MovieChat Forums > La horde (2010) Discussion > The ending was awful! (spoilers)

The ending was awful! (spoilers)

I'm so angry. I loved the movie but the ending was just horrible. The woman had to become an absolute idiot at the end of the movie. She was such a bitch and I wanted her to die, she was so ungrateful for the other guys sacrifice (which was bad-ass by the way) She said she didn't care about him even if he was family yet she kills Markudi because he kills a member of the family I believe? What kind of *beep* is that? She just contradicts herself at the end and kills a man who without, she'd be dead.

She was by far the worst character in the film. She was unlikable and just plain stupid and selfish. At least the two gangsters while stupid were charismatic enough to be likable. The only characters I really liked were Markudi and the moustached badass (who I was lead to believe was the main character until the end.)

Anyway, I loved the movie, the whole feel to it was great and I can say this is definitely one of the best zombie movies ever made. It has a whole new feel to it and it's refreshing to see something good for a change rather than the recent crap Romero has coughed out, I feel the man's losing his touch.

I give it a strong 7-8/10


I must agree - she was a moron - and the most unlikeable character out of the bunch. I was also upset she survived - even if she was pregnant.

But she was a complete idiot. Markudi n her get outside - sense of relief - silence – zombie-less. She decides to shoot Markudi in the back of the head. Extremely gutless and dumb, and she realises that when the moans and groans begin to grow and the sound of stomping feet are coming towards her.

She could have stabbed him in the neck - broke his neck - something quiet.

I was also a bit upset they didn’t pull the guts out of Oseuss - he need his guts ripped out on top of the car - that scene needed it to top it off.

Still - an awesome film


Oh please! There was nowhere for her to escape to. Gun noise or not!

They were doomed from the start. And she came to kill a cop killer. So she did.

Simple as that. it was the only honest and sensible way to end the film.


good point - DEATH TO ALL HUMANS!


I found her likable and compelling. Her slow descent into steely emotionless id was very well conceived and compelling. I thought her reactions to the plot's developments were very realistic. In fact the only unrealistic thing that kept nagging at me was the leader's inexplicable inability to catch on to the old zombie truism: ya gotta shoot him in the head.

I think ol' girl left us when the guy she tried to help because she was so into Family and had lost so many so quickly started changing and then left her for dead. I think that was when her tether to emotion left and she was all mission: survive and avenge Rioarollo or whatever his name was. She made no secret of her unwillingness to partner with the gangsters and she stayed true to this throughout.

I also don't think that she would have necessarily NOT survived. Recall she took the ailing family member on her own and looked after him til she noticed the arm and how the virus was changing it and him. She had the right idea (tie him up and get the hell away from him or kill him) but her emotion made her vulnerable and he got the upperhand.

But she corrected that first thing when she caught up to them. And that was pretty much her crossing the threshold.

I liked that character and I am SO looking forward to a sequel that, unlike 28 Weeks, will not forget the original set of characters. I look forward to seeing her escape this particular set of zombies and link up with some other people where she can rediscover her humanity again.

I hope the same team reprises their role.


you're on to something there. i totally agree with your post.

the ending was GREAT!


Poor ending to a hohum zombie movie. Aside from the shakey cam to make up for the lack of knowing how to shoot action, the ending made little sense. Her motives for killing the Nigerian was never fleshed out, other than he killed a friend. They just spent 6 hours in pretty much hell, and your only chance of returning to any sense of "normal" is probably to work together. The last half of the movie she acted very "cartoony". Zombie movies often show the human need for Survival, this woman had none.

I'm borderline to say this movie was sexist. As the males in the movie, the ones who survived, "learned", and moved on, where as the woman in this movie was "emotional" at the end.


Ade didn't kill her friend, he killed her lover right in front of her. And she was pregnant with his child. I find that tremendously compelling, personally.

I think she realized she wouldn't survive for very long, revenge was the last thing she could get out of life.

I found most of the male characters horribly sexist, but not the film itself. I thought she was kick-ass and strong, even if I didn't particularly liked her at first.


The guy found in the landfill was her lover not the guy Marduki shot in the first act.

Anyway while it was an "honest" ending it was too predictable and she was by far the least likely character and had the least development over the course of the movie. There's something off with the writing if the audience is feeling more sympathy for the villain than the heroes.

She also rather screws up by giving him a quick and painless death while attracting the zombies to her location by making that loud noise.


"Ade didn't kill her friend, he killed her lover right in front of her. And she was pregnant with his child. I find that tremendously compelling, personally."

"The guy found in the landfill was her lover not the guy Marduki shot in the first act."

No no no. Did you people watch the film. She was having an affair with the cop who's funeral they were attending at the beginning of the film. She was pregnant with his child. Adewale killed him in a previous mission. That's why Ouessem blamed her for his death. He wasn't at his best with thoughts of the affair and child running through his head during that mission.

Clan Motto: Sapienter si sincere


I didn't like any of the cops actually...especially the whiny guy who got shot in the leg and was pretty much an anchor to the team throughout most of the film.

I especially disdained the female lead as the movie went on and began understanding and appreciating Markudi a lot more.

A few things I did notice, though, is that he would have let them live if they played it off that backup was arriving. Markudi didn't have plans on killing them all (even though his brother did). Also, the fact that they were crooked cops did make me question how their original partner ended up in a landfield.

Another thing...Markudi maintained a strong sense of honor out of them all, which made me feel like he was more like a survivalist who ended up being a gangster rather than a gangster just trying to survive.


If that happens then I wont be a part of the sequel. The *beep* needs to be ignored and never seen again. The sequel if there is one needs to be set at a different part of France showing another group coping with the apocalypse. Do it like Romero - showing the same apocalypse from different places and different groups in each movie. The less we see of this annoying *beep* from the first movie the better!. She was one major irritation so she was. And that ladies and gents is not good for repeated viewing or purchasing of the movie.

"I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal."


i quite liked the movie and the ending.
i thought she was a believeable character and she actually reminds me of one of my ex-wives.


We never got any background details on Markudi except that him and his brother were fugitives from war and that he sold drugs. I judged him by what I saw throughout the course of the movie and I found him the second most likable character after Ouessem. Sure, he was a hardcase who had little qualms about killing when necessary, but he still proved to have honor and concern for others. He had killed Aurore's boyfriend but they were dirty cops... for all we know it may have been in self defense.

I don't have a problem with Aurore turning on Markudi in the end. She was there to avenge her lover and that was the only thing on her mind. It didn't matter that Markudi saved her life since hate doesn't make sense. I disliked her for being so indiffernt to Ouessem's death. After all their high and mighty talk of La Familia, you think she could have at least pretended to care.

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


If you kill someone in self defence, I don't think you'd leave their body tressed up and dump it in a landfill. The opening to the film set the gang up as the bad guys, remember Bolé just shot the guy sitting on the toilet to shut him up, before and zombie stuff went on. As the head of the gang, Adé was responsible for all that; he was a cold, evil killer.


I think the part about the body in the landfill was lost in translation in my copy. I noticed other lines that were a bit off even though my French is next to non-existent.

Bola was clearly a loose cannon and Adé had issues with controlling him even though, or probably more BECAUSE he was his brother. Bola was openly hostile and mentioned that Adé in his opinion was pushing him around. Most likely since he couldn't handle answering to his older brother as authority.

The opening of the film set up pretty much everyone but Oessem as rotten people. But I think Adé redeemed himself during the outbreak and showed himself to be one of the more likable characters.

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


The whole film was awful. The only good bits were the character of Rene, his habit of calling zombies chinks (I was watching the English dub and wasn't really paying attention, so maybe he had fought in some war or in Vietnam or somehting which may explain this sightly, as well as the huge machine gun he finds), the zombie gang rape scene (which was interesting but overlong) and... that's it.

Ending was good in as much as everyone dies, which is what you want in a zombie film that doesn't star Ken Foree or wasn't made in Italy.

Whole film was a wasted opportunity.

Red Pepper Restaurant!


Thing is, she didn't need to kill him... firstly, he was something of a changed man, who probably would have apologised to her without any encouragement, as soon as they were in a suitably safe location. Secondly, surely by saving her so many times, that outweighed the debt of her lover's murder at his hands? Thirdly... errr, there's a zombie apocalypse going on. Society completely broken down, a new order to the world...why not let things go? There's no place for "cops" or "crooks" in such a context, there's only "survivors" and "the walking dead".

To my mind, she was being petty, short-sighted and a plain old bitch. Ballsy or no, she could've done a dozen things other than just shoot him.


I agree. I liked the movie overall (gave a solid 7/10), but the ending was very bad. The woman that survived was a complete b!tch, very unlikable and deserved to die.

Also, the ending seemed a little out of space. The building was surrounded by zombies during the whole movie, but in the end the 2 survivors are all alone.

The ending just didn't seem right, though one could predict that she would kill the gangster once they were out. Still, something felt wrong for me there. Bad acting? Bad direction? I can't tell for sure.

Chun Li's ASS!!! --->


I tell you what felt wrong. It didn't make any sense at all, that's what felt wrong.

She is fighting to survive this zombie thing throughout the whole movie. She tries to escape the building, and therefore makes a pact with the guy who killed her lover. They fight together, they run together, they escape the building together. All the time she feels hatred for him, but she swallows it down. Why? Because she wants to survive. Then they are out of the building, and she kills him. Are they save yet? No. Are there still tons of zombies around them? Yes. Why did she kill him? Because the director wanted to shock us.

That is the reason why this scene sucks. It doesn't make any sense, it is not placed well and it is purely there to deliver the "final shock". I wouldn't mind if they cut out that scene completely and let the gangster survive.

Let me hear you make decisions, without your television


Scene made plenty of sense to me. They thought they were safe. She thought they were safe. Only reason she didn't kill him to begin with was because two heads are better than one. Once she thought they were safe, she wasted him, which is what she came to do. Also, there was never an inkling in the film that says they learned anything about the zombies. We all know about zombies, sure, but our characters were clueless, as they rightfully should have been. So, as far as she knew, they were safe. One can assume that all the zombies broke into the building when that window came down. That's what the directors were going for I'm pretty sure. The ending is justified. It fits the character, and in the end she gets what she has coming to here. Had she not killed him and they got to somewhere safer, she may have survived, even after killing him. But as it stands, she mostly got eaten by the zombies. And that's far worse than the bullet she gave to Markudi.

Overall, an okay zombie film. Had several moments of badassery. Nothing too special, but I do appreciate the honest ending and the characters staying true to themselves.!/profile.php?id=100001411632982


thing is, she didn't need to kill him... firstly, he was something of a changed man, who probably would have apologised to her without any encouragement, as soon as they were in a suitably safe location.

Seriously? Ah... he apologised for playing a part in the gunpoint execution of her lover, so that must make it ok.


did anyone watch the deleted scenes? They make her that much more unlikable because there's a whole lot more background about her relationship with her lover.

--Daniel W. Kelly, author of "Closet Monsters" and "Horny Devils."



i don't understand how anyone thought that Aurore wasn't going to kill him the first chance she got. if anything, it was a let down, because you knew it was going to happen.
if Aurore and Ade had smiled, hugged and went off together, that would have been awful and stupid.


true but she was never gonna be out of trouble,its safer to have others around


Her character was god awful, the movie had decent pacing until the end.
I agree with you, why would she rid of of him? You know she didnt make it. She was a *beep* throughout the whole movie.



The real question is, who cares whether the ending was good or not when the whole movie leading up to it was garbage.

