MovieChat Forums > 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Discussion > I don't recall ever hating someone like ...

I don't recall ever hating someone like I hated her in a long time.

This is full of spoilers do not read if you have not watched the movie

I noticed she left behind an engagement ring, so she was engaged. Leaving some you are engaged to like she did and refusing to even discuss anything is a pretty crappy thing to do.

I can understand why she attackedGoodman in the beginning, she did not know he was protecting her.

Everything after that was just disgusting.

If she did not like Goodman she should have just kept her mouth shut and hunker down till it was safe.

The young guy would not have been killed if she didn't talk him into joining her plan.

As Goodman said in the end, "this is how you treat me after saving your life?"

By the way If I was in Goodman's place I would have killed anyone that tried to steal my gun. There are a bunch of other stuff I cad add to why I hate her but that's enough to want to see her die.

At the end I was really hoping for the aliens to kill her.

How may people hated her at the end

The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?


Nah I have to disagree with you. From the start Goodman was a total creep. She actually did play along until she found out he had kidnapped a girl 2 years ago and probably killed her: britany aka Megan.

The guy was totally off his rocker. He was probably going to kill her anyways. She wakes up changed to to a wall and he was incredibly threatening the entire time.

For al she knew he was going to rape and kill her. It's heavily implied he purposely ran her off the road.

And knowing he had kidnapped and possibly murdere before I don't know what she has to be thankful for. Being taken against her will and trapped?

The guy was clearly off his rocker and incredibly dangerous and controlling.

He was easily triggered by what he considered the smallest transgression. He got worked up during board games and kept a cannister of acid to kill and threaten anyone he wanted.

Also, she has a right not to get married. This isn't Saudi Arabia and she has a right to say no.


I was on her side the whole time. Even in his cuddliest, most John Goodmanly moments, it was clear the guy was a dangerous creep.


Excuse me? The guy was a complete nut---and he was the one holding her prisoner! She was the victim, not him! Keep in mind he's the one who literally slammed into her and ran her off the road, whether it was an accident or not (given who he turned out to be, it makes you wonder.) Why should she have been grateful to someone who was responsible for her injuries in the first damn place? It amazes me how some people want to hate a female character and slam her no matter what the hell she does, while a male character can do all kinds of vile s*** and automatically get a pass simply because he's a man. I mean,give me a break! And who cares why she left her significant other? She had already left him at the beginning of the film anyway. Your reasons for "hating" this character are ridiculous, given the circumstances she was in.


We don't know what "Ben" had done to warrant the breakup or how long it had been. It could be that she just needed some time to get over him before talking it over.

As for John Goodman, he was a complete nutcase, he didn't seem to be able to recognise that she was a grown woman and goodness knows what he would have done after a few months of them being alone... I don't blame her for wanting to escape.

What did annoy me was the way John Goodmans character fell over into the acid during her escape, there was absolutely no explanation for why he fell and it just seemed like lazy writing!

I also wish they had kept us guessing at the end whether there really were aliens/zombies/Russians outside or whether he was just a crazy prepper who didn't want to let her go.


I disagree with you too. He was a creepy guy.


You creep. Emmet died because John Goodman's character shot him, end of the story. Both Emmet and Michelle assessed their situation after finding out Howard had kidnapped and killed an underage girl before the world went to hell in a handbasket and decided they would rather face the apocalypse than spent more time than absolutely necessary with him. What does that tell you?

Furthermore, it was heavily implied Howard ran Michelle off the road on purpose. Right after killing Emmet, he tells Michelle something along the line that this was how it was supposed to be, the two of them alone. Listen carefully to his tone and body language- the creep intended for Michelle to fulfill "Megan's" role all along. He deserved everything he got and then some.


It's so obvious you're one of those psycho men who hate women and justify everything men do to them.


How could anyone hate MEW?


Mewtwo does!
