This is blatant Illuminati NWO propoganda!!
I have to warn you first you will not understand what I am talking about unless you have some decent knowledge of the New World Order, the ancient Mystery Religion, the Illuminati and the Freemasons.
For those who understand the ancient Mystery Religions and they come in many different names. Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the illumined ones, the Sons of Light, the Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages, the Thousand Points of Light and so on. You will notice that this movie has many Illuminati symbolisms.
I saw many different opinions about the meaning of the big eye in the cave. They didnt put it in there just for fun you see. You dont model an eye and render a scene that takes hours to make that is meaningless.
If you look at the back of your One Dollar bill you will see a pyramid with the All Seeing Eye. That is the Illuminati symbol. It is a reminder to everyone that We see everthing. We know everything. There is not a thing that we dont know.
They even said the word "Conspiracy" in Rango! How obvious can it be? And just when they thought that they have retrieved the Stolen water they realized it was empty and they blamed the moles for stealing all the water and the murder of the banker. Sound familiar? Its called a false flag attack. The elite were behind it all.
Mole Lady: You gotta nerve showin up here law man. What is it that chu want?
Rango: Your Peppy and them boys are about to hang for something they didnt do. But I've got a plan.
Can you name any recent "false flag" events where they blame the patsies for something they didnt do? Boston Bombing? Batman theatre shooting? James Holmes and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have been sentenced to death penalties.
The snake has many symbolic meaning. It refers to Satan or Lucifer. It is also the symbol of the secret society "The Brotherhod of the Snake". And their secret symbol is the All Seeing Eye. Reminds me of HAL from the movie 2001 a Space Odyssey or the Eye of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. They were full of occult symbolism.
There are many other Iluminati references. The fact that Rango is an MK ultra mind control slave. He didnt have a name until he took a sip of some drink and looked at the drink brand. And he starts making up stories of his own. How about the ritual dances performed by the mind control slaves? And when they were about to pour the water from the tap one of them held an wheel cross in front of the sun. That is the Solstice Cross Symbol or the Sun Cross.
What does the Sun or the light represents in the Mystery Schools? It represents intellect. They worship the mind. The intellect. Remember this is what the Mystery School and the Illuminati believe. Not mine. They believe the collective mind of man is the mind of God. Therefore Man is God.
Lucifer through his agent Satan, in the form of a snake told Eve to eat the fruit of the tree. He said God lied to you. If you partake of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil you too can become as gods. You will conquer life. You will conquer nature and will become as gods.
They do not believe in Lucifer or Satan. They do not believe in the Devil. They do not believe in God. These are all metaphors. They believe in the Luciferian philosophy. Not Lucifer. They are atheists and their religion is Secular Humanism.
"Whoever controls the water, controls the population."
Wow I heard that from somewhere. Wasnt it Henry Kissinger the CFR member who said that? Just replace water with food.
Jake: Sign the damn paper woman!
Beads: Go to Hell.
Jake: Where do you think I come from?
How about when the unconcious Rango gets carried by bugs near the end? Looks familiar huh? Wasnt Neo carried by the robot bugs at the end of the Matrix Revolutions? So my guess is that Rango, like Neo represents the Christian Gnostic. He is gaining enlightenment. He is becoming illumined.
I honestly think our children shouldnt be watching it. They can but we need to teach them the meaning of this. So anyone else notice these Illuminati/New World Order references?