MovieChat Forums > Silent Night (2021) Discussion > One giant (unintentional) anti-vax metap...

One giant (unintentional) anti-vax metaphor.

Utterly amazing that this was written and largely filmed before COVID. But even in a world without COVID, I still wouldn't like this movie. Feeble characters, stale humor and mixed messages.


That's what I thought - all the vaxxed die, and the only fellow who relied on natural immunity - survived - lol


If that's what you thought, you missed the point of the movie...
This movie wasn't about COVID... It was in development long before COVID even emerged; it's just a coincidence that COVID emerged around the same time.. This movie has nothing to do with being anti-vax...

It's REALLY about being anti-Kool-Aid. You know, Jim Jones cult, drink the Kool-Aid kinda shit... They're all blindly following those in power, to the point of ACTUALLY killing themselves, instead of kids like Art, who questioned authority, questioned the behavior of the majority, and decided to think for himself. The movie is anti-sheeple, through and through.

*drops mic*


I am well aware - which is why it so brilliantly works to demonstrate what happened during the covid fear era.

This was my review.


Being anti-sheeple IS being anti-vax!


Eh... Yes and no. I'm not going to legitimize anti-vax because we're seeing a resurgence of "extinct" viruses making a comeback thanks to the movement... What people don't want to understand about vaccines is that, despite "anecdotal evidence" (ie individuals' experiences with refusing vaccines), the vaccines in circulation today have DECADES of research behind them. Hell, even the COVID vaccine wasn't just thrown together last minute... The intl health community has been studying the technology behind RNA vaccines since the 90s... They just didn't have a good use case for them until a new pandemic, because in terms of vaccines we already have, which generally have a very low adverse reaction rate, the public health community adopted an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude towards vaccines for other established pathogens (MMR, Chicken pox, etc). And that's fair... But I wouldn't doubt that the use of mRNA vaccines in treating COVID was good enough that they're starting to look at more use cases for it, and I think that's ultimately going to be good for all future vaccines, whether they will eventually replace old ones, or take on new viruses that arise the same way COVID did.

TL;DR the only reason they went the mRNA route with COVID is because it's cheaper, easier and faster to produce, and can be used on pretty much any viral pathogen from now on. So this isn't the last you'll see of the mRNA vaccines. They'll be coming down the pipeline for new pathogens, or as cheaper, equally (or more) effecting alternative to some of the live virus vaccines we've been using since the advent of the first vaccine in the late 1700s. It's time to approach vaccination in a new way, and that's going to be a good thing for society at large, IMHO.


Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-vax in general. It was just THAT vaccine. Hell, they even had to change the definition of a vaccine to sell this dreck. Do you know that the Chinese had a classic vaccine with Sinovac, based on dead virus cells, meant to push the natural immunization process? But of course not available in western countries...


That's how I operate.. Natural Immunity at it's finest and no vaccine and I feel great.. How is this possible?? According to Biden, if I refuse the Vax, not only am I a threat to humanity and Democracy, but He feels I should be dead and I'm not.. Flaw somewhere perhaps??


Im shocked lefties let it to be released. Truly shocked .
