MovieChat Forums > The Goode Family (2009) Discussion > Can YOU have a sense of Humor about YOUR...

Can YOU have a sense of Humor about YOURSELVES?!

People have demanded that Christians and Conservatives tolerate jokes that their expense. I hope that when the 'satire gun' is turned a bit, that people on the other side of the aisle can handle a bit of fun at their expense. We all know that the right side of the aisle gets dumped on constantly! LETS HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR! Don’t preach to the 'right' and then get fussy when you get a little bit of what you've given! I'm not saying this show is right or left but people on message boards are already huffing and puffing about the jokes played at the environmentalists & liberals expense. These are probably the same people who watch Lil' Bush, American Dad and Family Guy and laugh with glee at each time a Christian or Conservative is Zinged.

Freedom of speech rocks! You zing me & I can zing you! It's all good! We can both take a closer look at ourselves and laugh at our quirks! THIS IS SUCH A GREAT COUNTRY! LAUGH AT YOURSELVES! We all know you've been demanding the same of others for quite some time!


Um... no huffing and puffing here. Maybe you should have posted this in the messageboards where I'm sure you've honestly seen people get upset.

Don't tell me what I can't do!



This is exactly what the OP is talking about! There's no class in posting blanket generalizations as hard truth.

Your bias is obviously showing...and so is your lack of humility.

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There isn't really much to criticise liberals for though. You can be a RATIONAL liberal, but you can't be a rational Christian or Conservative. There is a big difference there.

You have to be joking. There are liberal policies even other liberals have problems with. The "agree with us or you're stupid" argument was used against liberals for the past eight years, lets let it die instead of using it ourselves.

We can laugh at liberals who are insanely fanatic about environmentalism - yet that is a small percentage. But there are a LOT of irrational and ignorant Christians and Conservatives.

There are tons of left wing loonies. I could create some phony baloney movement, take it to Hollywood, and have Actors and Actresses swear by it.

Don't tell me what I can't do!



This show fails flat, but it has nothing to do with people not understanding the humor, or being unable to point the critical finger back at ourselves.

The bottomline is that the show is just flat, boring, and everything a good animated show is not.

The jokes are not timely. The characters are not original. The storylines are predictable, and the overall impact of the show is as mushy as cream of wheat.

ABC. Please allow some of the young creatives out there to have a chance.

Just because we may not have 20 credits under our belts, doesn't mean we won't bring you better content than this garbage.


Do you realize that you are the exact kind of person who this show is mocking?

Let me break you down line by line:

"There isn't really much to criticise liberals for though"
How pompous and solipsistic of you. Not much to criticize?! Are you a writer for David Letterman? Everyone can be mocked, everyone. Believe me, liberals are quite easy to make fun of. People who can't make fun of themselves have no true sense of humor.

"You can be a RATIONAL liberal, but you can't be a rational Christian or Conservative. There is a big difference there"
Yes, you can be a rational liberal. Absolutely. Now you may have trouble wrapping your brain around this one, but people who think differently than you can be raional as well. Sorry to burst your world view. You said "Christian OR conservative", that's a very big "or". President Obama is a self proclaimed christian, so is he automatically "irrational" according to your logic? How about a non-christian conservative, can they be "rational"?

"We can laugh at liberals who are insanely fanatic about environmentalism - yet that is a small percentage"
Apparently you don't own a television. Everything is geared toward a "green" lifestyle. NBC promotes environmentalism and the mainstream advertisers pushes green living. Know why? Because there are tons of people who buy into environmentalism without questioning anything.

"But there are a LOT of irrational and ignorant Christians and Conservatives."
There are irrational Christians and conservatives. Just like there are irrational jews, muslims, hindus, buddhists, libertarians and liberals. You are embarassingly close minded and naive. You are a disgrace to good, hard-working liberals everywhere.


but you can't be a rational Christian or Conservative.

Xerces88, everyone! Let's give him a round of applause.



*Farting Noise*

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I truly believe that we as a planet will continue making the slowest possible progress if we continue to distance ourselves by pointing out all of our "differences".
There is probably so much we actually agree on, let's concentrate on that, & lessen the proclivity to try to change the minds, wills & desires of others to fit into our specific way of thinking.


Addendum - I am not saying "Let's just not do anything" I'm saying let's FIRST sart getting along better. That is the first step to understanding another's point of view & inviting an open dialog that can possibly lead to a positive change. It's a logical progression. I enjoy practicing respect & more importantly Compassion. I invite you all to try it. If everyone REALLY thought more deeply about COMPASSION, I truly believe eyes & hearts would be opened to the horrible truth. When faced with an undeniable truth, I know most people would lean toward doing "the right thing", no matter what thier religious or political beliefs may be. At the very least, that is my opinion & hope.


Thanks everyone. The internet enables me to be the judgmental and arrogant prick that I can't be in the real world. I don't blame anybody for flaming me - I do sound like a tosser. But I'm right...

I hate extreme-liberal hippies just as much as religious people or Conservatives. So don't think I'm some crazed lunatic peta2 hippie nutcase. I just want the entire world to think about themselves and the actual nature of the world they live in.

Farming animals = irrational
Believing in God = irrational

That's my conclusion.

Fire away! I love reading it.





Xerces88 has professed the following-
"I hate extreme-liberal hippies just as much as religious people or Conservatives."

If that weren't enough, apparently believing in God puts you on the same intellectual plane as farm animals.

I would therefore like to nominate Xerces88 as the most bigoted person on this site.

If being a Christian and/or conservative is incompatible with rationality, then it must be a miracle that while being a Christian and/or conservative myself I am also a published scientist. It's sad that such a combination would seem impossible to some, especially in this day and age, but I guess that's what bigotry does to people.



If being a Christian and/or conservative is incompatible with rationality, then it must be a miracle that while being a Christian and/or conservative myself I am also a published scientist.

What about the neuroscientist or the philosophy grad student in my Bible study? I think those are the irrational ones he's talking about.



Believing that the universe created itself from a big ball of pixie dust – MEGA-irrational.

"You cannot erase God with an edict." - Rod Serling


According to the bible, Adam was created pretty much from a bunch of dust
And eve from a rib
made from dust

I dont believe in Adam and Eve, but i dont go around bashing people that believe in that. you however, bash other people's beliefs, so, let me say to you, the creation of the world according to christians is the most ridiculous thing i've heard. At age 7 I already knew someone was pulling my leg.
Where is this garden of Eden?

So i propose a new world order
Orthodox Christians are descendants of Adam and Eve
All the rest of us are a consequence of evolution

Is that why all of you are inbred idiots?
Man, you christians. I was brought up as a Christian myself, I know what I'm talking about. You go around the world trying to convert everyone you meet. If someone thinks different, you either brand him a fool or try to show him the error of his ways. And some centuries ago, you just killed them.

Stick to your believes, and shut up, and I'll stick to mine and shut up.


Geez, how arrogant and smug can you get?
They could write an entire episode around your post!

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You stole my thunder!

However, I'm surprised to see the majority of comments about the show are positive. I thought parts of it were funny, others were trying too hard. The scene in the organic grocer was classic.

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your post would be a lot more meaningful if you were replying to someone "huffing and puffing about the jokes played at the environmentalists & liberals expense"

I had a great time w/ the show, actually what made if funner was all the times i recognized people I knew in the characters actions

Brought to you by Carl's Jr


My post was a general commentary on a few of the posts I had seen that had “huffing and puffing”. Thankfully someone gave us an example of that on this board! It’s always nice when certain people prove your point better than you ever could yourself!

“Tolerance is accepting everyone! …unless they’re Christian or Conservative…”


It’s always nice when certain people prove your point better than you ever could yourself!

LOL, you got that right!


Hear hear, stunt_double!
However, based on what I've seen, the answer to your question is a resounding "NO."
That's the thing with far- liberals:
They view shows like 'Family Guy,' 'American Dad,' and 'The Simpsons' making fun of conservatives and Christians as brilliant, hilarious, hard- hitting satire, but if any show or movie makes ANY attempt to make fun of liberals, they instantly condemn it as a horrible, bigoted, racist propaganda show or something like that.


Allow me to invert your post:

That's the thing with far- conservatives:
They view a show like 'The Goode Family' making fun of liberals and atheists as brilliant, hilarious, hard- hitting satire, but if any show or movie makes ANY attempt to make fun of conservatives, they instantly condemn it as a horrible, bigoted, racist propaganda show or something like that.

There are crazies on both sides of the isle.


If it were actually funny, you'd have a point. The only people who are going to find this funny are being who are on the FAR fringes of the right wing.

The jokes are just terrible. Mike Judge can't use the eccentricities of characters to make things funny in the way Family Guy [sometimes] can. He's better with subtle humor like King of the Hill.

This show is just awful, regardless of your leanings politically.


I love you. Really I couldn't have worded it better.


Wow... It's not like this show is some revelation or something.. It's hardly the first show to satire and poke fun at an ultra liberal mindset... South park... Simpsons... King of the hill... Beavis and Butthead (clearly this is nothing new from Judge) Heck even Family Guy and American Dad spoof liberalism. Maybe you are only noticing it because the main charters are the ultra liberals this time.

This show just isn't 'THAT' funny (I didn't find King of the Hill funny either though). Perhaps Judges humour is too upfront and dry for me. Many of the stereotypes miss the mark. Which ceases to make it a clever commentary on the faults of a ultra-liberal mindset, and instead makes it seem like a forced comparison in which reality has to be manipulated in order to make it funny. Like a vegetarian dog... That's not really that uncommon. Dogs aren't carnivores anyway. They are scavengers that eat whatever they can find. They are omnivores. That one would chase squirrels and eat them is not a factor of the dog not being fed meat... but a factor of the dog just being a dog... and being interested in chasing little animals.. then finding out what's inside! It's not funny, yet they came back to it at least twice in the show. Ooo a dog wants to catch an animal or chase a cat!?! WOW!!! I feed my dog meat everyday and she still chases rabbits and squirrels out of the yard....

(BTW.. I'm not 'liberal' or a vegan or a vegetarian of any type. I love meat.)

The one part I thought was funny was the whole reusable grocery bag thing, where she ended up turning it around on the 'rich liberals' by saying the reusable bags are made in sweatshops! But even this isn't lol funny... It's just ha-ha funny... Like "yeah.. he's right.. that's how it would happen" kind of funny.
