Movies about exorcism in my opinion can either be REALLY sh*t, or really good to SOME extent. This one in my opinion was actually really good and i enjoyed it. I personally think some people didnt like it because there too busy criticizing the belief in god, or "how fake" and how its "never gunna happen in real life, so why should i be scared". Personally, i believe in god, and i believe demonic possession is real and so these movies do excite and entertain me. I reccomend this movie do anyone who isnt cinical and just wants to watch a good movie ona friday/saturday night with a few friends or a special girl
The more you believe in God and the Devil, the bigger impact these kind of movies have on you. What made this one interesting was they used a skeptic, an athiest to be the lead role.
I was greatly disturbed watching this movie, but that is a good thing because of the type of movie it is.
I felt like most of it was kinda silly but Anthony Hopkins' performance kept me interested throughout. I don't think I would have watched it through otherwise.
"Do ya love him Loretta?" "Ah Ma I love 'im awful." "Oh God, you poor thing."
Ugh? That was the exact problem with the movie. They had a sceptic and atheist as the lead and the movie spent two thirds of the movie without answering the questions if possessions are real or not. Which is interesting. But then it gets revealed that yes, every single of them was possessed by a real demon and our sceptic is forced into believing, utterly destroying all the tension and interesting questions the movie had up to that point. That also answers the question of the OP - so many people dislike movies like these because they always conclude that demons and god exist, basically telling those sceptics that they are wrong. Let's not forget that the original The Exorcist was also about a priest that lost faith. The conclusion of these movies is annoying: You need to believe in god or you are doomed. These movies are basically preaching and knocking at your door, witness jehova style, trying to convert you. And that's a big turn-off.
I don't know what interesting question you think was left unanswered, but for me "not believing in the evil won't protect you from it" answered everything.
Did you actually read my post? The interesting question is "are possessions real or just psychological issues?" and the problem is THAT it was answered in the last third of the movie.
Scepticism isn't exciting. Superstition is. I'm an atheist who deplores the design of harmful dogmatic belief systems, but I gotta admit, if the excitement of the devil is to be trumped, scepticism doesn't seem to do the job! Besides, most of us know they're only stories.
Then why watch films about demonic possessions if you want it to not be about that? It's like watching a ghost story and complaining the film makes ghosts out to be real, lol. Why watch supernatural horror films at all if you loathe the fact that they are supernatural? You guys don't make sense.
B.S. Me being atheist has nothing to do with to what degree I like these kind of movies. I think The Exorcist is one of the best horror movies ever. This movie though, very weak.
So, when the OP wrote "Personally, i believe in god, and i believe demonic possession is real and so these movies do excite and entertain me." was he(or she) showing insecurity and a mission to prove themself, or do you only criticize atheists for that?
EXACTLY. It shouldnt matter what faith or lack of you subscribe to. This was a GOOD movie. It's the people claiming to be atheists because they are trying to be 'cool' that give great films like this a low rating. They are insecure, and this is the type of movie that does what a good movie should do, make you THINK and QUESTION. If they really were free thinkers like they claim and parade around high and mighty as, they would LOVE this movie.
I gave this flick a low rating as it had too many plot holes, the screen play writer did not have full knowledge of Roman Catholicism. The film lacked depth and ultimately was pointless.
Yeah, novice MUST have his faith tested, nonsense! Hollywood give me a break.
I could go on and on about the mistakes.
It was a waste of Rutger Hauer and Anthony Hopkins.
Atheists are "insecure"? Allow me to laugh BWAHAHAHAHA!! So those not in need of a book that explains life and death in a simple way are the insecure ones? Wow... Im fine with death being the final end. And im not afraid of devils or demons (since they doesnt exist). So who's the chicken and the insecure again?
"If only you could see what i've seen with your eyes"
Atheists are "insecure"? Allow me to laugh BWAHAHAHAHA!! So those not in need of a book that explains life and death in a simple way are the insecure ones? Wow... Im fine with death being the final end. And im not afraid of devils or demons (since they doesnt exist). So who's the chicken and the insecure again?
If demons existed i think i would have seen/experienced one by now. Weirdly i havent, and my friends, family and their friends havent either. Then again, im from Sweden where we dont believe in religion. So luckily, since we dont believe - we dont have devils and demons here. Isnt it convenient how that works? :D
I dont believe in ghosts and other *beep* either, but some movies manage to do it right. They can be spooky anyway because of how the movies are setup. Some devil/demon movies i completely hate because they work the religious angle too much and it puts me off. It puts me off since im one of the sane ones who know its just fairy tales and it hurts my brain who works off logic to see grown human beings talk about fairy tales as real. But still, some ghost/demon flicks works because they arent trying to explain them too much. Its just something lurking in the shadows.
This movie had too much religious nonsense in it for me. When i do the eye rolling thing too much then i know the movie isnt for me.
"If only you could see what i've seen with your eyes"
I haven't yet seen an exorcism in a movie that wasn't comical. I was young when The Exorcist was released and we heard all sorts of tales about its scariness and how some members of the audience couldn't handle it. I finally talked my parents into taking me to see it in 1974. I found it rather funny watch the poor little possessed girl. It wasn't scary but it was funny as hell, no pun intended.
Personally, i believe in god, and i believe demonic possession is real and so these movies do excite and entertain me.
I don't believe in God or demonic possession but I still get a kick out of supernatural movies that tap into the primal fears that we all share as human beings. This movie had a few effective moments of that sort, but an underwhelming final act. And I don't think a life subscription to the Catholic Church would have helped me to enjoy it more.
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Despite being an atheist, I liked this movie a great deal. A reviewer touched on why it's so good; the cinemetography and (slight) taste of Rome.
Hopkins is always good, but his role was to me (of course) silly. They seemed to imply that possession is like a virus when sceptics are around. "Father Lucas has been doing this longer than anyone I know". (Ciaran Hinds) And yet when the doubter shows up Father Lucas is forced to become possessed in order to prove the existence of the devil, and therefore, god? That's silly with extra absurd sauce. I still bought the film even though some really great debates and excellent questions were avoided.
I think possession films are made to try and trump the ultimate exorcist film -"The Exorcist". Even though the concept is always absurd, a girl going down the stairs upside down spewing blood, and stabbing herself in the va jay jay with a religious relic and then shoving her mom's face in it whilst gurgling the words "eat me!, eat me!" is still shocking today. It can't be beaten (which is likely why Father Lucas alluded to it when speaking with Michael ). " What did you expect? Pea soup and a spinning head?" That was a cheap, but obvious shot at the only truly disturbing film about exorcisms.
I still can't see how anyone could believe any of this stuff, but that doesn't take away from it's entertainment value for me. But I really like a lot of vampire flicks, and I don't believe in them either.
According to the priest consultant, the demon entered Hopkins' character when he stated 'he failed her.' Implying arrogance and that he alone was the instrument in exorcising the girl instead of God. That's his take anyway.
Honestly I also like this film and prefer supernatural element horror films or gothic styled genre over slasher films. I was surprises by the low rating and I'd give this an 7.5 rating and far better than The Nun which was badly directed Imo.