I feel so sorry for affluent white men losing their high paying jobs
...I really must see this ... boo hoo.
Zachary Quinto is ridiculously sexy! Robert Downey Jr....is pure sex!
...I really must see this ... boo hoo.
Zachary Quinto is ridiculously sexy! Robert Downey Jr....is pure sex!
Sadly a lot end up committing suicide or even killing their families.
shareThat's *beep* pathetic. Men work at three low paying jobs to barely feed their families because the economic climate in the US is so horrible right now and you expect me to feel pain for spineless men with boundless opportunities? Men who instead of getting a real job commit suicide? Men who are unhappy because their easy, cushy overpaid job was taken from them? No, I feel no pain for these men. I feel pain for those who actually work for something, or someone.
shareWould it be compelling enough for you if it were wealthy white women? How about wealthy black men? Just wondering where your compassion begins and ends.
"Time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so"
People do not realize that when you're trained in a specific field, it's not always that easy to find something as good or similar. Right now I'm having the most horrible year probably in my life. It's like I fit in nowhere. I'm the square peg trying to get in the round hole. Where I live, a guy did slaughter his whole family because of job loss. It's wrong, it's cowardly, but when the bills mount up and it seems like no hope, that is their answer. Not me. I wouldn't do that because I have faith that things will work out the way they were meant to. My heart is on the ground a lot but I try to keep looking for the right job. Don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge somebody until you yourself have been there.
shareWould it be compelling enough for you if it were wealthy white women? How about wealthy black men? Just wondering where your compassion begins and ends.People live beyond their means(take on debt), and the higher they climb, the harder they fall, i.e. they ask for it. share
People live beyond their means(take on debt), and the higher they climb, the harder they fall, i.e. they ask for it.
Right on! You just have to dream, I read it in a brochure somewhere. Dream that you can afford a home you can't actually afford. Dream that your credit rating is as good as the loan company tells you. Be brave! Dare to dream! This is America! You deserve it!
There were three of us in this marriage
What makes you think that high-paying jobs are easy and cushy? I work in a law firm where people often spend nights at the office performing extremely difficult and challenging tasks. Try doing my job and if you consider it easy I will shake your hand.
shareWhat makes you think that high-paying jobs are easy and cushy? I work in a law firm where people often spend nights at the office performing extremely difficult and challenging tasks. Try doing my job and if you consider it easy I will shake your hand.Yes, some jobs are more demanding than other jobs, but does that mean that they can`t be overpaid, i.e. if a money manager/investor works 24/7 and makes $100 million a year, is he overpaid/ is it justified? My point is that in some cases the system(monpolies/licenses/regulations etc) redisributes income in a perverse manner. share
I agree that some jobs are overpaid but investor is not a job. Investors don't get salaries - what they get is dividends from the revenue. They undetake a very high level of risk in investing lots of funds where they might get nothing in return but losses. Some managers are overpaid, yes. To me the most overpaid jobs are those that have to do with show-business/entertainment/some sports. I had a friend who earned millions by playing professional basketball. Most of the time he would party, smoke weed and do nothing. Several hours a week he used to tain and from time to time take part in the matches.
shareI agree that some jobs are overpaid but investor is not a job. Investors don't get salaries - what they get is dividends from the revenue. They undetake a very high level of risk in investing lots of funds where they might get nothing in return but losses. Some managers are overpaid, yes. To me the most overpaid jobs are those that have to do with show-business/entertainment/some sports. I had a friend who earned millions by playing professional basketball. Most of the time he would party, smoke weed and do nothing. Several hours a week he used to tain and from time to time take part in the matches.Investors/speculators put up inflated/manipulated fiat-capital via state sponsored limited liability companies, i.e. there`s not much risk. Ergo investors etc aren`t putting up the surplus of the fruits of their own labor.
I believe that you are referring to specific US situation. It's hard for me to comment on this since I live in Russia and am unaware of those particulars. In any event, you mihght be right.
shareBingo. And it's intentional, not accidental. It's how wealth perpetuates itself. The tax laws, "corporate welfare", etc. It's all part of the same system.
The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov
LOL I seriously doubt you work harder than the plumber/ditch digger/roofer.
I'm not saying that you should be paid more or less or that those occupations should be paid more or less, but don't talk to me about hard work when there are people who physically bust their ass on a daily basis in adverse weather conditions.
I don't work that hard. People under my supervision work hard. I just check their work and make them re-do if I'm not satisfied with it. That's the way it works. I really don't care how hard a plumber or a toilet cleaner works. I just know that no matter how hard they bust their asses I will earn more on my day-off. Well, at the same time what I earn compared to some of my clients is nothing, zero. And compared to them I AM a toilet cleaner. That's life, where everything is relative.
sharePeople are not simply annoited to high paying jobs. They have to start somewhere too. They go to school, they pass the tests, they apply like everybody. Some are smarter and do better. There is no excuse, however, for blowing hard earned money on booze, drugs, smokes, gambling, sex, and so on. Like who needs a brand new car every year? If you live above your means, of course you're gonna fall off that gold pedastal. Just be grateful you have what you have. If you don't think it's enough, take a drive around the poor part of your city and have a look. It's an eye-opener. No, I'm not preaching. I've seen the poor parts of my town. Believe me, it's awful. When I get home, I realize my run down house is like a mansion. I'm grateful.
shareI like spending my money on booz, drugs, clothes, restaurants. What's wrong with that? Not sex though - you pay for sex with sex. Otherwise you're overpaying.
share"Not sex though - you pay for sex with sex. Otherwise you're overpaying."
Bahahaha I'll have to embroider that on a pillow.
Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
This is a really ignorant comment.
You think 90% of these office job nuts wouldn't rather be getting paid $100k to run around in the open, lift some wood, breathe some fresh air, then you're dead wrong. Yes some of those jobs have health risks but others do not. Unless you're 50 yrs old or have joint problems, a physically intensive job as long as it is not too over the top would be awesome. The only downside is the low pay.
Hard work is sitting in a chair all day without walking. If you don't believe me, take up an office job and let's see how you like it.
Hard work is sitting in a chair all day without walking. If you don't believe me, take up an office job and let's see how you like it.That is why I think the educational system needs revamped. Some people are not ready for education until they have been out in the world long enough to see how things really work, Hard physical jobs for the young and healthy with training options available for those interested. The goal of this being maximizing the potential of life stages and to promote from within the company. Something I will never understand is that teaching is one of the lowest paying professions, yet education is one of the highest priced assets to have. Everyone who has been educated has the potential to spread that education like a disease. Another point made in the movie is the 700 times the salary should translate into 700 times the work. I figure 1440 minutes in a day. You can take the math from there. The way I figure it is the CEO and other high paid officials of a company are responsible for the company, this should extend to all aspects of the company and not be limited to making sure the investors get a good return on their stocks. No company can succeed without loyal employees, this principle should work both ways. In other words, the majority of the bosses money is skimmed from the salaries of those who worked hard to make the company a success, this obligates the bosses to be responsible for their welfare. Why else would these people be entitled to the big bucks? Too many people use credit to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like. share
That is why I think the educational system needs revamped. Some people are not ready for education until they have been out in the world long enough to see how things really work, Hard physical jobs for the young and healthy with training options available for those interested. The goal of this being maximizing the potential of life stages and to promote from within the company....or spread the propaganda like a disease.
Something I will never understand is that teaching is one of the lowest paying professions, yet education is one of the highest priced assets to have. Everyone who has been educated has the potential to spread that education like a disease.
Another point made in the movie is the 700 times the salary should translate into 700 times the work. I figure 1440 minutes in a day. You can take the math from there.No, it`s producing 700 times as much, i.e. how efficient/intelligent people are at producing differs, but yes, the differences aren`t as great as 700, i.e. The absurd inequality in pay comes down to regilation/redistribution via government_(lisences/moetary system which benefits investors at the expense og the produsers in society, i.e. the producers don`t get to own/keep the fruits of their labour, i.e. the buying power is redistributed from the producers to the investors via the inflation of the money supply.
The way I figure it is the CEO and other high paid officials of a company are responsible for the company, this should extend to all aspects of the company and not be limited to making sure the investors get a good return on their stocks. No company can succeed without loyal employees, this principle should work both ways. In other words, the majority of the bosses money is skimmed from the salaries of those who worked hard to make the company a success, this obligates the bosses to be responsible for their welfare. Why else would these people be entitled to the big bucks?What prevents the employees from starting a competing company, where they get to a bigger piece of the buy?
Hard work is sitting in a chair all day without walking.
Well let's put it another way; you may have been disabled for a while and therefore have forgotten how much happier and lively you'd feel if you had the ability to walk around and exercise. You think that sitting in a chair all day is a piece of cake because it has become the norm, just like someone who is a victim of China's internet firewall is content with filtered internet because they don't know what they're missing out on.
I guess it's not really a matter of how "hard" you're working as much as it is the quality of life.
If it wasn't for THAT class, you probably wouldn't have a job.
"Wisdom begins in Wonder"
I feel so sorry for affluent white men losing their high paying jobs...I really must see this ... boo hoo.
Here is an example of someone so simple they suppose the film must be something asking them to 'feel sorry' for affluent men losing their high paying jobs,
Doesn't even consider whether or not this film actually does a great job exploring that question (should you pity them?) and maybe even answers some of those questions in ways you did not expect.
What if I told you this story actually suggests you ought NOT feel sorry for them?
What if you found out the story shows you why you should not feel sorry for some but you could (to some extent) feel for others?
What if you saw a story that actually taught YOU a lesson about how there is no such thing as an 'Affluent' anyone (as some life-long identity) but some may be poor most of their life - high-paying for a season - low-paying for more -etc?
What if you watched this movie and found the story revealing there ought not be any pity for the affluent white guy AT FIRST but that a time comes when he learns his lesson, becomes a low-payed working class white man and then he loses that job?
What if you found this film explains how you may be guilty of assuming some 'rich old white man' was privileged and deserves no pity but then you found out that he had actually busted his body from the very lowest paying brutal dirty labour jobs for over 35 years of his life in low-pay until grinding and improving himself to an office job (still fairly low paying) until finally after 40 years he got that 'high paying affluence',
after just a year or two of being an 'affluent white man' they fire him out the door?
Averaging his entire career he has actually busted his butt in brutal low-paying hard work more than you ever will AND his 2 'affluent years' still don't average to what you make at your job today?
What if I told you this movie actually does communicate the story 'do not feel sorry for these a-holes!'?
But you are so simple you saw the preview and decided "oh i get it - this is a story about rich white men and it asks me to feel sorry for them. Well forget that buddy!".
You must be a fairly happy person. Everything is so simple and easy in your adorable simple view of the world. Wonderful!
I'm sorry you didn't work hard enough in school to get a high paying job.
Do you realize how hard people work to get to the ultra-competitive positions they are in? Don't knock it unless you can back up what you have to say.
Obviously some people have no idea what it takes to get an MBA so they sit around and cry about how bad their life is.
shareHow can you not be sympathetic for the people in this movie:
Ben Affleck was making $120,000 + bonuses.
Then he says he'll settle for $110,000 + bonuses.
Then he's told the job he's applying for pays $65,000.
And he had to wait until he was even interviewed.
This is a Greek tragedy.
kellycastlebridge; You make it seem like you were there and personally involved in all that. Now you want someone to lick your nasty butt crack because of it. People like you exemplify what is wrong with the human race. Too many people use credit to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like.
Go watch the Pursuit of Happiness then.
Short of that, realize that different people lead different lives. Right, wrong or indifferent, it seems like Affleck's character is more distraught over a diminished sense of self-worth. Who hasn't been there?
I'll bet good money that the story is about finding the aforementioned self-worth in places other than money. Friends, family, new opportunities... perhaps?
So why don't you stop attacking a situation you seem to know next to nothing about. People work hard, they make money. Quite simple really.
Oh, and speaking specifically to a point made by someone else...
Fund managers make the money they do because of their value add. If you make someone $20m dollars because you're one smart SOB, I'd say you deserve a chunk of that.
Hell, it's better than not working and expecting a chunck of welfare. Plus, it's the fund managers that pay for welfare out of their taxes in the first place, so really it's the bastards that make way too much money that support the people who don't want to work....
Great system. I'm pumped.
"Hell, it's better than not working and expecting a chunck of welfare. Plus, it's the fund managers that pay for welfare out of their taxes in the first place, so really it's the bastards that make way too much money that support the people who don't want to work.... "
This comment is so ignorant of actual economics it's almost funny. Almost.
I don't think the movie is about feeling sorry for anyone. It is a compelling drama about how damaging it is for somebody to lose your job. Just because the guy isn't working in a factory making 15 dollars an hour doesn't mean it isn't life changing to lose your job.
shareThats ridiculous just because they are white men it doesn't matter what happens to them? What a stupid comment.
I'm not white btw.