The Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity
both have a 6.4, which is more scary?
shareBlair Witch is massively superior. The brilliant ending alone is enough to justify that.
Plus, TBWP didn't spawn almost half a dozen crappy sequels.
The reason I enjoyed Blair Witch is because it allowed the viewer to use their own imaginations. I find suspenseful movies much scarier than movies which feature graphic violence, gore and other special effects. That said, I did see this film in a movie theater and it did help to have an audience. If you have a great imagination, then "Blair Witch" is a film you will probably enjoy,
As for Paranormal Activity, I waited for the t.v. version, as I had a feeling that it wouldn't be worth the $10 - $12 movie ticket price. So glad I waited. Figured it would be similar to Blair Witch (i.e. in that I'd have to rely more on my imagination than on whatever would actually be shown in the film). Disappointed to say the least. While Blair Witch truly did allow for imagination, Paranormal Activity .... well .... didn't so much. Can't understand how this movie went on to have sequels (and as bad as the original). What's worse is that I can't understand why I sat through a t.v. marathon watching Paranormal 1 - 3 !?!?
The Blair Witch Project.
Face book
For me, it's Blair Witch, by far.
Blair Witch felt so much more real than any other found footage movie I've ever seen.
I loved how Blair Witch keeps the ambiguity going until the very end. Nothing happens in that movie that can't possibly have a mundane explanation.
The ending of Blair Witch was so much more haunting than having a CGI monster face rush toward the camera.
Moderators are terrorists.
Blair Witch Project. Mainly because it was the first Found Footage movie I had seen of that nature, not to mention the viral marketing aspects including telling people it was real.
I love all of these movies, though.