I'm torn...

On the one hand I loved the build-up, lack of immediate blood and guts and slashing, and loved, loved, LOVED how more than any other modern film it not only seemed set in the early 1980's but shot in the 1980's as well. Not sure how he did that when so many other big-budget films cannot. I also found the friend's skepticism and feelings more realistic and common-sense than how many act in a film like this.

However... a better "reveal" about the family and their backstory and a more fleshed-out and less rushed ending would have definitely helped. I too found some of the plot holes problematic (why not take her immediately instead of the whole babysitting charade and wait, or count on pizza being ordered/delivered, and why shoot the friend in the car, etc.). I also found that as a determined survivor she wouldn't just kill herself. She hadn't been thru enough torture or failure to feel the situation was hopeless. She had already escaped and had the upper hand with a gun. Also, she is just going to believe some nutcase who is also a proven liar that she is carrying the "devil's baby" -- enough to kill herself in despair?? Don't buy that at all and it flies in the face of all we sat thru up to the last 15 minutes.


Yeah I feel like ending was kinda thrown on for shock value, and agree a better build-up or some other type of revelation that she had would have made more sense.

Great flick either way though. The atmosphere was on point.
