How Christian of you.
You said my mission was to "make atheist teenagers feel bad."
Presumably then you're implying it's all about making people "feel good" or at least not "feel bad." Since when?
Fundy atheists go around the 'net trying to tweak the noses of "Christians" (and apparently presume these folks are all fundamentalists like they used to be). They attempt to shame, humiliate, bully or troll these people, all the while acting as if the true path to enlightenment is to become an atheist like themselves.
In other words, this is the classic stereotype of the bully, who, because of low self esteem, attempts to make himself appear better, by attacking targets of opportunity perceived as weaker.
Now if the bully attempts to pick on somebody, and gets his butt handed to him, is the bully the real victim we should feel sorry for, or did he get what was coming to him, because one of his would-be targets acted in self defense? Most normal people would say the latter is the correct answer. Sure we can feel sorry for him later, but he brought his current situation on himself.
Now we're not talking about children fighting over lunch-money at primary school, we're talking about a movie made by an atheist, attacking the idea of faith, which, despite the filmmaker's stated intentions (to warn against radical Islam in the modern world) is being USED by (fundy) atheists online to pile on to Christianity as this enemy of rationality, peace, and progress, etc.
If this is to be an honest discussion, then these atheists need to deal with the fact that the picture presented in the film is highly inaccurate, and the conflict thesis which continues to inspire films like this is also highly dubious at best. It is also worth repeating that when you bring up all the various "atrocities" committed "in the name of religion" (Christianity) you also have to look at the same (and worse) things done by atheists. Attempting to weasel out of it by arguing that they were not "true atheists" because they were Communists, doesn't escape this. The Christian can always point out that Jesus never commanded such things, and the same arguments used to defend atheists ("they just happened to be...") can also be used to defend religion. Yet the atheist brings these things up precisely to argue for the moral superiority of atheism. Other attempts to bolster atheism over against religion (Christianity) meet with similar failures to avoid hypocrisy or rely upon myriad distortions of fact. The acknowledgment that there is a diversity amongst atheists (and also organizations and movements within atheism, including Communism mentioned earlier) is the same as acknowledging the diversity within religion (Christianity). Not all of either group are fundies. But the groups that go around trying to bully you into converting, distorting facts and appealing to conspiracy theories and emotional appeals to do so, fit the bill.
I already finished shaming you for being a poor representative for atheists by being anti-intellectual, anti-information, anti-facts, anti-research, etc. You poo-pooed education and learning in favor of blind conviction (traits of a "fundy"), and seeing you were in over your head, proposed to walk away from the debate, then trying to say I was rude???
Christian of you."
Nice try, because Christians for 2,000 years have been destroying the ARGUMENTS of opponents who use faulty logic and foolishness to attack our faith. Jesus himself rebuffed his public critics and refuted their arguments.
You didn't win by saying you're more rational or intelligent, because you already demonstrated those values were not important to you. You didn't win on facts, because you argued with the only facts that were presented and provided nothing substantial to counter it. And you can't win on "niceness" because you were not exactly a cuddly bunny here either.
Your attempts at comedy consisted of posting meme pics... wow. Nobody ever said being an atheist made you witty or original. ;)
Isn't the point of a debate to get at the truth? Why would it be admirable to suppress it in order to make people feel better? All the time I hear atheists claim that's what WE are doing, yet it seems you're now supporting that kind of thing, why?
We should accept the truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes us feel. And if getting into a debate over ideas hurts your feelings, my advice is to stay away them, unless you perceive that there is a greater good here than your emotions. (not mine, but I like it)