MovieChat Forums > Mean Girls (2024) Discussion > Is Tina Fey in desperate need of money?

Is Tina Fey in desperate need of money?

Why would she do this herself?


Because she doesn't have a sugar daddy like you? πŸ˜œβ€‹



When you are as creatively bankrupt as Tina Fey it's much easier just to fall back on something that was popular years ago and try and remake it for modern audiences. I'm sure every franchise, every single movie and popular IP will be remade at some point because they legitimately cannot make anything new. It'll be interesting to see what the popular reaction is, because it seems like will try to deflect criticism because people will call it woke and then they'll say it's being review bombed or whatever. It will fail, and then they'll blame the audience, then repeat the cycle with something new. Don't hate watch it, just ignore it.


Mew mew. πŸˆβ€β¬›β€‹πŸˆβ€β¬›β€‹πŸˆβ€β¬›β€‹


Well, one hopes she is not creatively bankrupt. This project aside, I'd like to see her take over SNL. I think she is the right person to take over for Lorne Michaels. I've been a fan of the show for decades. It seems very tired now. Feels like it really needs a big change. I had read Tina was in discussions with SNL. I hope it happens because the show needs some new blood. Time's up for Lorne Michaels.

As far as this project - "Mean Girls" I mean. Well, what the hey, someone must have been willing to give her a boatload of $ so why not.


Probably Julia Jentsch would be better in it. πŸ˜‰β€‹


Hahahah - in all seriousness - Julia Jentsch is a top notch actress. I first saw her in "Sophie Scholl: The Final Days". I thought - wow - this girl's got it going on - terrific young actress.

She's too good for SNL hahahahaah


Sorry, I don't share your opinion (top notch).
And Julia isn't from my "neck of the woods" you put it in the other thread.

Diane KrΓΌger is a Nordi like me. πŸŒ²β€‹πŸŒ³β€‹πŸŽ„β€‹


Ok, I posted the trailer then I saw this. Well, watch the trailer see what you think. I think she is outstanding.

I don't really know your neck of the woods - when I was checking the Polanski thread, I saw something about Bio-Germany. Julia is from West Berlin. Ok, I really have to go - have a great day


Yah, your Julia is from Berlin.
Diane KrΓΌger and I are from Northern Germany (part of "West-Germany").

Cheerio! πŸ’β€‹


Hey TimeTunnel - I'm heading out here. A little taste of SSTFD for you. You'll see even in this short trailer (please watch it all the way through) how good Julia is. Ok, best wishes and have fun....


Thanks, I've watched enough of your Julia.
I prefer Diane KrΓΌger, a much better and cuter caliber.

Happy Weekend!


Hahahahha - I worked for years with a German girl.

You all are pretty direct, hahahahha

Fair enough. So they say - different strokes....

Yep and gotcha - Northern Germany.

Ok sounds good. Cheers


πŸ™‚β€‹...Where exactly do you come from?
Err...US State, not your home address. ☺

Next time might tell the funny story of the german nurse in the USA.
Her patient was a little shocked when she just shouted in his ear:
"If you want to live, BREEZ!" βš•οΈβ€‹
(intentionally misspelled...the "th" you know)
After all, he was grateful because he survived.

Soooooo, now I need to leave.
Again...Happy Weekend! πŸ»β€‹ πŸ«‚β€‹


Hahahahaha - no just a girl I worked with. She was born in Duetschland - 100% German.

No punches pulled:

On occasion, after a haircut -

"I like your hair better the other way"

Once I came in wearing a tanktop -

"You look better in T shirts"

I remember once I came in after getting my teeth cleaned, I was very proud of no cavities so I was bragging - her response -

"I can't tell the difference"

Hahahahah - but, to be clear, her and I were good buddies. We worked together very well.

"(my name) and I are on the same page"

Like I said - she got to the point, very direct.

Ok, Im happy to give you more info - private message me if you please. Take care


Isn't everybody these days?


Mean Girls has still been popular and culturally relevant since it debuted 20 years ago. It was originally based on a book Queen Bees and Wannabes by Rosalind Wiseman. If you want to point the finger Paramount owns the movie who licensed it to be a musical that became popular enough to adapt it into a movie. They didn't need to get involvement from Tina Fey or the author of the book but Im sure Tina Fey wanted to be sure it was done right.


Certainly Tina can sing. πŸŽ΅β€‹ πŸŽΆβ€‹


