Similar movies
In the Bedroom, Miller's Crossing, maybe Irreversible.
Any others?
Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.
In the Bedroom, Miller's Crossing, maybe Irreversible.
Any others?
Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.
Michael Haneke's work, the film is obviously very much inspired by his style.
My Lists:
Cronenberg's History of Violence and Eastern Promises. The Consequences of Love has a similar pacing and introspection. Lumet's Before the Devil Knows You're Dead. One False Move has a similar arc from the city to the backwoods.
shareHey. I too loved Revanche, and recently discovered Christian Petzold. Initially I saw Jerichow and I felt vibes of Revanche, and then I saw The State I am in, and again thought it was similar to Revanche. The pacing, characters (often criminals), he covers are quite similar to topics and themes in Revanche, and could also be classed as existential drama/thrillers.
Hope you enjoy the films if you can find them, as I feel the mood and atmosphere is pretty similar too. The State I am in is proably my favourite of his!
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Feel free to check out my list of movie recommendations:
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