MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part One (2021) Discussion > Not impressed with trailer

Not impressed with trailer

Looks pretty boring


you are!


Perhaps you could show us how it should be done.


it was already done in the 80s, broseph


I'm not sure that joyless and ponderous with way too much voiceover exposition is really "how it should be done."


anything from the 80s is better than anything from now


I literally don't remember much of the trailer already..... some people in black, a couple big fake cgi sets... ok. What? Who cares

And it looks like Earth. Yawn.


And yet, you still came to this board and made a post. Who cares? Obviously you.


WAS looking forward to an entertaining science fiction fantasy film, yes.

Instead, looks completely below average. Even the older, crappy Dune movie looked more interesting.


As I said, you care.

So what is an example of entertaining science fiction fantasy in your book?


I care that this is just yet another cash grab instead of decent. Only way we can stop these is by not supporting them simply because they exist.

find any top 100 list... most of the sci-fi's listed there


I agree with you, but BR2049 wasn't made as a cash grab. Why spend all of that money, when they could churn out some Fast&Foolish remake or something along those lines? BR was a flop that made its money in home video and DVD sales over time. BR2049 was expected to be profitable and quality cinema. You can't fault a studio to expect a profit and you can't fault a director for making quality cinema.

Does Michael Bay and JJ Abrams turn a profit? Yes, but do they make quality cinema? No. I'd rather have the latter any day every day.

You pick one. I'm not going to pick one for you. You should be able to name at least one off the top of your head.


there's nothing wrong with what people like and dont like in cinema individually. but all these sequels and remakes are cash grabs. they are not needed, and I know there are tons more creative stories out there that we miss out on due to another remake.

I enjoyed ARRIVAL once, but was not drawn to rewatch. Not sure who BR2049 was made for, but it didn't come close to the depth found in the original blade runner. What was with all the children in the dome? Seriously, what happened to that whole side story? So much bling, with so little pay offs.

What I like off the top of my head: 2001, blade runner, star wars, the abyss, Solaris (original not the silly remake) Close Encounters, Pandorum, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Next, 2010, Total Recall (not the remake), Running Man, 13th Floor, Gattaca, S1mOne, Ex Machina, Silent Running, District 9, Ghost In The Shell, Dark City, Matrix and on and on.... not ONE "Transformers" on my list (but I respect that people like those)

If the writing is good and connected it will entertain. This is just Dune story ... yet again... with new CGI.
It just doesn't look very fantastical at all, TO ME. Looks like it was filmed on Earth.... how does that give me distant galazies' planets feel? It doesn't.


I agree with your sentiments to an extent. Again, you don't make BR2049 if the intent is a cash grab. The run time is over 2 hours. The action is far and few between. There aren't any robots or meatheads duking it out.

Let's look at the the original BR. To say that movie is deep is to say you're pretentious. That movie had no depth. Yes, it was atmospheric. Beautifully shot. Well made, but the story was a drag. Just because it had an open possibility does make it deep. I don't think BR2049 is deep either, but I do think it's a well made movie.

If you ask me, the worst thing in BR is the writing. It's everything else that makes people watch it over and over again.

I get it. You're not into remakes and sequels. That's fair. I understand your sentiments. I get why you're not interested.

If you're judging everything based off of the trailer, it didn't show much. What does Arrakis look like? A desert planet. Looks like a desert to me? What is Caladan? An oceanic planet. Looks very oceanic to me. I don't really know what you're looking for or expecting.


I watched the old Dune and new trailers side by side. It was interesting. The new looks a lot sharper, yet more boring looking sets. Huge (boring looking) ships with tiny specs of people... check, but the old version - as cartoony and had effects they are, looked more interesting, different, other worldly.
Also, there was a lot of YELLING in the old one, where people were passionately acting out their fierce desire to change the world. They new one had a lot of moping and sad face.... the emo generation of already lost, and/or bad acting classes?

Blade Runners depth hit me after I became a mortal adult. As a kid, it was garbage. NOW, it amazes me with its depth about life: being so short and replicants having even less and trying to figure it out before they expire. I just felt it a lot. Other's don't and that is fine. But, that doesn't make me pretentious (most wrongly used word in film reviews, now extended to people).

I dont want to argue with you. Clearly, myself and some others thing this looks pretty dull... too similar to many other boring phoned in sci-fi movies lately. When you can't tell them apart (much) it's kind of a drag. :( If reviews come back and are AMAZING, I'll pay to support it. Otherwise, probably catch it free on HBO next year.


I am a fan of the Lynch Dune as well. I like it for what it is and I do appreciate a lot that it offered visually. I also think the casting was excellent in that movie as well.

I don't disagree with your side by side comparison either. Having seen only the trailer comparing to the entire Lynch movie is unfair and I reserve my judgment until seeing the actual movie. Yes, the movie can be bland and bad. That is still a possibility, yet I still think of what we seen, it points more to the positive than the negative. I'm optimistic rather than pessimistic.

BR is not a deep story. Although the story seems to have resonated with you in life, which is fine and good, but it doesn't make a deep story.

I don't know what sci-fi movies you are referring to. I don't even really recall one recently made. JJ Wars and JJ Trek don't count.


It looks very bland to me. It looked like a stage play during the one on one acting with some obvious CGI for the larger sets. Everything looks dull, black and grey. Also, Paul does comes off like a moody Kyle Ren type. Did you also notice Paul replaces “jihad” with “crusade.” This is going to be PC.


I didn’t think much of the trailer either, it was bland and boring. Probably another snooze fest I’m guessing. Think I’ll stick to the book or 80’s film.
