I agree with you about Miles’ lack of charisma, which is why Miles didn’t win anyone over until he did things for them.
With Claire though, it was a LOCAL election. That would likely equate to winning a position on a city or town council. That’s not a difficult thing to do. I personally know a few people in state and city government. One, who’s a member of their state senate, started off in their early 20’s running for town council.
Assisting candidates in local elections isn’t as involved as you’re making it out to be. Things as simple as canvasing neighborhoods or organizing a few local events can make the difference. Maybe he knew someone with PR experience or even campaign experience.
Everyone in the group was stupid, and unmotivated, which is why it wasn’t much work to help each of them. Take Duke for example, Miles set him up at twitch. How effortless was that? What did he even do, just suggest that Duke sign up? More than anything, he just provided everyone with the motivation that they needed to get of their asses.
Your post asks two straightforward questions: how everyone got rich, and why Andi would work with Miles. Both questions had answers provided in the film and this thread. Johnson could have provided more details, but they’re just not important to the story. The last thing the movie needed was an extra half-hour of flashbacks.