MovieChat Forums > Aoc: A Star Is Born (2019) Discussion > Why are you people obsessed with her?

Why are you people obsessed with her?

I get why the Fox news types who vote GOP are riveted by her--they think she is some leftist militant blah blah blah. People who think themselves "left" are the ones I don't understand. There is nothing about AOC that is even remotely left, but she will mouth certain platitudes of the DSA that are never backed up by real action. The DSA has been silent when it comes to criticizing the Biden Administration's reckless drive to war against Russia. The DSA is a pseudo-left appendage of the Democratic Party meant to convey the illusion that the Democratic Party still contains "left" credentials like it did in the 1930s. The fascination with AOC is rather mystifying. I suppose the damnest criticism is for the American people who no longer understand the meaning of the term "left".


You answered your own question when addressing the Rightwing Media Echo chamber's obsession with her but devalued your own position by defending Putin and for the most part Autocracies around the world. It's no different than Libertarians whining about Leftists when it's the everyday American that enables PACs, Billionaires, and special interest groups.


I'll buy you a set of pompoms so you can be a cheerleader as Biden leads you off to World War 3.


I'll send you some Smirnoff to celebrate Putin's reelection


There is nothing about AOC that is even remotely left??? Try all of her political positions


Fox news type, just as I was writing about.


MSNBC type, just as I was writing about


Never watch that or any of your American corporate media.


American leftists are liberal enough to cause a divide between people but not enough to be effective. It's a marketing scheme. They trade one authoritarian regime for another but make pompous claims of being "on the right side of history." Morons on the street eat it up like teenaged fucktards cheering on a high school football team.


It's the same way Hollywood loves retards. Forrest Gump, Radio, Sean Penn was a retard in somethig. You see someone who is retarded, slow or whatever like AOC and you're fascinated, you can't look away.

