How woke will this be?

A sensitive, New Age, flower-loving Leatherface and his diverse gang of victims? None of these Texans would believably vote for a patriot like Trump.


It'll either be Leatherface and family standing in for the traditional Liberal viewpoint of redneck Texans, slaughtering a bunch of illega... Excuse me, "Immigrants" and getting defeated by a wise Latina woman, or Leatherface will be the Liberal outsider, "othered" by the establishment, and he'll be the hero, killing a bunch of evil rednecks and cops.




One could only hope that Leatherface goes down to Florida and wipes out all the #RUMPs. Eric. Don. Jr. Ivanka. Just takes a chainsaw to them all. Now that would be WOKE!


He'd be more likely to wipe out leftist, soy boys like you. Sorry to assume you're gender.....


Are MOST of your posts just asking HOW WOKE IS THIS?


I think so 🤦🏻‍♀️
They have nothing else to take their straight white male rage out on 😂


GuyHaines is a Loser


Holy shit! That's his entire posting history. How pathetic is that!

To the ignore list with this clown.


I think he's trolling the incel right-wingers on the site. Pointing out their moral panic and irrational (or rational, since being woke limits their ability to act with impunity) fear of "wokeness".


I just watched. It wasn’t so woke. They had one interracial couple among the protagonists, and there were some scenes involving a Confederate flag as a symbol of racism. but I don’t think those details rise to the level of woke


You missed out the gender neutral lecturing on pollution and guns. 3 final girls all far tougher than their male counterparts. Very high on the woke scale.


Wow, you must be really dense to not understand the movie was actually making fun of "woke" culture. Like it was what half the movie was about


Yeah sure it was, just like this is no doubt your first ever post on this website. Putrid troll.


Yeah, you were dense as hell. Guns were used by the final girls. And there was actually only one final girl, who showed an interest in a gun before the shooting even began. So who's the idiot now?


Still you, so shut your gormless uneducated sock account piehole


Wooo so edgy and 2007.


Guns were used by the final girls. And there was actually only one final girl

Forgetting the password to your other account seems to have confused you a bit. Try Cuck2022


You're mad because you have no way to counter that point. Try Owned2022.


You don't have a point. It looks like Cuck2022 worked so you should be thanking me instead of spouting even more inane shit


Fuck Off and Die, troll! Will report you next time.


Wow, Satan, you’re so edgy.


It's woke as fuck. It seems the purpose of the movie was to make a piece of liberal propaganda rather than a TCM movie. Don't watch if you are boycotting liberals.


It was not woke at all, it was your standard Last Girl horror movie.


Low level trolling. Fuck off lol.

The main character embraced guns before the madness even started. Did you see how curious she was about the AR?

Man you people are pathetic. Get a life.


The fact that people are trying to claim that this movie is woke goes to show that the people who rant about this shit don’t understand what they’re complaining about. If anything, this movie was a half-assed attempt at satirizing “woke” Gen Z influencers.


100%. I agree completely!

- During the bus scene that guy even says "try anything and you're cancelled" before Leatherface kills all the morons who raised their phones simultaneously.
- Black guy gets killed very early on. Black girl gets chopped in half!
- Girl who was anti gun and making dick jokes at the start, and essentially steals the ladies house off her, gets beheaded at the end!
- Only character who survives is very likeable, curious about guns, pleasant to the redneck guy, etc.

Don't really get the abject hate for this flick, either. It's no classic, but watching it back to back nights with Scream 2022, it was a lot more FUN.



I didn't see this as woke. Some films are, like the Black Christmas remake, but on the other hand it seems now every film that has female characters in it people are like; "Waaah! It's woke."

Say what you like about this film, but I don't see any issue with any woke issues with this. If you go looking for a message, the only one that you'll find is the one you mentioned. Pointing out how far people are going to film stuff on their phone, they'll literally think threatening a guy attacking you with a chainsaw with being 'cancelled' is a good idea.


It's woke to a certain crowd because girls scare them but they are so desperately lonely.


Does it have any tits?


No. And the women in general are...well, let's just say not typically cast for a slasher type film...Without being mean.


That's about what I expected.


I liked that. Nice change. Stupid decisions still abounded, but no, they were not chesty Last Girls.
