Wow, well that was.... bizarre. I also notice you followed me over to another thread, only so you could continue to spew your hatred, which is unbelievably weird. Unfortunately for you however this does not have the desired effect you were hoping for of pulling me down to your level of bitter self hate and hostility, rather i find this all rather amusing and slightly worrisome. You need help.
Now i am going to ignore most of what you wrote, simply because it is too much of a mess for me to even want to bother writing you a reply, not to mention it doesn't deserve it because it is completely irrelevant and did absolutely nothing to contribute to an interesting discussion. But i will respond to your final sentiments. You seem not to understand the difference between speculation and stating something as absolute and fact. Note "getting vibes" and "basically know nothing about the guy", alluding to the fact that this is coming from an un-informed stand-point and that i may very well be totally incorrect. I thought it could be an opportunity for people to express whether or not they received similar impressions, an avenue for speculation as to someones personality, a personality i obviously found quite odd and a discussion i thought could be interesting. I think it's quite clear my intention with that thread is not 'This person is a sociopath. Even though i may be wrong i am going to state this as fact and have a tantrum when someone point's out to me that it is potentially damaging to diagnose people without making it clear that you could be wrong' but rather 'From the small amount of exposure i have had to this guy, he displays some traits which are common among sociopaths, therefore leading me to believe he could be one, lets open this up for discussion' Note also "i'd like to hear others opinions" and the question-mark at the end of sociopath (my god i can't believe i'm actually have to explain this to someone). Thankyou for pasting my entire comment along with you response, as it further highlights your ignorance and arrogance.
My issue is not that you think Jackie is a sociopath, even though i strongly disagree with you, which was the majority of what comprises my posts and which is what i was hoping you would respond to, instead of picking three less important sentences at the beginning of the post and refusing to move beyond them, but that you state this as fact. Like i said before, you are free to have your opinion, and i am free to discuss it with you, but you are NOT free to label people and continue to perpetuate the body of misinformation surrounding addiction and personality disorders, the fact that you can't see how wrong and stigmatising this is, is why mental illness continues to be surrounded by a cloud of ignorance and mis-understanding. So kindly shut the f up, not for my sake, but for the sake of every mentally ill person out there, like 'jackie', who has to put up with bigots like you, calling them sociopaths because of symptoms of a disease which they have no control over.