MovieChat Forums > Bronson (2009) Discussion > Similarities to Chopper

Similarities to Chopper

I don't know a lot about this project, but up and coming talent goes overweight to portray famous real life criminal in well received performance....sounds like chopper to me


I was just about to make a post about Chopper vs. Bronson.

I liked them both a lot. Andrew Dominik is a better director than Nicolas Winding Refn in my opinion as well.


Bronson is in infinitely more cinematic,a much stronger visual language.


Me too!

As for the movies, i enjoyed both of them, but for me Bronson is a 6 and Chopper a 7. As for directors, watch Refn's Valhalla Rising, it's quite an experience. It's a bit artsy like everything he does but Mads Mikkelsen is sublime in it, as always.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs



I got to check out Valhalla Rising. Have you seen the Pusher movies?


That's a tough question. I mean, yes...there are some similarities between the two films. But then again, both films sort of have completely different premises. I think Chopper is a bit more mellow than Bronson. At least at the end of Chopper, he was laughing in his prison cell, watching television with some guards. Chopper was at least mildly adaptable around other people. And there were even times that he seemed to show remorse.

Bronson on the other hand, was a pure maniac. He was border line insane. In the end, Bronson was so violent and out of control, that his entire body had to be locked up in a small metal cage. It didn't end well for Bronson. At least Chopper seemed comfortable with his prison sentence. Bronson was always looking for trouble. He just couldn't adapt, even if he tried.

So all in all, Chopper: violent, paranoid...but adaptable. / Bronson: violent, crazy, totally unpredictable...straight up psycho.
