LAME: I thought this would be a thread discussing, Why does it HAVE to be zombies. And why not, aliens, vampires, pod-people, or something completely new.
Mind you these aren't classic slow/brain eaters, but rather the rage induced runners like in 28 Days Later, or the Resident Evil movie for that matter.
You notice how both types sort of have major character flaws?
FAST: Obsessed with taking a bite out of the neck of one of the living and then lunging at someone else in the room. Call it securing it's food cache. But when it's done, it usually runs off to bite someone else.
Mind you, when you do see them feasting they tend to eat all of the corpse, but they never eat each other out of hunger, they'd rather starve, like us I guess.
You never see them run away, but then again, if the had that much use of their brain...
SLOW: Obsessed with eating brains, but then again with their own brains eaten still have basic motor function and can speak, namely the word "BRAINS!!!"
Whatever, I always over think things.
Reading into how different sides of the brain are responsible for different forms of thinking and different tasks, I would like to see how a zombie split in two halves down the middle-center would interact with it's opposing half. Open doors or speak or *beep* like that. (Considering their halves of their brain were able to learn the motor functions for their half of their body, as the left side normally controls the right side of the body and vice versa.