MovieChat Forums > Cold in July (2014) Discussion > Score on this will DROP

Score on this will DROP

This movie is a series of disconnected events that leaves the protagonist in the backseat for half the film. The beginning was completely disconnected from the end. We're supposed to believe that Michael C. Hall is going to help Sam Shepard (who, need I remind you, was leaving BULLETS in his son's BEDROOM not 20 minutes prior) go kill his psycho son? Oh right, Michael C. Hall HAD to go because he needed to find out who the intruder he shot actually was... but surprisingly enough, this is never revealed, or even MENTIONED after that weak scene in the car. Horrible script and B-movie direction that belongs on Lifetime network.

That's my opinion anyway...


I agree. It already has dropped, although at 8/10 and Metascore: 72/100 as of mid June '14 it should drop further.

The tone is uncertain. Don Johnson's wardrobe, performance and backstory are all way, way over the top, and not in a good way, as is the exact type of criminal activity of the bad guys, whereas the initial scenes with the intruder, the immediate aftermath for the family and Sam Shepard's performance are much more restrained and reality based.

The final set piece (of the showdown) looks entirely derivative and unreal in terms of violence. Even the set there looks like the lair from "Taken."


Totally agree.




I must have seen a different film because I didn't see anything over the top about Don Johnson's performance.


Uncertain tone, my a$$. All the different tones in the film are so smartly kept afloat by the director. Ofcourse the ratings on this film will drop if viewed by people like you who expect this to be a conventional revenge flick. If the name Tarantino had been splashed across the opening credits you would have hailed this as a noir classic.


Who or what else in the film is as way over the top as Don Johnson's performance and wardrobe, since the tone is consistent?

Tarantino also (sometimes) has uneven tones in his films, but in most of them the continual overlay of irony carries it through. Plus, his sense of parody from his vast knowledge of film and his far more intricate visual style put him in a completely different league overall, although not every one of his films is exactly a masterpiece....


The only thing Tarantino's "vast knowledge of film" enables him to do is continuously aggrandize his own sense of self-satisfaction. Each of his films is more smug than the last, as he and his fans back-slap each other into believing that half-assed "parody" and shallow "homage" are an adequate replacement for original content, or an iota of the soul and feeling which made the films Tarantino so (in)aptly apes worthwhile in the first place.




You should probably get over yourself. Lots of fans for a reason. It's fine if you don't like his films. He is full of himself, but he makes entertaining films. While all of them aren't masterpieces like someone said, he has also made some masterpieces.


lol. thank you the signal was terrible. i gave the signal a 6 and that includes the +1 it got from me for being about a cool topic.

and i think the score wont drop much. i liked it. 8/10 here. dexter was fun to watch again :p

and all his comments comparing it to other movies, and how 'realistic' things are. im sure your the expert because youve raided places full of murderous hillbillies and mexicans




I might be out of touch, but Hall's character was bored with his life. Hence, he chose to hang with these guys. It didn't matter who he shot. The guy had broken into his home, and he has a 3 year old son and wife.

That was not my interpretation. Richard knew there were deeper issues regarding the situation, so felt morally obliged to help Russell.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


100% spot on mate.

"You want to investigate my courage? Do you? Find out! Find out!" (Robert Ford)


Totally agree. I'm trying to stay with this film but it's trying my patience.
Hall's hair is an awful distraction.



The plot did get a bit more interesting. Don Johnson's performance brought some much needed energy to the film. I also liked Wyatt Russell as Freddy.

I know some people are probably hoping it went down the Richard vs Russel route for the whole movie.

Glad it didn't go that route, it was way too much like Cape Fear in the beginning.


Agree - even if it have a consistent feel and atmosphere with good acting the story have some BIG plot/potholes. You mention a few.

What about the police cover-up? Seems extremely unlikely.

Michael - goes from a loving father to have no family life - his wife is OK with that.

The snuff movie - again extremely unlikely that the son should show his face.

The father: his inner "struggle" to make things right or whatever - seemed a bit inconsistent seen against his willingness and determination to kill the innocent son of a man defending himself.

Woiw - the snuf movie is made in a very expensiv looking high class castle/mansion - in the woods. An impressing building. On the inside - it looks like a meth-house in the hoods.

End - one can of petrol/zippo fluid to burn a huge castle?
A big disappointment. Rates is far to high.
