MovieChat Forums > The Ugly Truth (2009) Discussion > Do guys think like that?

Do guys think like that?

I was wondering, as a woman, do men think that way about women? Do they only care about looks when they meet you? Ex: Do they look at your boobs & butt? When they ask how you are, do they really not care? I'm just wondering, should I be aware of these things that Mike was saying? I wonder if that would really work what Abby did to Colin, like make him wait on the phone etc etc...? Please men explain? Thanks!


I don't think men care ONLY about looks, but it's definitly the first thing and most important thing they look for. Having said that, I believe that what men find "good-looking" can vary from individual to individual. As far as making a guy wait on the phone, it depends on the guy. If you want to catch some jerk, it probably will work. But personally, I would not tolerate that crap. ...I didn't agree with a lot of what Mike was advising Abby to do.

Just one man's opinion.


Men and women both care about looks and anyone who says that they don't is lying. However, I can say that women are more likely to be able to see past someone's looks and develop a relationship with someone based on personality. I've seen it many times. One of my friends who is quite petite has a boyfriend she's been dating for two years now who's short and overweight. It doesn't bother her one bit. She loves him for his personality. She said to me one time, "I don't care about his weight. I'm with him because he's an amazing person." Guys in my opinion are much less likely to do so.


Okay, heres the deal, I agree somewhat with Paul, but guys when they FIRST meet you, only care about looks. If you arent attractive, the guy wont even come up to you. So you have to be attractive to even get the guy to come up to you.
Once the guy makes a physical connection and starts talking to them, they can see how they are with personality. And then for me at least, if they have a nice personality then ill stick around, but if they're a bitch, then i wont. So it basically goes Step 1 is looks, then Step 2 is personality. Sooo like mike said hit that stairmaster and that'll get you noticed.


I'll add a bit more: Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then it follows that if a guy likes voluptuous women (and vice versa) then that's what will draw him. If he likes emaciated, etc etc.


Right, Val-El. That's the point I was trying to make when I said what a guy thinks is good-looking varys from individual to individual. (For example, a girl doesn't have to hit the stairmaster to get my attention, as I prefer curvy women with a pretty face, but she might have to for a lot of other guys out there who prefer skinny.)


We're in 100% agreement!




The problem is skinny young and dumb will get plenty of SEXUAL attention from men. Maybe even brief relationships, but ultimately if they have no substance then they're never going to find a lasting relationship. Then you know what they are ... 40 year old + women spending a lot of money trying to prevent the inevitable ... aging. They become even sadder than ever. They then find themselves no longer a object of lust, but an object of humour. Worse yet, they have to settle for some *beep* because they don't have any REAL qualities to attract a good guy.

If you want to complain about men thinking sexually about attractive women, take it up with God, or Mother Nature, or Evolution or whatever your pleasure. Humans are still animals and still have instincts. And yes, men can overcome these instincts (to a degree) and be nice kind guys. I like to think I'm one of them. BUT men will still look at an attractive woman and want to have sex with her. Now he may never even consider actually trying to do it, but he thinks about it. It's not his fault.

Men are not ultimately as shallow as Mike says they are. But EVERYBODY, men and women, is attracted to looks first and personality second as a general rule. You can't see intelligence and wit from across the room.

But then with dating phone lines, on-line dating, chat rooms, etc etc etc becoming popular, there are ways of seeing personality first. But be honest, if you've ever done on-line dating did you even look at the ads without pictures? PRobably not. Ladies, would you date a filthy dirty guy who didn't bathe often enough, had missing teeth, stupid tattoos, a bad comb-over and a unibrow ... but was smart, funny, and a great conversationalist? No. You wouldn't.

Sorry for the rant, but I hate it when people make it sound like men are the only ones who are shallow. Did the funny looking guys get hot dates for the prom? Do women lust after Rob Schneider? Do the guys in the fashion magazine ads have beeer-guts? No. THey take the quarterback to the prom, lust after Brad Pitt and looks at photos of tall muscular shirtless men.



Sounds like you're the one who's very shallow though...



Looks are not the only thing men care about when looking for a mate. They are also factoring in the probability of sex the same night. A knockout woman with perfect boobs/butt will appear less attractive than an average-looking counterpart if she appears unlikely to put out.


girls: i like tha full pckg u neeeeeed a cute pretty face with a niceee bod no gut or fat nice legs but ur boobs dont have to b double d's or have an ass bigger than carmen electra...but most of my boys like ass and tits even if they lack other clearly everyones different but one thing is for sure: we all like hot babes ;) get in shape, stay tight, use the mirror to ur advantage, identify ur flaws and be flawless...then u will b attractive....for a lack of a better word LOL


pvchick, I highly recommend you NOT fall for any generalizations, particularly coming from Hollywood. As a guy who truly cares about what my girlfriend has to say and much more than just her looks, I found a lot of these generalizations pretty offensive because they were stated as fact. Sure, those guys are out there, but just as all women are not the same, neither are men.


I mean, if you go to gyms, don't be surprised to find most guys there prefer fit thin tight (which means no ass and no boobs most of the time) girls.

But if you go to church, you'll find plenty of guys who most likely prefer pretty faced girls with normal bodies but especially, the "innocent pure" look on them.

And if you go to latino/salsa clubs, you'll be surrounded by guys who value curves (tits/ass/hips) over skinny bodies, especially if those curves know how to move.

And if you go to LAIRE settings, you'll come up with guys who are mostly into WHATEVER gives them th time of day.

See? It just depends on where you go.


Looks will come first as you cannot see intelligence and personality. Looks are the hook to get you close enough to be interested in the rest of her. I am also sure that any woman who values her looks over intelligence and personality will get just what she is looking for...a guy that only cares about her looks.
Speaking from just my experience I have found the prettier the girl the less I am interested I am a week later...the more "average" the girl, the more she offers in other, better ways. Besides, looks fade...personality stays forever.


Yes, but if you really love her, then you should think she is beautiful no matter what age she is.


This is (brilliant I may add) entertainment, not a reference book.
Of course in reality things are not like this. There is no easy way to "understand" man or woman or sort out relations. Don't try to learn stuff from the movies, its a mistake way too many people do these days.

The reality is an even bitter and "uglier" truth. Just sit back and enjoy the comedy.


some parts are true..

the main truth is that we must take your pants down

but girls/contradictorily are in general stupid, that is the beauty of it


youre god damn right we do baby

