MovieChat Forums > W. (2008) Discussion > Thandie Newton was awful.

Thandie Newton was awful.

I have never seen a movie where I was so aware of one of the actors actually acting. Everytime she spoke it brought me out of the whole movie. It has to be one of the worst pieces of acting in a long time. Why Oliver Stone didn't recast is beyond me. Perhaps due to the rushed shooting schedule. Everyone else did a fine job especially Brolin and Cromwell. Did anyone else cringe at Newton's performance? I'm glad her screen time, and even better her dialogue, were very limited.


she was really bad


I've never been a Newton fan, there's something she lacks in the characters I've seen her play, but this was by far the worst thing I've ever seen. I can't believe they let her continue to "act" that way. Was there no one on set that told her she needed to tone it down, maybe watch a few interviews with Condie because it's like she didn't do any research. And if she did it completely translated wrong. I'm guessing she doesn't like Condie (as evidenced by an interview I saw of Newton promoting the film) because she completely ruined her in this film.

As for the rest of the cast they were good but it seems like all of the administration came off as being retarded children. I'm a lefty but the movie just seemed really biased, not overtly so but there were subtle things that made all of these people seem like idiots. I know they screwed up this counry but you don't make it that high up without having some knowledge.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.


Newton's portrayal of Condoleezza Rice was as annoying as the real Condoleezza Rice. Therefore in my opinion it was a brilliant stroke. Remember this film, like many of Stone's works, is not to be the 100% true definitive word on the main topic - but an impression, one persons view of events or personalities. As another post mentioned about Brolin/Bush always eating : "I thought it made him look like a child. The way he seems to be stuffing his face, unable to regulate himself. Very subtly done by the director. The impression it left me is that this is still an immature brat who needs his mommy to tell him when he's had enough candy so that he doesn't get a tummy ache" (quoted from Beyondpacificm's post). The individuals in the movie are painted as charactures by Stone. Notice how many times he places Bush in an silly position (on the toilet, putting on pants, stuffing his face...). Many feel this is an attempt to "humanize" Bush, while another view is to ridicule him (and who better to ridcule than a man who has tarnished the office of the President). It's a movie "based" on fact, so back to the main topic - she was dead on as the sycophantic Rice.


Ew, she was bad. They should have used a muppet or CGI...


I'm in the middle of watching this and her acting is actually pissing me off! Why would Stone allow her to this. It's more like she's mocking Condi Rice than trying to play her. It's aweful.


I am in total agreement.


I have to say that Thandie's acting stood out to me and it took me out of the movie like another post said. Condoleeza usually has a very stern look to her and she sometimes squints, but Thandie's face was so severe and squinty that I couldn't get past it. Her voice was odd too. I wondered if maybe it was difficult for her as a Brit to get Condoleeza's accent right.


I think Newton played her that way for a reason. The real Condi seems like a bad actor doing a bad job anyway. They went for it and I think its funny.

Don't do quaaludes or you'll end up sounding like Roman Polanski.


Thandie's performance was deliberate, Oliver Stone definitely wanted it that way. A lot of people already see Condi as a joke, she's a highly-educated woman who has reduced herself to being a lapdog.. the whole point of her portrayal in the movie was to embarrass her.


The first time she spoke and then gave Rove that look afterwards I thought it was hilarious. I'm not sure if it was meant to be funny but I loved it. Unfortunatley, from that point on though things went downhill for Thandie. Jeffrey Wright was disappointing but then again Powell isn't exactly a dynamic figure.





I'm a white 26 year old german male and I could have portrayed her more convincingly. Honestly, one of the most baffling failures of an actress in a major motion picture. Imagine her practicing the face in front of the mirror every day for months. :-D

"You and me we are fµckin done, professionally!"


I know what you mean. Janet Jackson's skit on SNL was a lot more convincing!

I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
