why does it always have to be the girls that are possesd in these movies
why does it always have to be the girls that are possesd in these movies ?
Why not a Boy ?
why does it always have to be the girls that are possesd in these movies ?
Why not a Boy ?
Now that you mention it that's a good question.
shareThere's the belief that girls are more vulnerable/weak-minded, thus easier to possess. (I'm a girl, so don't call me sexist.) :)
shareI'm female as well. It's not because of weak mindedness.
It's because women give life. We are thought to be more sentient, more spiritual, and more connected to the mating of spirit with flesh. We are the beginning of life. When you are the gateway through which life enters the world, you are also (in theory) the gateway through which evil can enter the world - through the same infusing of flesh with spirit.
Hence the corrupting of Eve, the life giver, rather than a direct assault upon Adam. Hence the destruction and removal of Damien's mother in The Omen. This is the reason demonic sacrilege is frequently depicted by the rape, sodomy, or prostitution of images of Mary. By making a whore of the Holy Mother, you make the entire faith less than pure. You create the belief that only filth can be born of Holiness.
Mother is the name for God in the eyes of a child. By corrupting the mother, you corrupt the trinity and life in God's image.
"We are the beginning of life'??? You need a lesson in biology I'm afraid. Men carry the seed of life not women, that's why in the Bible attention is given to the males genealogy and not the woman's. This in no way demeans women who carry the child for 9 months, but to make that statement shows a real ignorance of biology as well as God's word. ALL life ORIGINATES with the creator and not with any of his creation. Men merely pass on the life force through their seed.
shareUm no
It's because woman are seen as more vulnerable.
God in the bible has nothing to do with womanhood
Historically, that was the reason, and not just for possession. Also, most women like to dabble in the occult to begin with.
shareFunny thing the true story on which the grandaddy of all these movies, The Exorcist, is based on was about a possesed teen boy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exorcism_of_Roland_Doe
But I digress, I think that girls are possesed because the people making the movies like to insert some, admitely squicky, sex. So a possesed girl can say rape me like in this movie or the more graphic *beep* me in The Exorcist.
There is a documentary tv show and a movie based on the real case,from which the film The Exoircst is based on.I can't remember the titles.The possessed child is a boy.
shareBecause it's sexy when she - as the demon - tries to seduce the priest.
sharebecause the devil isn't gay which is kinda ironic
Hollywood T&A.
It's probably a challenge to get enough women characters in films about priests, so it doesn't surprised me that they would have women be the victims. And my guess is that if there are no female characters, then less women will go to the films. So ultimately I assume it comes down to money.