The way the movie depicted when they're walking on the moon was hilariously bad. They could've used wirework or just CGI the hell of it but no, the director simply asked the actors to walk funny instead, nobody would notice.
It's a sign of lazy moviemaking and/or a shoestring budget, which are never good for an ambitious show like this. Or they just didn't care.
I'm gonna watch it... or start anyway. From the trailer it looked like they went with a bit of slow-mo and, after all, what can you do? Realistically, the astronauts will walk funny inside ships or structures on the moon until, maybe, they get totally used to 1/6 G. But I have no idea how long that might take or if it would ever make them appear to move totally normally. Thus, we have the same sort of problem that movies have with aquanauts who are deeply submerged and breathing Helium mix - people breathing Helium mix sound like Donald Duck. Movies never go with that because it would be annoying. People moving funny in low-G is similar - you make the gesture when they are in spacesuits on the surface but it would be difficult to maintain the illusion and rather distracting from the story to keep it up.
I've seen two episodes and that's enough. It isn't a question of production values. The show looks great. FX, sets, costumes, props... All good. The problem is that it appears to be the stupidest thing since The Core.
1) The Earth's water has gone away. As silly a concept as the flood of Noah. No way it could be.
2) There's this moonbase that was doing something and everybody dies of something and nobody bothered to go and do anything about it... There had to be massive infrastructure and huge numbers of ships going back and forth to build this massive moonbase. But now the trip is apparently remarkable and perilous.
3) The landing... So, the "lander" which is a space shuttle type vehicle with wings, detaches from the orbiter and just plummets down, for reasons unknown to physics... How did it change velocity? And, using only maneuvering thrusters, pancakes in as though it was somehow... gliding.
4) After the landing we see numerous cases where the fact that everything weighs 1/6th of what is would on Earth should be useful (as for carrying an injured man who now - suit and all - weighs less than 40 pounds) but it isn't.
5) The base has been abandoned for five years yet the dead bodies are quite fresh... And not even smelly...
6) I might almost call this a point in its favor because it's an attempt to explain why everybody walks normally in side the moonbase - but... Artificial gravity? Really? That's near enough to magic and belongs in a Star Trek kinda distant future.
7) The astronauts find numerous sample containers and, even when one has the green light on, they look at the clear interior and assume they are empty even though nobody has the slightest idea what they were supposed to contain. Might be a gas, might be microbes, hell, might be a clear fluid.
8) Cheating here - but I read that this is all about somefuckingthingorother that makes water by magic or something... I give up.
Movies and shows make Artificial gravity for only reason - it would be very expensive and huge butthurt to make actors float with zero gravity in space shows. Not to mention it would still look fake. So they just pretend Artificial gravity is created so actors can walk normal. Once you will accept it - it will stop bother you.
And really - its best solution. They could make actors to jump funny for 8 episodes. And it would slow down show and kill all suspense and action.
I had bigger problems with their "Prometheus school of taking helmets immediately". THAT was very stupid and shows always do that. And of course those idiots were infected with virus because of that.
And I suspect that shows do that only for one reason - so that pretty actors could work out their faces and its harder in helmets. So director is always like: "Ok, everyone take off helmets. So that viewers could see your faces".
At this point I've given up on the stupid spacesuit helmets that have lights on the inside... Which is what they do until some excuse can be made for taking off the helmets.
The whole "body" thing bothered me too. They all looked like people died 1 day ago. Yet show said it was 5 years. No decomposing, no smell. It was ridiculous.
Also wondered why they couldnt carry on that fist guy that died outside. He was not heavy.
Lots of stupid plot holes.
And i wonder what was Luna eating and drinking for 5 years. Considering she was mentally undeveloped. Since everyone died when she had to be like 6 years old. I assume she was around 10-11 in Now time. No way she would survive on her own and find enough food.
I agree with all your complaints but did finish the series. I would add the main woman was emotionally dead almost the entire show, she smiles once near the end. I guess she's supposed to be sad or melancholy or depressed but she just reads as nothing, like watching a mannequin, and it made her character incredibly boring. My favorite scene is when they walk into a room full of plants, the commander says something like, what is this? And she (the biologist) says, "They're plants." My wife and I just looked at each other.
I just watched the series. I didn’t have any issues with the CGI. The parts that looked obviously fake were the scenes where the little girl goes all acrobat. But again, I didn’t have a huge issue with it
The problem is not the CGI, but the lack of effects of anything (CGI nor practical) when they walk on the moon. The director simply asked the actors to walk funny. No effects whatsoever. 2001: A Space Odyssey did better than this in the 70s.
I noticed that as well. They walked normally as if it was earth's gravity but in slow motion. No wonder the injured guy died, he was carrying his weight. They were also low on O2 but procrastinated and talked too much.
Also why did that container break the ship's glass window?
Dr. Song was also unlikable from the get go. People are dying because of lack of water and she throws her water away in the sand instead of giving it to the dog in a bowl. What a spoiled psychotic brat.