MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > Would you consider this a 'conservative'...

Would you consider this a 'conservative' or 'liberal' movie

I have never seen this movie but now I am wondering what kinds of people produced this movie. Would you say the producers/directors fall in the liberal camp or the conservative camp?

The reason I am asking is because the media and liberals (aren't they one in the same?) keep repeating the same story - even after it has been shown to be false - that there was some connection between conservative talk show pundits/politicians and what the shooter in Tucson did. However, I also heard today that this movie, Zeitgeist, had a profound impact on the shooter's mind. This would seem to indicate that the ideology of this kind of movie had a role in crafting his mind. Thanks.

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The movie is Left Wing.

It promotes a Utopian vision of he world based around Central Planning, whuch is basically a form of Communism, though they ay its distinct from it as t has no Money. (Communism also had no money, only the interim socialism would.)

Politically the Movie is basicaly Left Wing. Not sure if that renders it "Liberal" though. it seemed rather ambivoelent and had some Libertarian Elements to it, especially the part about the Federal Reserve and the Banking System.


It's beyond left-wing. It's a neurotic cocktail of anarcho-libertarianism and hyper-paranoid radical communism.

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Communism being a word given the same kind of new meaning as terrorism by these people.


You are referring only to the banking segment. The whole 9/11 conspiracy segment has a lot right wing elements....the whole 'government was involved' in 9/11.


Communism has money. It's just that everyone has the amount they need. Of course, when the people needed more money than that available, things have typically gone awry.


This movie is for people who are easily persuaded. It has elements of both left and right wing conspiracy paranoia, along with some socially liberal and fiscally conservative claims.

While some of the targets of the film are worthy of attack (the fed, religion) almost everything in it is propaganda. That is to say, it's all either complete fabrication, selective sources or logical fallacies. The central fallacy being the relativistic one: while it purports to convince people to question what they are told, anyone who applies that logic to this film will almost immediately realize just how slanted this film is.

The real bias is anti-establishment.

"You are a riddle wrapped in an enigma drizzled in delicious bullsh!t."


True...but I think they did a good job with the religion segment. They did add in some propaganda but for the most part, they presented a lot of facts. Too bad they included a few opinions and a few selective sources.


Give it a try, without caring for the category it belongs to.

my voting history


Yeah, then check the facts, from independant soruces. You'll see they don't really find support anywhere and the movie is easy to debunk.


I am beginning to think that you behave as if unless you reply back to each and every comment here (which is even remotely pro-zeitgeist OR anti-zarove) your belief system is in dire danger of being ridiculed. You need to have some faith in yourself too.
Why should some random scribbling by some random guy create this unrelenting itch to reply back particularly when you do realize that it wont change anything (just as the comment which compelled you to respond)??
you are just autistic and not some religious freak, start behaving appropriately. PLEASE!

And next time try replying back to the person you actually intent to respond to. Whats the use of unnecessarily initiating a discussion specially when you don't have the courtesy to conclude it in a mature way?

my voting history


Med, in my own defence, this is a Message Baord and pepel, you know, reply...

That said, How is my comment innapropriate? I mean, pretty well everyone replis on these threads, and I've seen Pro-Zeitgietsers reply to refute a debunker endlessly.


You medman1982 should have the decency to make an argument without calling people autistic. Who's the mature one here?


Did you even care to go through the earlier posts? Or did you find it to be a too 'juicy' opportunity to bash someone??

my voting history



The film should have made it clear that capitalist-born *beep* such as Left wing, republican, democrat or whatever is completely useless and irrelevant. Two sides of the same coin.


Lol. Exactly.



Political involvement is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

The premise of the film is simple. Anything designed by man will eventually be destroyed or made irrelevant over time.

The question being asked in the film is as a society and as part of the global economy do we want to give up a system that is designed to fail for a system that benefits the people

Now before anyone brings up the label of Communism read this.

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


The fact of the matter is a small percentage of “individuals” own or control the bulk of the wealth in the world based on an issuant that has no value beyond the desire of the individual to acquire it.


Using the word 'amen' is a bit ironic, isn't it? ;-)

I agree indeed. Let's just start labeling stuff before we even have seen it. ;-)

I watched this documentary Yesterdaymorning and don't know if all nor how many facts are correct, but at least the message that we have to keep an open mind is a good one.

Part I
I'm not a believer but I also am not an atheist, who denies God, which I cannot do because I have no proof eitherway.

I think religion is an interpretation of their spirit and each kind of race has their own version of it. Some interpretation are passive and others are active (read: aggressive) and want to convince their interpretation/religion/believe is the best.

I know for sure that nature seeks balance and this is a 'fact' to me. For the rest it's possible that all the religions are based on what they see in nature and that all their interpretations are one way or another in general correct.

People who force each other their beliefs are just as bad as people who think religion is the cause of all the wars and want to force them to don't believe. I believe religion is mis-used by people to overpower others.

Part II
For me this part is harder to digest and I'm sceptical to believe anything of it. It's just to big of a complot to be correct. Although I think Bush is one of the worst presidents the US has ever had it's hard to believe his family and government would be capable of such an act.

Part III
In general I believe our monetary system is failing indeed, but because I cannot think of a better system, I believe we have to make it better and then perfect it.

I'm aware that communism, socialism and capitalism are just tools within the monetary system.

I'm European and for me it became a 'fact' the last couple of years that our global system needs perfection. Although I believe we do not shoot the messenger but it's getting time Moody’s, Fitch and Standard & Poor's give the US the same threatment as they give other countries.

By which I mean when they demote the creditworth of Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain without warning they should do that for the US too.

I also believe this should be globally and managed independently, because everybody who thinks logically knows American companies like Moody’s, Fitch and Standard & Poor's have a certain interest in keeping the dollar strong because lowering the US credit from AAA to D would increase the interest rates the US has to pay on loans and thus fasten the time they reach their top of their debts. Which in result will weaken the dollar...

In Zeitgeist they showed that a society is based on debts, because local banks have to pay back their loans to the central bank with interest. But from who do they get the money to pay those interest. So they need to get more money from the central bank to pay their debts but those new loans need to be paid back also with interest ofcourse.... If this is true then it's definitely a malfunction of our monetary system. No doubt about it!

PS: I believe no society can increase their debts without consequence so what happens to Greece, Portugal, Spain and Ireland are their own faults. Just as it's a matter of time the USA have to pay theirs....

"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)


"...people who think religion is the cause of all the wars..."

- good point. While it is undeniable that religion is the cause of SOME wars, it is undeniable that MONEY to the bankers who finance both sides of the war is more likely the cause of MOST wars.

"...But from who do they get the money to pay those interest."

- the sad truth is that the Citizens of the country pay the interest on the government's debts by Taxation. The Principal is NEVER paid back, so the government and its people remain enslaved to the Central Bank (the Fed in the US).

In addition, the banks make loans to the citizens financed by the loans made previously and they only have to have 1/9th of the Fiat money on hand at the Central Bank. Debt begets debt begets debt... and the end result is that when no one can pay, the assets bought with the debt go to the Central Bank's member banks - unless the member banks stop loaning to each other - then ALL the assets wind up at the Central Bank when the member Banks fail. This happened to the US in 2008 with the housing bubble.

Truly it is a terrible way to run financing for a government and a people, but strangely, England, America, and finally most of the world does it this way.

It makes so much more sense to me to eliminate the Fed/Central Banks and the Fractional Reserve System with a more sound ratio of $1 to $1 or maybe $1 to $2 at the most, with the money supply abundant to enable growth while keeping inflation down.


Regarding Religion, there is a difference between religion and God. Organized religion is a sham and there is too much evidence against religion being true. The movie did a good job of explaining much of this evidence. However, the belief in a higher power, God, is a different story. It's hard to provide evidence that a mythical being exist or does not exist so it's up to faith. That God is not the god portrayed in the bible, Koran, etc.

Part II and III: I agree with most of what you said


"Would you say the producers/directors fall in the liberal camp or the conservative camp?"

- Liberal camp, most definitely.

I am a Born-Again Christian Republican Conservative (but more in the Abraham Lincoln/Barry Goldwater/Ron Paul Libertarian tradition). I am not offended by the film or those who disagree with my faith in God, nor do I believe that I am a brainwashed robot or deceived fool. In fact, I do not hate anybody, welcome peaceful discussions and debates about the topics in Zeitgeist, and am an open minded person.

The areas of the film that I believe are more factual and are justified cause for alarm (SPOILERS! Don't read on unless you are ok with knowing some of the film's content):

1. In checking other sources, it is factual that the Rothschild family has long influenced American banking. In the early 1900's, the various banking concerns (JP Morgan, Rockefeller etc) did establish the Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) with Woodrow Wilson and a covert operation to push it through while Congress was on recess.

2. The Fed and its Member Banks do control the American economy more than the Free Market does. It controls the money supply and uses Fractional Reserve Banking to make loans. The beneficiaries include foreign interests, possibly still the Rothchilds as well.

3. When they established the Fed, they established the IRS as well, which helps pay for the loans and interest made by the Fed to the Congress by taxation.

4. The Fractional Reserve system keeps the Government and its citizens in perpetual debt. We are literally enslaved to their system financially. A better variation of this would be to include asset-backed money like Gold and Silver in addition to the GDP as value to our money.

5. Many of our current leaders in government (regardless of party, Democrat or Republican) are globalists. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission are indeed conspiring with American Government and the Fed to establish a World Government. In the past 50 years this has been referred to as the New World Order and it dates as far back as Woodrow Wilson. Our $1 bill contains evidence of this fact as well: "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" meaning "New Order of the Ages" i.e. "New World Order".

6. At this time in American history we are facing the greatest challenge and threat to our personal Liberty than ever. They are positioning themselves to gain world domination and control with no concern for our freedom and Sovereignity.

There are more verifiable facts in the film, the above facts are easy to Google and confirm.

That said, I don't agree with everything in the film either.


Holy Christ.
I'm pretty certain this is the most calm, coherent, non-aggressive, and intelligent post I have ever read on IMDB or really anywhere on the internet period.
Someone able to have their own views but not follow their faith blindly that they "know" they are correct no matter what the research says.
On the other hand, not somebody who blindly listens to this side of the story because their fed up with the other side of the story, whole reason the dem/rep thing will never work in this country.
And even rocking out with not joining the 3rd side "oh well this film says question everything so I question this film and it's wrong". Question everything literally means question it, not dismiss it. Question it, go find other sources, and decide for yourself what is fact and what is not.

I guess I can take that noose off the rafter now, you've given me a little faith in mankind again. Well maybe that's a little extreme, but I was beginning to think I was the only one capable of not only critical thinking (plenty of you guys out there), but also of sharing my thoughts in a non-obscene manner that doesn't end in everyone calling each other names 3 posts down the thread.

No wonder no one responded to you until now, their minds must have been blown. Bravo.

Oh and for the OP I haven't watched it yet, but the answer to your question I'm sure is "yes" (the two being the same thing), or "neither" because it's trying to be factual and present the truth, 2 things which are very low on most politician's agendas. They aren't very unlike rappers, their 2 main goals being popular and making money, they just go about it in a different manner.


"Question everything literally means question it, not dismiss it. Question it, go find other sources, and decide for yourself what is fact and what is not. "

- so true. and thanks for your kind words. now more than ever i hope and pray that freedom wlll prevail against a growing control over privacy, free speech and the opportunity for cooler heads to lead while simultaneously being diametrically opposed on issues.

fervent debate can indeed lead to healthy compromise and opportunity for the most people.

btw the film is worth seeing, but it is a bit alarmist and in the category of conspiracy theories. kind of like watching Alex Jones, to him almost everything is a master conspiracy against individual freedoms. perhaps a lot is, but there are a lot of freedom fighters in government as well - but of course we can always use more on the side of the Constitution and US Sovereignty...



I disagree, njiuma, that's it's a "liberal" film. The problem, is that liberal or conservative labels don't really work here, and often elsewhere. If I had to give it a label, I'd say, libertarian, extreme right, extreme left. It sort of had all of the extremes in one bag.

I do agree that the film is worth seeing. I also agree with you re: the alarmist "alex jones" conspiracy thing. It starts out well, giving good, historical background information on the roots of many religions, tying practices to seasonal and celestial events and such. The information on the precession of the equinox was brilliant. The film really nailed that whole "age" thing.

Where it lost me was: that all the bad stuff was because of the government. Yes, the way government raises money, never allowing its people to pay down the principal, etc. .... is true and commonplace globally. However, the government does allow us to have and use the "commons": roads, schools, etc. This was omitted.

Some government is outrageously corrupt and worthy of conspiracy allegations. Some government isn't. Even though the film shows the ties between big banks and government, it gets stuck on this "government is bad" mantra. We all know that big money in politics and multinational corporations are a huge part of the social ills of the world This is just plain bad filmmaking, imho. It's like they just got sloppy at the end or something.

I did appreciate some coherent solutions to the issues being presented: being human, open, loving and cooperative. Can't go wrong with that.

What's are my religious and political leanings? My religion is being myself and my politics are good.

( ~\/


Neither. If you need to ask that going into this film, you're sort of missing the point and intention of it. You can choose to disagree with points in it, or do your independent research on the information it presents, but it is supposed to be talking to people as individuals - not as members of boxed-in groups.


Exactly! If you consider the information in this film and then wonder if it has a right or left spin, you've missed the entire point of the film.

If you buy into the zeitgeist mindset, left and right are just constructs created by the powers that be to distract us from considering what is really going on.


It's a conservative movie. Tablet magazine, Michelle Goldberg said "steeped in the far-right, isolationist, and covertly anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Don't blame her for that synopsis because she is a communist jew.

Obama is a war criminal. Romney is a liberal democrat. Ron Paul 2012!


I personally find it disturbing how once some who calls themselves conservative sees a thread like this with so many people calling it liberal, that they will refuse to watch it.

If one is simply worried that it will attack their religion, you can try Ethos since it often seems to consist of the same footage for the banking portion.

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