He never contradicts his main audience
He is followed mostly by right-wing MCU haters,and he is pretty smart,he knows how to make money,so you can always predict how his reviews will be:
- Marvel movie: it will sucks,because "the message!"
- Movie/tv show with minority leads: it will sucks because "the message!"
- Movie/tv show with a male lead,from a indie director: it will be good,because "no wokeness!"
Like,he recently criticized Rings of Power and Black Panther 2,and probably they even really suck (i havent watched them) but,seriously: does anyone thinks he was "allowed" to like them?? Imagine if he for some reason liked them,and made a video about that: his audience would criticize him so much! But he has books and merchandise to sell,so he plays it safe and gives his audience what they want: video where he makes fun of those products. Also,him like other right-wing youtubers,were ready to criticize also House of the Dragon and accusing that show of wokeness,they made videos against that show a few weeks before the show came out. But,when they saw that the show was actually liked even by their main audience,the right-wing people,they immediately changed opinion and made positive videos about House of Dragon. Him and other youtubers like him,change opinion based on what its convenient for their buisnesses.