sense of humour.
If not, there was only one kind of comedies....

Hablo mejor español :)


I agree. At times it seemed like it could have been brilliant, but it could never reach that level. The often times predictable would triumph over any original outcome. an example would be when Rango cannot defeat Jake he forms a pretty pointless plan that causes more damage than anything positive. It was an entertaining movie, but never really delivered anything new. I'd give it a 6 flat.


I think its ok but nothing special. I cant believe this has gotten critical acclaim. It hardly comes close to films like Toy Story and Finding Nemo. I hardly laughed at this and found the jokes typical and boring.

I mostly agree, except that I find "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo" even more overrated. I rated "Rango" a 5 only for the good visuals, music and general atmosphere, but the story was boring. At one point I looked at the time counter. It was at almost one hour and nothing mildly interesting had happened. I hadn't been able to even smile at any joke. I'm glad that I watched it, but it's unlikely that I will do it again.


Why would that take guts? It's not like anything bad could happen if they said it. People are giving their opinions, they're often just not the same as yours.


Yeah, I thought it was incredibly generic and forgetable. For kids only.


You missed the adult jokes?


I certainly didn't hate it, but I wouldn't rate it as highly as any of The Toy Story films.

It was a decent enough film, but thought some bits were better than others. I don't watch many Cowboy films, so might have missed a load of the references/nods that were obviously made.

I think the character of Rango was likeable enough, and there were some good bits. I just don't think it was a classic. I can't see it'll be a film that I watch dozens of times. I'll probably watch it again, but am in no rush to do so.
