Who did the casting?

While some of the choices weren't what I would have hoped for, I'm still struck by the stupidity of casting Rebecca Ferguson as the mother. Given she's only 12 year older than the actor playing her son what the fuck were they thinking? In the future 11 year olds are being fucked? Sorry but their are a lot of women that are attractive and older and wouldn't have looked more like Paul's sister than his mother. This just made me wonder if the casting couch was the reason she got the part because she doesn't look right for part at the most basic level - age.


nah, she's just one of the biggest female stars right now. name another person that's 10 years older than her that is currently a bankable star?


Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham-Carter, Laura Linney, Nicole Kidman... lots of much older actresses that would be as bankable as Ferguson.


Jaeden Martell (It, Knives Out) would have been perfect for Paul.


Yep and he looks like a 15 year old and not a college student.


From a lore perspective, you don't really have to consider age for the older characters in Dune.

All the nobles had spice in their diet, and it slows the aging process considerably.

Thufir Hawat is 118 years old.

The Emperor Shaddam IV is 79 and is described as a slim elegant man with red hair that doesn't look a day over 35.


If that's how you want to look at it then Paul should have been played by a 10 year old. Retarded aging would retard the process from beginning to end yet they got an actor that looked like he should be in college, not just starting high school.


Well, not how I look at it, it's how Frank Herbert looked at it.

In one of the later books, a character, Miles Teg, is 250 years old and looks roughly in his 80's.

Herbert never mentions that it affects the young, and that's a blind spot to be sure. He only mentions that it slows the aging process and increases vitality, and that older characters are meant to look younger than they are.

That said, casting out of age is not uncommon in Hollywood anyway, it's just a way to make it fit in the lore. Paul should be 15 to start.

It'll be harder when they do Children of Dune, the main characters there are 9 years old. Considering the content of that book that'll be impossible to cast the correct age.


If unless you didn't expose the kids to the spice you would expect the same retarded growth in kids. As for Children of Dune, I seriously doubt they will do the second part of this movie let alone Children of Dune.
