Ellen Page Is Really Hot
I think the title says it all, but she is really sexy in this.
I think I'm in love.
You’re so cool. You’re so cool. You’re so cool.
I think the title says it all, but she is really sexy in this.
I think I'm in love.
You’re so cool. You’re so cool. You’re so cool.
She's been one of my major celebrity crushes for awhile. I watched this movie mainly because she was in it. I have to say I could not keep my eyes off her during the entire movie. She looked so damn beautiful.
i dont know what it is... i dont find her hot or anything but im attracted to her in some weird way... shes got this cute, unique look about her that i like.
she's cute but it wasn't enough, the movie was so dull and pointless. its like all the support this film gets is more about some kind of "girl power" thing rather than the film having any merit.
I think Kristen Wiig was the hottest of the cast.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTMbTdlgQAw - Ryan Lavery, HERO! [/whispershout]
All of the women in this movie were hot. Drew, Eve, Ellen, Zoe Bell and last but not least Juliette Lewis. She screams bad ass to me.
"Vile weed!" Newman, Seinfeld
Ellen Page was really, really cute in this, but I dunno, Eve did it the most for me. She was hawt. Special mention to Juliette Lewis as well, as said above she was bad ass.
"And what am I supposed to do while you're on a yellow brick quest for a brain?"