MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part One (2021) Discussion > This won't be able to match David Lynch'...

This won't be able to match David Lynch's version

The cast is already wrong as is the over all tone (which is rather dull to begin with). It will get lost in it's attempt to make it actiony and will also have the inevitable dose of wokeness.

Just avoid this and stick to Lynch's version.


Disagree. The Lord of Rings movies emphasized action too. Battle of Helm’s Deep was a page long after thought, yet it was half a movie. Overall, the casting is decent. Lynch casting was good too. I’ll judge it based off the book. It’s a tough book to adapt.


The Lord of Rings movies were actually poor adaptations of the book. Ebert was right to point that out.


And that maybe so, but the books are dry as hell. Definitely not my favorites. What I do appreciate are the visuals. They were excellent. The same goes for Lynch Dune and New Dune. Costume and set designs in Lynch Dune were gorgeous except the Bene Gesserit design. Visuals look good in New Dune so far. There is still so much more to see and we don't know how they are going to tell the story yet. Again, it's a very hard book to adapt.


The problem is that they can't do the same in Dune. The battles that happen in first half of the novel (the part used in this movie) are secondary. If they place the focus on them, the movie will be boring. If they don't place the focus on them, there's no much where they can show great visuals besides the sandworm scene.

Dune is mostly drama between characters. Actors is what matters, and they look uninspired.


Uninspiring? Who looks uninspiring?


Uninspired. All of them. The only one that looks a bit better is the Reverend Mother.


Honestly, we barely saw anything. There wasn't very much interaction shown outside of the gom jabbar scene. What are you basing this on? The Lynch movie? The book?


The characters look bland and casting Zendaya is a huge mistake. Can't act and not nearly attractive enough to compensate. By comparison Sean Young was much better looking and a better actress. She must have compromising photos of someone very high up to keep getting these roles.


As much as I dislike Zendaya too, casting her in a sub character role isn’t going to bring the whole movie down.

Again, if you’re basing everything off the trailer, we heard very little dialogue interaction.


Visually, the Lynch movie seems to have the upper hand so far. Everything in the new Dune trailer looks plain, everybody has dark hair and is dressed in black/dark grey. It's hard to tell Atreides, Harkonnens and Sardaukars apart.

The red headed Harkonnens in black rubbery suits were visually striking in the Lynch movie.




Of course. Villeneuve should stick to originals. Not these big budget cash grab remakes like BR2049.


I have the same feeling I think they also mentioned in some interview that some elements from the books might not be politically and socially acceptable so they are changing them.

David Lynch's film adaptation of the book is not %100 but I believe he did a great job at the visual representation as well as the casting of characters and how some story elements were handled.

I can't imagine how the film makers are going to handle it in the end it will be just a crazy special effect, CG battle oriented film just like most of the stuff that's been coming at us.


not socially or politically this is doomed


David Lynch's "version", as you call it, was a nightmare!!!


this will be a wokefest


Well it was heavily cut and like the production wasn't going smoothly from like a decade before until Lynch picked it up. Even today no one can confirm what was the original duration of the unedited cut ( and no the Special Edition is still not the full one ).


I heard there is a director's cut of his film that is a big improvement. But I haven't seen it. Or the original. Just bits and pieces. I have read the novel a few times. This trailer does not inspire much confidence.


The director's cut I saw (there have been several) was "co-directed" by "Judas Booth" (a joke name). It was longer than the original Dune, but filled in a lot of plot holes.


I'm still looking for the broadcast version that was longer in duration and shown before the director cut was released according to people who saw it contains some scenes and actual outtakes that weren't used in theatrical or directors cut releases.

I'm not sure if there is a definitive version of this film...maybe someday.


The Lynch film was rather dull, the script was mostly to blame. The acting of the 1984 film was better than the 2000 TV version. No where to go but up for the 2020 film. :)


heard that about Blade Runner 2049 also, but never want to sit though THAT again. It had a a lot of "ooh cool", but over shadowed by "who gives a shirt"


The Lynch version works as an acid-fuelled fever dream with moments that burn themselves onto your brain. This new version looks stark, bland and alienating, much like Villeneuve’s Blade Runner which was a total bore.

He’s not a bad filmmaker but where’s the soul? I think the Lynch version will come out very well from this.
