I showed the first half of it to my mother when I was explaining my case for being an atheist and it completely changed her mind. The second half is very questionable, being more eye opening and thought provoking rather than factual. Im just curious if anyone saw this and actually changed their mind, and under what circumstances.
I have been an atheist (pointless word) since grade 10 and found the beginning completely validified the falsity of the bible and all other relgions.
In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society.
The similarities between the entering of all major wars over the past 100 years is astounding. Each one depicts the United States as "defending" the rights of its nation, when they are really just provoking an attack.
In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society.
That was a huge factor for me. I discovered (years before watching this movie,) an article that compared the similarities between Jesus and many other mythical figures whom predated Jesus by thousands of years. I have never been able to show somebody the astounding similarities between Christianity and all other mythologies, and have them give me a legitimate answer as to "why?".
In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society.
That was a huge factor for me. I discovered (years before watching this movie,) an article that compared the similarities between Jesus and many other mythical figures whom predated Jesus by thousands of years. I have never been able to show somebody the astounding similarities between Christianity and all other mythologies, and have them give me a legitimate answer as to "why?".
OK, Ill give you a legitimate Answer why those stories are all so similar. However, it's oen you won't like or accept.
The reason is the same as you already think, although in reverse. All of those srtories are just retellings of the story of Jesus, only applied to other gods. Rather than Jesus beign a retelling of an Ancient pagan Myth, such as the Life of Horus, what happened is that in the 19th Century people liek Kersey Graves and, especially int he case of Horus Gerald Massey took the Outline of jesus's Life and applied it to past Pagan gods.
While tis True that gods like Horus or Dionysus predate Jesus by Thousands of Years, the similarities between Jesus and the other gods on the Lists you read came abotu only n the 19th Century ad are not Ancient, nor were they ever atrributed to these gods before the 19th Century.
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Please provide sources for this. I think it is not true but am willing to learn more. The stories from Horus and the other pagan gods were written down (in clay or stone or whatever) before the stories of the Bible per all the research I have done. I have never ran across anything stating the opposite. But your point is valid and if you have excellent proof I would like to know about it. I try my best to see all views of an issue and accept NOTHING simply on FAITH.
There are two problems with what you said. The firts is, the Bible is not a single book, and was written over several Hundred Years.
The second is mroe damning. Whiel the stories of Horus or other gods do predate Jesus, none of the stories we have that predate Jesus actually bare the similarities to him as Stated in Zeitgeist. While one can easily prove the EGyptians worshipped a god (really two) named Horus long before Jesus, the stories they told of their gods do not match those of Jeuss' Life. Th same is True of the other gods supposedly leadign the same life.
Thus, Zeitgist was wrong abotu that.
Also, Parts 2 and 3 have the same credibility problem.
While tis True that gods like Horus or Dionysus predate Jesus by Thousands of Years, the similarities between Jesus and the other gods on the Lists you read came abotu only n the 19th Century ad are not Ancient, nor were they ever atrributed to these gods before the 19th Century.
Sorry, but this is demonstrably not true.
Tertullian was an early Christian apologist, he lived c.155 – c.240 ad, a LONG time before the 19th century, but still he wrote about the similarities between his beliefs, and those of older traditions. Laughably, he put it down to the devil setting up copies before the event, but the point is this was within a VERY short time of the gospels being written (possibly even before John was written depending which dating you use), so it's not just a 19th century scam.
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? reply share
ZAROVE said: While tis True that gods like Horus or Dionysus predate Jesus by Thousands of Years, the similarities between Jesus and the other gods on the Lists you read came abotu only n the 19th Century ad are not Ancient, nor were they ever atrributed to these gods before the 19th Century.
Sorry, but this is demonstrably not true.
Yes it is. No one had ever heard of a Virgin Born Horus who had 12 Disiples and Diedon a Cross before the 19th Centuiry, and the same applies to the other alledgeldy similar godmen Saviours Kersey graves or Gerald Massey cited.
Tertullian was an early Christian apologist, he lived c.155 – c.240 ad, a LONG time before the 19th century, but still he wrote about the similarities between his beliefs, and those of older traditions.
But did he say that earlier stories of pagan gods were identical to Jesus? Does he actually mention Virgin Born Saviours?
Actually, you didn't even bother to demonstrate he spoke of similarities between his beleifs and older beleifs, you just asserted that he did.
Sorry, but you're saying Tertullian supports the claim that the story of Jesus was borrowed form earlier Pagan soruces ins't good enough. I can just as easily say he didn't, and unlike you, I've actually supplied Ancient Texts in this thread ot back up my claims.
What do you have ot offer, exactly?
Laughably, he put it down to the devil setting up copies before the event, but the point is this was within a VERY short time of the gospels being written (possibly even before John was written depending which dating you use), so it's not just a 19th century scam.
John's Gospel was written before the end of the First Century. No one dates it to after 155, except cranks like Acharya S and her less than credible sources. So no, Tertullian was not written before John's Gospel was written.
I think you're confusing a common Myther claim about Justyn Martyr with Tertullian.
Not that it matters, as even Justyn Martyr never actually said that the Life of Jesus and all Christian enfeebles were identical to earlier pagan storied, but the Devil set p the copies. If you lot woudl actually read Justyn Martyr's work, instead of taking one small fragment of a sentence out of cotnext, you'd realise this. In fact, Justyn Martr contradicts the most important element of the copycat thesis when he specifically said that none of the pagan myths contain heroes who had been crucified, and his real point was not that the life of Jesus was identical to earlier Oagans but that hey had no real room to mock Christian beelifs.
Mythers love to quote Martyr then say he was reluctantly admitting the similarities existed then came p with "TH4 Devil created copies ot fool us" to explain away the similarities, when in Reality he was sayign that the peopel who were laughign at how stupid Christians were for beleivign in Jesus and all the stories of his Virgin Birth and Miracles and all themselves beleived in stories that had equally miraculous elements to them.
Even the quote withthe Devil was not so uch about Satan copyign the life of Jeuss before he lived to fool us, as it was saying what othes had said before Christainity exised, in Judaism, Christianity's real precursor Relgiion. Some sects of The jews thought that stories of Miracles from pagans were simply invented by the Devil to decieve the zgentiles and jkeep them in Darkness, and Martyr continued the Tradition of that Thought.
Nothign in Martyrs Apology remotely suggests that there are dirct parrallels between specific Pagan godman Saviurs and Jeus.
I know you brought up Tertullian, but that's even mroe remot since Tertullian never even mentiins that sort of thought aboutthe evil prpdicign earlier stories.
Of coruse you're free to prove me wrog by not only quotign him, but shoign a link to the original docuents.
Why is Atheist a poitnless word? I really do hate the Groupthink of Modern Atheism, as if sayigj "Atheism means lacm of beleif, we otn have Aunicornists" makes any real sense. Atheist means oen who beleives there ar eno gods, not one who lacks beleif, the lack of beleif definition was created as a Polemic tool in Arguments.
By thre way, your Logic is flawed, for two reasons.
First off, lets assume that the claism in Zeitgeist are True. So what/ That'd prove that Christainiy is abse don older Relgiiosn and got the story from jeus form elsewhere, it'd not prove that God doesnot exist at all.
WHich brigns me to the second major fallacy in yoru rpesntation. Noen of the claims made in Zeitgeist are True.
I know tis popualr to say the story of Jesus was pulled orm ealrier sorues and that there are all kinds of parrallels, but this idea was realy a 19th Century peice of Hoakum. The 12 "Disiples" (Jesus had 5000 or so Disiples, the 12 Disiples are 12 Aposltes, not just DIsiles) arent taken form ealrier Pagan stoies, and neiter was the Virign Birht or Crucifixion. Horus did not lead a SImialr Life to jesus, and neiher did Dionusys, Appolo, or Mithras.
Its all just a Lie.
Which brigns me back to my opening. You say Atheist is a pihtnless word. Well, if Atheism is just a lack of beelfi in a god, wy do you depend on Discreditign Christain claims anyway? Really the "Atheism" you embraced isnt even just ;imited to beleif in God or beleif there is no God, tis tied to an inherant Philosophical putlook which is in turn the product of Cultural Development. In that sense, it is its own Kind of religion, although saying "Ahtiems is a Relgiion liek not colletign STamps is a hoby" will be the liekly repsonce since K nee Jerk reactiosn and repetition of Bumper Sticker slogans seems the norm these days. Stiill, your basiclaly investe din a Narrative about how Relgiion is wrong andhow Christanity in Particular is a Lie, that has caused more troubel than good, and that we're better off if we all emrbac the Values and befis you hodl to.
Meanwhile, you'll buy into any claim made agaisnt the obect you hate liek Christainity. Why? Becuae it not only fits this narrative it gives you ammunition to take it down. Truth doesnt matter and neither does Rational Thought.
I' m sorry but, Zeitgeist, Part 1 is utter Garbage and the informaiton in it is simply not True.
Not really - I was an atheist from the start, but the first half did fill in some things that I hadn't thought about regarding christianity (Now I would like the makers to do the same with islam). A very interesting pice of work - for example, I knew that the King James bible had a lot of flaws, but to that extent, and so much that it actually changed the meaning (ie, to the end of the age instead of time).
The resto fit was... I'm sorry to say, but other films already covered that, like Loose Change. A lot of it does make sense, but so far I haven't really seen anything that isn't moving it from the conspiration theory territory into the fact territory. Unless we start to see some cold hard facts, I will keep on having problems with this kind of argumentation.
One thing that does stand out though is: Where were the plane parts from the plane that crashed into Pentagon? Planes doesn't evaporate, its ludicrous - they turn into billions of small pieces when they crash.
Not really - I was an atheist from the start, but the first half did fill in some things that I hadn't thought about regarding christianity (Now I would like the makers to do the same with islam).
Atheism shudl not be a synonym for gullibility, nor shoudl it be a synonym for someone who just wants to shoot "Religion" down.
Nothign in Part 1 is actually Truie. The Life of Jeus was imported onto past gods of old. No one during Antiquity, none of the actual worhsippers of Horus or Mithras or Appolom, ever heard of their virign Birth or Crucifixion. Zeitgeist made that crap up.
It'd do tje same thign with Islam.
on't just want tio "Disprove" realgion. Try to sort ut the actual facts.
That brigns me to...
A very interesting pice of work - for example, I knew that the King James bible had a lot of flaws, but to that extent, and so much that it actually changed the meaning (ie, to the end of the age instead of time).
The King James Bible is not perfect, btu its no where near as flawed as many pepel depict it as. it's actulaly one of th emsot accurate translations around. Most of the zarguments used to prove" its a bad Translation themselves gt thigns wrong. I mean, I've head "Sufer nto a Withc to Live" is a Mistranlation basedon James not likign Withces, and the Real meanign is Poisoner a lot, and thats just bunk. Not only is the King James Bibel not the original Translation to say Witch there, the actual word means Witch.
The KKV isn't relaly the prohlem.
The resto fit was... I'm sorry to say, but other films already covered that, like Loose Change. A lot of it does make sense, but so far I haven't really seen anything that isn't moving it from the conspiration theory territory into the fact territory. Unless we start to see some cold hard facts, I will keep on having problems with this kind of argumentation.
That is Wise.
This argum,t isnt base don fact, and often the assertiosn ame are easily shown to be wrong.
One thing that does stand out though is: Where were the plane parts from the plane that crashed into Pentagon? Planes doesn't evaporate, its ludicrous - they turn into billions of small pieces when they crash.
You are A very strange man, after spending Some time to understand your english ( im dutch ) you are saying that zeitgeist, which ijust wachted for the first time, is utterly bullsht. I must say i think this explanation is far more plausibel then everything any religiën had ever to offer and yet you act like they are the crazy ones. Just believe wat you want, ibelieve Parts of Erich von danniken and his alternative rise of civilization, i believe Some of this movie because it Seems the most logical, though also the most terrible, most of he time the most logical is the One that proves to be the right One.
But god, iTS just imaginary vriend to help you when you are alone or helpless, something that happened A lot more in the past than now, thats why more and more people wee the truth and rather believe in nothing or aliens than in god.
Once you have brought the richest few in the world into par with the poorest Indian slum dweller we may be able to find a point to discuss. Other than that, don't bother me with this nonsense.
�That may be true, but it is also irrelevant.�
Not only will we never see total Equlity beten peopel and Wealth will never be fully evenly disributed, I have to wustion if it's even somethign we shoudl pursue.
Equality does not itself seem to be as sefle vident in Nature, and I think purusuign it may be mroe harmful than ursuing somethign mroe feasable, liek responcbility in the use of power, or meetign basic needs.
I don't care if you've an atheist or not, but swallowing bs just because it fits your preconceived notions ... and then passing that bs on to others is an irresponsible way to go through life. Since you brought up the first part, here's what research lookslike:
For the record, I'm not a Christian and I don't believe in a higher power. I just like doing a little independent research from time to time so I don't wind up looking like a dumbass.
Thank you for your insight. However, the comparisons between the myths was hardly the point in the movie i was referring to. Jesus is a mythical figure (or at least became one), but that really has nothing to do with explaining the symbolism that Jesus represented, which is explained quite well by the procession of the equinoxes.
Actually, jesus's life story doens't fit the proccession fo the Equinoxes. if you tried to chart his life accordign to Zeitgeist using a free Astronomy program you can load online liek Stellarum, you'd see many of the claims made by zeitgeist donot add up.
it'd a force dinterpretstion.
Jesus was a Real man. Regardless of if youthink all that's in the Gospels is True or not, the core of the story is true. Unliek zeitgeist, his Life Sory was also no shared by others. orus, Mithras, Dionysus, noen fo them had siilar lives. It's made up.
You will think I am trying to be cute or smug or crass here but this response is sincere. We actually have more information (historical evidence) on the existence of Santa (St. Nicholas) than we do of Jesus. There is documented evidence as to where he lived and the church has records of his "employment". We can easily trace how St. Nicholas evolved from a man who preached in what is now Turkey to the man in the red suit with a beard that likes cookies and milk. Archaeologists even have his skull and have created a life-mask to try see exactly what he might have looked like when alive. Yet, the only data having any reference to Jesus having even existed was written by four men who never met Jesus and only wrote down the stories they were told about him. None of the stories collaborate the others (which one would expect they should) and if Jesus' birth was so renowned why did only one of the authors discuss it and the other three ignored it?
From what I can tell Jesus "might" have been a real historical figure but there simply is no proof that he existed. I know Christians rely on faith but for me I need logic, intelligence, and proof. We call that science. There are tons of disparate sources proving that Alexander the Great was real, and he lived almost 400 years before Jesus. The same thing with Socrates. How come someone as recent as Jesus is so neglected in history and archaeology? My theory (and it is only a theory) was there was a real Rabbi Jesus who preached something that the Jews of the time disagreed with. He inspired Paul enough that Paul went on to found a religion in Jesus' name. History and archaeology to a great extent supports this theory. When it was time to chronicle Jesus' life (20 or more years after his death) they realized they did not have any real info other than he preached a new word. So they used "some" pagan sources that may also have been sources for Judaic prophets to create a back-story. I am not denying Jesus may have existed and I am not denying the validity of his mission. But it is interesting the vacuum of evidence about him when history writers and books had already been around for about 400 years by the time he was born (Herodotus, etc.).
You will think I am trying to be cute or smug or crass here but this response is sincere.
It's also uninformed and completely wrong.
We actually have more information (historical evidence) on the existence of Santa (St. Nicholas) than we do of Jesus.
No we don't. I'll get to that in momnt but, I'll start by sayign this is an incorrect statement.
I'll also point tu tat having nroe evidence for person X does nto eman we have no evidence at all for person Y. EVen if we had mroe evidence for Saitn Nicolas than for Jesus Christ, that still doesn't eman we have no evidence at all for Jesus. So your argument is really not well funded.
After all, we have nor evience for WInstron CHurchhill than for Plato, but that doens't mean that Plato did not exist or that it's uncertain.
There is documented evidence as to where he lived and the church has records of his "employment".
I know its in quotesbut, the use of the word "Employment" is relaly wrong. Bishops are not Employees of a comoany.
Also, the only "Records' we have ofNicolas Of Myrna is chroniclers writtign abotu him, not direct Church Records. Peopel whote of him, but no official Church reord exists of him sopecificlaly.
We can easily trace how St. Nicholas evolved from a man who preached in what is now Turkey to the man in the red suit with a beard that likes cookies and milk. Archaeologists even have his skull and have created a life-mask to try see exactly what he might have looked like when alive.
A Life Mask is takwen when someone is alive, and cannot bemade off a skull. You can do a reconstruction, but ther is no way you can do an actual Life Mask of someone from their skull.
That said, if someone wanted to, they could always insist the bines belonged t soeoen else, jist liekMyhers do with any evidene of Jesus.
Yet, the only data having any reference to Jesus having even existed was written by four men who never met Jesus and only wrote down the stories they were told about him.
This is not True.
For starters, the New Teatament has a Minimum of 9 Authors. That[s 9 men not 4 men. Secondly, some of those men liekly did meet him in peson, and one, Luke, wrote his book about Jesus's Life base don Interviews of eople who had known him.
We also have 1 Peter, an Epistle writtenby Peter who definitlry did kow him, and Jude, and the three epistles of John. Those works are nto contested by any respectable Historian, and are understood as comleltey valid.
You want ot limit this to the Gsooelks and htne want ot say te Gosels were wrtten by men who did not know him, which s not True.
hen there's the fact that the Gospelks were still written during Living Memory of Jesus, ad circulated in an area in which he had lived. The Early CHruch was concentrated in Jerusalem at First. Had Jesus never lived at all, then peopel woudl have known it and rejected the Gospels.
Its not liek they were written centuries later.
Oh, it should also be noted that the only written text of Alexander The Great cmes from a century after he died, and the only works we have to confirm Socratese is Plato, who wrot abotu him decades later. We have mroe for Jeus thanwe have for Socratese or Alexander The Great.
r for that matter, Hannibal, whose famosu exploits, includign his attemto to use ELephants ot conquer ROme, were only known to us via a text that was written over 100 Years later.
Most figures in History that we accet as Real have far less evidence than 27 books by 9 Authors writting within living memory of the man they spoke of.
None of the stories collaborate the others
Actually they do. I know mythers liek to exagerat an sy the Gsels are wildly disagreeign but, even accepting for a moment the claism if discrepancy, the discrepancies are mild, usually reflecitgn orer of events, not the fac that the events took place. The Truth is, the Gosoelks, especially the Firts Thre, do actually cooberate eac other. The Firts Three are so similar many modern Schoalrs think they all came form the same basic soruce material. How can they all be so similar that we think Mathew and Luke used Mark as a SOruce, along with oen other soruce, known as Q, and yet they fail to cooberte each other?
(which one would expect they should)
Not only do they cooberate, but your claim here makes no sense. In modrn Police Reports of accidents that are taken onky 20 Miuets after the crash happened, the reports ofte conflict. Thats not popel tellign abotu theveents decades later, or even a month later, its the same day.
The ides that if you have two written accoutns form two different sources, they'd back ach other up and have no discrepancies is simply silly. It ignores hwo the Real World works.
and if Jesus' birth was so renowned why did only one of the authors discuss it and the other three ignored it?
Jesus's Birth was written of in two of the four Gospels, not in one of them.
Also, men were not renown for their Birth in Ancient ROme.
If you can't get oru facts right, you undermine yoruself.
Mathew and Luke discuss the Birth of Jesus.
From what I can tell Jesus "might" have been a real historical figure but there simply is no proof that he existed.
You also think only oe Gospel records theBirth Narrative, so the odds that you've aculaly looked into the evidence are slim.
No Historian doubts his exisence, other than the self identified Atheisti Activist and Anti-Christian RIchard Carrier, whose sole reason for gettign a PhD was to give himself crdibility when he attacked Christanity.
Even if all we had was the New testament, too many questions woudl emerge if we start with the assumotion that Jesus did not exist than if we accept that he did. Even the irth Narrative codifies the likloihood that a Real man existed, and that's even if you accept the Birth Narrative itself as a legendary addition to his Life, because there woudl e no Reason to write said Narrative the way it as written for a fictional person.
Too many small details wre proven True in the Gospels, and they wer written far too soon after the events, and i additiontot he Gospels we have the letters writtneby Pul, Peter, Jude, and John, all much closer to the events than the Gospels, which all refer to him. And no oen in the Firts Century challened his existance even amongst the phairissees who were most adamant agaisnt him.
Logisticlaly, its easier to accept that Jeuss existed than to accept the spontaneous craton of Christaijity from anonexistent man that no oen challenged evn when it'dbe beneficial to do so.
I know Christians rely on faith
Please dn't start this crap again. Faith does not mean beleiving in somethign without evidence.
but for me I need logic, intelligence, and proof.
No you dn't. You just said oly one Gospel records Jeuss's irth, and completley ignored the other oen that did. You also ignroes the EPistles. Or any problems cr4ate dby assumign Jeuss did not exist.
By the way, the idea that Logic, Intelligence, and Proof are somehow he opposite of Faith is wrong. Again, Faith is not beleivign in somethign you have no evidence for, and often Faith is base don logic, Intelligence, and proof. Faith actually comes from the Ltin World Fidese, and means Trust.
Whater you Trust you have Faith in, becauae Trust is a synonym for Faith.
We call that science.
No, we don't. Science is a specific methodology, not jut he use of Logic, intelligence, and proof.
You also can't rpove anythign Historiclaly hapened with Science.
You can't een prove that CHurchhill said "We shall fight them on the Beeches" with Science.
Also, the whoel trope that Science and Relgiion are two competign camps you have to choosebetween is wrong, its been disproven for 75 Years now. Please drop the idea thta you accept Science instead of Rligion as its rather silly.
There are tons of disparate sources proving that Alexander the Great was real,
No, there aren't.
The only evidence we have of Alexander The Great is a Biograhyof him written abotu a centry later and three scraps of references. Oe just says "O this day the Kign Died", and if we wanted to be persnickerty liek Christ Mythers we cdl say "It coudl be any King".
The simpel fact is, no direct contemproary evidnce exists for Alexander The Great.
and he lived almost 400 years before Jesus.
He also has fewer written accoutns of him from livign memory...
Even if he had more, he conquered the known world, and Jesus lived his enture Life as a subject of the ROman Empire and as an Itenerate Rabbi. Its relaly not as strong a comparrison as you'd think, and yet Ironiclaly we have mroe on Jesus than on Alexander.
The same thing with Socrates.
The only evidence we have of Socratese is Plato. Plato wrote of Socratese some 40 Years after he had died. If we did not have Plato, we'd not know anythign at all about Scratese.
So one souce written 40 years later is a ton fo information form a variety of sruces for you?
I inow you haven't bothered to read the actual History and are unfamiliar with the actual evidence but, what tour sayign is absolutely untrue and easily proven to be untrue.
How come someone as recent as Jesus is so neglected in history and archaeology?
He isn't.
History accept him ont he basis of over 100 witten references to him within the first 60 Years of his Life, by over 30 authors. Meanwhile, what ou said abotu Socratese is not True, you act liek we have a lot of writtigns baotu him for a variety of soruces when in fact we have ony one soruce for him and that's plato, writtign decades later.
Archeology also ony dals in Ohysical objects, so tis not surprisign there's no Archeological evidence fo a man who lived as an itenerate Rabbi in Occupied Judea. Jeuss did nt build palaces or have coins minted with his face on them.
My theory (and it is only a theory) was there was a real Rabbi Jesus who preached something that the Jews of the time disagreed with.
Well, except the Jews who followd him.
Because 90-100% of the Early Christaisn were Jews, and the Chritian Faith did not become an independant Relgiion until after 70 AD.
He inspired Paul enough that Paul went on to found a religion in Jesus' name.
Paul did not fund the Christian Faith. Paul, in fact, strted off killing Christians. Christianity already existed befoe he became Paul and before he began to preach for it.
History and archaeology to a great extent supports this theory.
No they don't.
Do you even kno what Archeology is?
When it was time to chronicle Jesus' life (20 or more years after his death) they realized they did not have any real info other than he preached a new word.
Uhm, most of hat Jeuss preaches came out of pre-existign Jewish tradition, it was mroe a different interpretston as well as the fact that he was claiemd ot be Messiah that was controvesial.
Also, they seemed to have a lot of info on his Life evn in OPauls writtings, and again, the Gospels seem to agree on the basic outline of how his life was. It smroe liekly that the basic events of his Life were accurate in terms of how the Gospels were written.
So they used "some" pagan sources
No, this makes no sense. Not only do we have no actual parrallels between jesus Life and Pagan soruces to actually poitn to, but the Jews, and by extension theChristians, were extrelmely opp[osed to all thigns Pagan, tot he poitn of willignly dyign rather than worhsipping Pagan gods. to say they woudl turn aroudn and use Pagan sorces to fill in the Life of Jesus runs cotnrary to the staunchly Anti-Pagan stances they atulaly took.
And again, the SImilarities between Jesus and Pagangods we hearabotu in Zeiygeist or its soruces arent Real.
that may also have been sources for Judaic prophets to create a back-story.
Nohtign in the Prophets even remotley resembles the Paganis of their day.
I am not denying Jesus may have existed and I am not denying the validity of his mission. But it is interesting the vacuum of evidence about him when history writers and books had already been around for about 400 years by the time he was born (Herodotus, etc.).
Maybe you sgoudl read os of those Hisotry books, tey are far, far less than ou think they were. hey wer enot modern Hisotyr boosk whih relied onheavuy dcuention andcitation and otne included whatever the AUhtors heard was True.
Lets start wththe one thats usually rejected, the NEw Testament.
hats 27 differentbooks, by 9 Authors.
You also have Josephus. Yes I know, the whole "It was a forgery" claim, but in addition tot he fact that Josephus mentions him twice, with the second wuote never beign uestioend, even the quot from the Testamonium is considwred at leats partially authentic by most people in Academia rather than as a FOrgery liek Acharya S said.
You also have the writtings of the APostolic Fathers. You can find a list of them them here.